mirror of
synced 2024-12-23 17:13:40 +03:00
Add support for --create-only
migrations (#862)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
# Changelog
## v0.7.3
- The CLI command for applying a migration with a name has changed from `wasp db migrate-dev foo` to `wasp db migrate-dev --name foo`. This allowed us to add more flags, like `--create-only`.
## v0.7.2
### Bug fixes
@ -127,8 +127,7 @@ printVersion = do
-- TODO(matija): maybe extract to a separate module, e.g. DbCli.hs?
dbCli :: [String] -> IO ()
dbCli args = case args of
["migrate-dev", migrationName] -> runDbCommand $ Command.Db.Migrate.migrateDev (Just migrationName)
["migrate-dev"] -> runDbCommand $ Command.Db.Migrate.migrateDev Nothing
"migrate-dev" : optionalMigrateArgs -> runDbCommand $ Command.Db.Migrate.migrateDev optionalMigrateArgs
["studio"] -> runDbCommand studio
_ -> printDbUsage
@ -141,15 +140,19 @@ printDbUsage =
title "COMMANDS",
( " migrate-dev [migration-name] Ensures dev database corresponds to the current state of schema(entities):\n"
( " migrate-dev Ensures dev database corresponds to the current state of schema(entities):\n"
<> " - Generates a new migration if there are changes in the schema.\n"
<> " - Applies any pending migrations to the database either using the supplied migration name or asking for one.\n"
<> "\nOPTIONS:\n"
<> " --name [migration-name]\n"
<> " --create-only\n"
cmd " studio GUI for inspecting your database.",
title "EXAMPLES",
" wasp db migrate-dev",
" wasp db migrate-dev \"Added User entity\"",
" wasp db migrate-dev --name \"Added User entity\"",
" wasp db migrate-dev --create-only",
" wasp db studio"
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module Wasp.Cli.Command.Db.Migrate
( migrateDev,
@ -15,14 +16,15 @@ import Wasp.Cli.Command.Common
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Message (cliSendMessageC)
import qualified Wasp.Cli.Common as Cli.Common
import qualified Wasp.Common
import Wasp.Generator.DbGenerator.Common (MigrateArgs (..), defaultMigrateArgs)
import qualified Wasp.Generator.DbGenerator.Operations as DbOps
import qualified Wasp.Message as Msg
-- | NOTE(shayne): Performs database schema migration (based on current schema) in the generated project.
-- This assumes the wasp project migrations dir was copied from wasp source project by a previous compile.
-- The migrate function takes care of copying migrations from the generated project back to the source code.
migrateDev :: Maybe String -> Command ()
migrateDev maybeMigrationName = do
migrateDev :: [String] -> Command ()
migrateDev optionalMigrateArgs = do
waspProjectDir <- findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd
let genProjectRootDir =
@ -33,9 +35,26 @@ migrateDev maybeMigrationName = do
</> Wasp.Common.dbMigrationsDirInWaspProjectDir
let parsedMigrateArgs = parseMigrateArgs optionalMigrateArgs
case parsedMigrateArgs of
Left parseError ->
throwError $ CommandError "Migrate dev failed" parseError
Right migrateArgs -> do
cliSendMessageC $ Msg.Start "Performing migration..."
migrateResult <- liftIO $ DbOps.migrateDevAndCopyToSource waspDbMigrationsDir genProjectRootDir maybeMigrationName
migrateResult <- liftIO $ DbOps.migrateDevAndCopyToSource waspDbMigrationsDir genProjectRootDir migrateArgs
case migrateResult of
Left migrateError ->
throwError $ CommandError "Migrate dev failed" migrateError
Right () -> cliSendMessageC $ Msg.Success "Migration done."
-- | Basic parsing of db-migrate args. In the future, we could use a smarter parser
-- for this (and all other CLI arg parsing).
parseMigrateArgs :: [String] -> Either String MigrateArgs
parseMigrateArgs migrateArgs = do
go migrateArgs defaultMigrateArgs
go :: [String] -> MigrateArgs -> Either String MigrateArgs
go [] mArgs = Right mArgs
go ("--create-only" : rest) mArgs = go rest $ mArgs {_isCreateOnlyMigration = True}
go ("--name" : name : rest) mArgs = go rest $ mArgs {_migrationName = Just name}
go unknown _ = Left $ "Unknown migrate arg(s): " ++ unwords unknown
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
module DbMigrateTest where
import Data.Either (isLeft)
import Test.Tasty.Hspec
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Db.Migrate (parseMigrateArgs)
import Wasp.Generator.DbGenerator.Common (MigrateArgs (..), defaultMigrateArgs)
spec_parseMigrateArgs :: Spec
spec_parseMigrateArgs =
it "should parse input options strings correcly" $ do
parseMigrateArgs [] `shouldBe` Right defaultMigrateArgs
parseMigrateArgs ["--create-only"]
`shouldBe` Right (MigrateArgs {_migrationName = Nothing, _isCreateOnlyMigration = True})
parseMigrateArgs ["--name", "something"]
`shouldBe` Right (MigrateArgs {_migrationName = Just "something", _isCreateOnlyMigration = False})
parseMigrateArgs ["--name", "something else longer"]
`shouldBe` Right (MigrateArgs {_migrationName = Just "something else longer", _isCreateOnlyMigration = False})
parseMigrateArgs ["--name", "something", "--create-only"]
`shouldBe` Right (MigrateArgs {_migrationName = Just "something", _isCreateOnlyMigration = True})
parseMigrateArgs ["--create-only", "--name", "something"]
`shouldBe` Right (MigrateArgs {_migrationName = Just "something", _isCreateOnlyMigration = True})
isLeft (parseMigrateArgs ["--create-only", "--wtf"]) `shouldBe` True
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ waspCliMigrate migrationName =
in return $
[ -- Migrate using a migration name to avoid Prisma asking via CLI.
"wasp-cli db migrate-dev " ++ migrationName,
"wasp-cli db migrate-dev --name " ++ migrationName,
-- Rename both migrations to remove the date-specific portion of the directory to something static.
"mv " ++ (waspMigrationsDir </> ("*" ++ migrationName)) ++ " " ++ (waspMigrationsDir </> ("no-date-" ++ migrationName)),
"mv " ++ (generatedMigrationsDir </> ("*" ++ migrationName)) ++ " " ++ (generatedMigrationsDir </> ("no-date-" ++ migrationName))
@ -105,11 +105,7 @@ postWriteDbGeneratorActions spec dstDir = do
-- In either of those scenarios, validate against DB itself to avoid redundant warnings.
-- NOTE: As one final optimization, if they do not have a schema.prisma.wasp-last-db-concurrence-checksum but the schema is
-- in sync with the databse, we generate that file to avoid future checks.
-- NOTE: Because we currently only allow devs to migrate-dev, we only compare the schema to the DB since
-- there are no likely scenarios where schema == db but schema != migrations dir. In the future, as we add more DB commands,
-- we may wish to also compare the migrations dir to the DB as well.
-- in sync with the database and all migrations are applied, we generate that file to avoid future checks.
warnIfDbNeedsMigration :: AppSpec -> Path' Abs (Dir ProjectRootDir) -> IO (Maybe GeneratorWarning)
warnIfDbNeedsMigration spec projectRootDir = do
dbSchemaChecksumFileExists <- doesFileExist dbSchemaChecksumFp
@ -117,7 +113,7 @@ warnIfDbNeedsMigration spec projectRootDir = do
then warnIfSchemaDiffersFromChecksum dbSchemaFp dbSchemaChecksumFp
if entitiesExist
then warnIfSchemaDiffersFromDb projectRootDir
then warnProjectDiffersFromDb projectRootDir
else return Nothing
dbSchemaFp = SP.fromAbsFile $ projectRootDir </> dbSchemaFileInProjectRootDir
@ -132,16 +128,21 @@ warnIfSchemaDiffersFromChecksum dbSchemaFp dbSchemaChecksumFp = do
then return . Just $ GeneratorNeedsMigrationWarning "Your Prisma schema has changed, please run `wasp db migrate-dev` when ready."
else return Nothing
warnIfSchemaDiffersFromDb :: Path' Abs (Dir ProjectRootDir) -> IO (Maybe GeneratorWarning)
warnIfSchemaDiffersFromDb projectRootDir = do
-- NOTE: If we wanted to, we could also check that the migrations dir == db,
-- but a schema check should handle all most likely cases.
-- | Checks if the project's Prisma schema file and migrations dir matches the DB state.
-- Issues a warning if it cannot connect, or if either check fails.
warnProjectDiffersFromDb :: Path' Abs (Dir ProjectRootDir) -> IO (Maybe GeneratorWarning)
warnProjectDiffersFromDb projectRootDir = do
schemaMatchesDb <- DbOps.doesSchemaMatchDb projectRootDir
case schemaMatchesDb of
Just True -> do
-- NOTE: Since we know schema == db, writing this file prevents future redundant Prisma checks.
allMigrationsAppliedToDb <- DbOps.areAllMigrationsAppliedToDb projectRootDir
if allMigrationsAppliedToDb == Just True
then do
-- NOTE: Since we know schema == db and all migrations are applied,
-- we can write this file to prevent future redundant Prisma checks.
DbOps.writeDbSchemaChecksumToFile projectRootDir (SP.castFile dbSchemaChecksumOnLastDbConcurrenceFileProjectRootDir)
return Nothing
else return . Just $ GeneratorNeedsMigrationWarning "You have unapplied migrations. Please run `wasp db migrate-dev` when ready."
Just False -> return . Just $ GeneratorNeedsMigrationWarning "Your Prisma schema does not match your database, please run `wasp db migrate-dev`."
-- NOTE: If there was an error, it could mean we could not connect to the SQLite db, since it does not exist.
-- Or it could mean their DATABASE_URL is wrong, or database is down, or any other number of causes.
@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ module Wasp.Generator.DbGenerator.Common
MigrateArgs (..),
RefreshOnLastDbConcurrenceChecksumFile (..),
@ -60,3 +64,26 @@ dbSchemaChecksumOnLastGenerateFileInDbRootDir = [relfile|schema.prisma.wasp-gene
dbSchemaChecksumOnLastGenerateFileProjectRootDir :: Path' (Rel ProjectRootDir) (File DbSchemaChecksumOnLastGenerateFile)
dbSchemaChecksumOnLastGenerateFileProjectRootDir = dbRootDirInProjectRootDir </> dbSchemaChecksumOnLastGenerateFileInDbRootDir
data MigrateArgs = MigrateArgs
{ _migrationName :: Maybe String,
_isCreateOnlyMigration :: Bool
deriving (Show, Eq)
defaultMigrateArgs :: MigrateArgs
defaultMigrateArgs = MigrateArgs {_migrationName = Nothing, _isCreateOnlyMigration = False}
-- | This type tells us what we need to do with the DbSchemaChecksumOnLastDbConcurrenceFile.
data RefreshOnLastDbConcurrenceChecksumFile
= WriteOnLastDbConcurrenceChecksumFile
| RemoveOnLastDbConcurrenceChecksumFile
| IgnoreOnLastDbConcurrenceChecksumFile
getOnLastDbConcurrenceChecksumFileRefreshAction :: MigrateArgs -> RefreshOnLastDbConcurrenceChecksumFile
getOnLastDbConcurrenceChecksumFileRefreshAction migrateArgs =
-- Since a create-only migration allows users to write any SQL, we remove the file to force
-- revalidation with the DB. If it is a regular migration, we write it since they will be in sync.
if _isCreateOnlyMigration migrateArgs
then RemoveOnLastDbConcurrenceChecksumFile
else WriteOnLastDbConcurrenceChecksumFile
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ module Wasp.Generator.DbGenerator.Jobs
@ -10,7 +12,7 @@ import StrongPath (Abs, Dir, File', Path', Rel, (</>))
import qualified StrongPath as SP
import qualified System.Info
import Wasp.Generator.Common (ProjectRootDir)
import Wasp.Generator.DbGenerator.Common (dbSchemaFileInProjectRootDir)
import Wasp.Generator.DbGenerator.Common (MigrateArgs (..), dbSchemaFileInProjectRootDir)
import qualified Wasp.Generator.Job as J
import Wasp.Generator.Job.Process (runNodeCommandAsJob)
import Wasp.Generator.ServerGenerator.Common (serverRootDirInProjectRootDir)
@ -24,13 +26,11 @@ prismaInServerNodeModules = serverRootDirInProjectRootDir </> [SP.relfile|./node
absPrismaExecutableFp :: Path' Abs (Dir ProjectRootDir) -> FilePath
absPrismaExecutableFp projectDir = SP.toFilePath $ projectDir </> prismaInServerNodeModules
migrateDev :: Path' Abs (Dir ProjectRootDir) -> Maybe String -> J.Job
migrateDev projectDir maybeMigrationName = do
migrateDev :: Path' Abs (Dir ProjectRootDir) -> MigrateArgs -> J.Job
migrateDev projectDir migrateArgs = do
let serverDir = projectDir </> serverRootDirInProjectRootDir
let schemaFile = projectDir </> dbSchemaFileInProjectRootDir
let optionalMigrationArgs = maybe [] (\name -> ["--name", name]) maybeMigrationName
-- NOTE(matija): We are running this command from server's root dir since that is where
-- Prisma packages (cli and client) are currently installed.
-- NOTE(martin): `prisma migrate dev` refuses to execute when interactivity is needed if stdout is being piped,
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ migrateDev projectDir maybeMigrationName = do
-- we are using `script` to trick Prisma into thinking it is running in TTY (interactively).
-- NOTE(martin): For this to work on Mac, filepath in the list below must be as it is now - not wrapped in any quotes.
let prismaMigrateCmd = absPrismaExecutableFp projectDir : ["migrate", "dev", "--schema", SP.toFilePath schemaFile] ++ optionalMigrationArgs
let prismaMigrateCmd = absPrismaExecutableFp projectDir : ["migrate", "dev", "--schema", SP.toFilePath schemaFile] ++ asPrismaCliArgs migrateArgs
let scriptArgs =
if System.Info.os == "darwin"
then -- NOTE(martin): On MacOS, command that `script` should execute is treated as multiple arguments.
@ -50,6 +50,13 @@ migrateDev projectDir maybeMigrationName = do
runNodeCommandAsJob serverDir "script" scriptArgs J.Db
asPrismaCliArgs :: MigrateArgs -> [String]
asPrismaCliArgs migrateArgs = do
concat . concat $
[ [["--create-only"] | _isCreateOnlyMigration migrateArgs],
[["--name", name] | Just name <- [_migrationName migrateArgs]]
-- | Diffs the Prisma schema file against the db.
-- Because of the --exit-code flag, it changes the exit code behavior
-- to signal if the diff is empty or not (Empty: 0, Error: 1, Not empty: 2)
@ -69,6 +76,24 @@ migrateDiff projectDir = do
runNodeCommandAsJob serverDir (absPrismaExecutableFp projectDir) prismaMigrateDiffCmdArgs J.Db
-- | Checks to see if all migrations are applied to the DB.
-- An exit code of 0 means we successfully verified all migrations are applied.
-- An exit code of 1 could mean either: (a) there was a DB connection error,
-- or (b) there are pending migrations to apply.
-- Therefore, this should be checked **after** a command that ensures connectivity.
migrateStatus :: Path' Abs (Dir ProjectRootDir) -> J.Job
migrateStatus projectDir = do
let serverDir = projectDir </> serverRootDirInProjectRootDir
let schemaFileFp = SP.toFilePath $ projectDir </> dbSchemaFileInProjectRootDir
let prismaMigrateDiffCmdArgs =
[ "migrate",
runNodeCommandAsJob serverDir (absPrismaExecutableFp projectDir) prismaMigrateDiffCmdArgs J.Db
-- | Runs `prisma studio` - Prisma's db inspector.
runStudio :: Path' Abs (Dir ProjectRootDir) -> J.Job
runStudio projectDir = do
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ module Wasp.Generator.DbGenerator.Operations
@ -13,16 +15,19 @@ import Control.Monad.Catch (catch)
import qualified Path as P
import StrongPath (Abs, Dir, File', Path', Rel)
import qualified StrongPath as SP
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, removeFile)
import System.Exit (ExitCode (..))
import Wasp.Common (DbMigrationsDir)
import Wasp.Generator.Common (ProjectRootDir)
import Wasp.Generator.DbGenerator.Common
( dbMigrationsDirInDbRootDir,
( MigrateArgs,
RefreshOnLastDbConcurrenceChecksumFile (..),
import qualified Wasp.Generator.DbGenerator.Jobs as DbJobs
import Wasp.Generator.FileDraft.WriteableMonad
@ -43,26 +48,33 @@ printJobMsgsUntilExitReceived chan = do
-- | Migrates in the generated project context and then copies the migrations dir back
-- up to the wasp project dir to ensure they remain in sync.
migrateDevAndCopyToSource :: Path' Abs (Dir DbMigrationsDir) -> Path' Abs (Dir ProjectRootDir) -> Maybe String -> IO (Either String ())
migrateDevAndCopyToSource dbMigrationsDirInWaspProjectDirAbs genProjectRootDirAbs maybeMigrationName = do
migrateDevAndCopyToSource :: Path' Abs (Dir DbMigrationsDir) -> Path' Abs (Dir ProjectRootDir) -> MigrateArgs -> IO (Either String ())
migrateDevAndCopyToSource dbMigrationsDirInWaspProjectDirAbs genProjectRootDirAbs migrateArgs = do
chan <- newChan
(_, dbExitCode) <-
(printJobMsgsUntilExitReceived chan)
(DbJobs.migrateDev genProjectRootDirAbs maybeMigrationName chan)
(DbJobs.migrateDev genProjectRootDirAbs migrateArgs chan)
case dbExitCode of
ExitSuccess -> finalizeMigration genProjectRootDirAbs dbMigrationsDirInWaspProjectDirAbs
ExitSuccess -> finalizeMigration genProjectRootDirAbs dbMigrationsDirInWaspProjectDirAbs (getOnLastDbConcurrenceChecksumFileRefreshAction migrateArgs)
ExitFailure code -> return $ Left $ "Migrate (dev) failed with exit code: " ++ show code
finalizeMigration :: Path' Abs (Dir ProjectRootDir) -> Path' Abs (Dir DbMigrationsDir) -> IO (Either String ())
finalizeMigration genProjectRootDirAbs dbMigrationsDirInWaspProjectDirAbs = do
finalizeMigration :: Path' Abs (Dir ProjectRootDir) -> Path' Abs (Dir DbMigrationsDir) -> RefreshOnLastDbConcurrenceChecksumFile -> IO (Either String ())
finalizeMigration genProjectRootDirAbs dbMigrationsDirInWaspProjectDirAbs onLastDbConcurrenceChecksumFileRefreshAction = do
-- NOTE: We are updating a managed CopyDirFileDraft outside the normal generation process, so we must invalidate the checksum entry for it.
Generator.WriteFileDrafts.removeFromChecksumFile genProjectRootDirAbs [Right $ SP.castDir dbMigrationsDirInProjectRootDir]
res <- copyMigrationsBackToSource genProjectRootDirAbs dbMigrationsDirInWaspProjectDirAbs
writeDbSchemaChecksumToFile genProjectRootDirAbs (SP.castFile dbSchemaChecksumOnLastDbConcurrenceFileProjectRootDir)
return res
dbMigrationsDirInProjectRootDir = dbRootDirInProjectRootDir SP.</> dbMigrationsDirInDbRootDir
applyOnLastDbConcurrenceChecksumFileRefreshAction =
case onLastDbConcurrenceChecksumFileRefreshAction of
WriteOnLastDbConcurrenceChecksumFile ->
writeDbSchemaChecksumToFile genProjectRootDirAbs (SP.castFile dbSchemaChecksumOnLastDbConcurrenceFileProjectRootDir)
RemoveOnLastDbConcurrenceChecksumFile ->
removeDbSchemaChecksumFile genProjectRootDirAbs (SP.castFile dbSchemaChecksumOnLastDbConcurrenceFileProjectRootDir)
IgnoreOnLastDbConcurrenceChecksumFile -> return ()
-- | Copies the DB migrations from the generated project dir back up to theh wasp project dir
copyMigrationsBackToSource :: Path' Abs (Dir ProjectRootDir) -> Path' Abs (Dir DbMigrationsDir) -> IO (Either String ())
@ -86,6 +98,11 @@ writeDbSchemaChecksumToFile genProjectRootDirAbs dbSchemaChecksumInProjectRootDi
dbSchemaFp = SP.fromAbsFile $ genProjectRootDirAbs SP.</> dbSchemaFileInProjectRootDir
dbSchemaChecksumFp = SP.fromAbsFile $ genProjectRootDirAbs SP.</> dbSchemaChecksumInProjectRootDir
removeDbSchemaChecksumFile :: Path' Abs (Dir ProjectRootDir) -> Path' (Rel ProjectRootDir) File' -> IO ()
removeDbSchemaChecksumFile genProjectRootDirAbs dbSchemaChecksumInProjectRootDir =
let dbSchemaChecksumFp = SP.fromAbsFile $ genProjectRootDirAbs SP.</> dbSchemaChecksumInProjectRootDir
in removeFile dbSchemaChecksumFp
generatePrismaClient :: Path' Abs (Dir ProjectRootDir) -> IO (Either String ())
generatePrismaClient genProjectRootDirAbs = do
chan <- newChan
@ -116,3 +133,19 @@ doesSchemaMatchDb genProjectRootDirAbs = do
ExitSuccess -> return $ Just True
ExitFailure 2 -> return $ Just False
ExitFailure _ -> return Nothing
-- | Checks `prisma migrate status` exit code to determine if migrations dir
-- matches the DB. Returns Nothing on error as we do not know the current state.
-- Returns Just True if all migrations are applied. Due to the fact the command
-- returns an error on connection or unapplied migrations, Just False is never returned.
-- It is recommended to call this after some check that confirms DB connectivity, like `doesSchemaMatchDb`.
areAllMigrationsAppliedToDb :: Path' Abs (Dir ProjectRootDir) -> IO (Maybe Bool)
areAllMigrationsAppliedToDb genProjectRootDirAbs = do
chan <- newChan
(_, dbExitCode) <-
(readJobMessagesAndPrintThemPrefixed chan)
(DbJobs.migrateStatus genProjectRootDirAbs chan)
case dbExitCode of
ExitSuccess -> return $ Just True
ExitFailure _ -> return Nothing
@ -15,7 +15,14 @@ import StrongPath
import qualified StrongPath as SP
import Wasp.Generator.Common (ProjectRootDir)
import Wasp.Generator.FileDraft.Writeable
import Wasp.Generator.FileDraft.WriteableMonad (WriteableMonad (copyDirectoryRecursive, createDirectoryIfMissing), doesDirectoryExist)
import Wasp.Generator.FileDraft.WriteableMonad
( WriteableMonad
( copyDirectoryRecursive,
import Wasp.Util (checksumFromByteString, checksumFromChecksums)
import Wasp.Util.IO (listDirectoryDeep)
@ -35,6 +42,8 @@ data CopyDirFileDraft = CopyDirFileDraft
instance Writeable CopyDirFileDraft where
write projectRootAbsPath draft = do
srcDirExists <- doesDirectoryExist $ SP.fromAbsDir srcPathAbsDir
dstDirExists <- doesDirectoryExist $ SP.fromAbsDir dstPathAbsDir
when dstDirExists $ removeDirectoryRecursive dstPathAbsDir
when srcDirExists $ do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (SP.fromAbsDir dstPathAbsDir)
copyDirectoryRecursive srcPathAbsDir dstPathAbsDir
@ -44,6 +44,10 @@ class (MonadIO m) => WriteableMonad m where
Path' Abs (Dir b) ->
m ()
-- | Removes an existing directory dir together with its contents and sub-directories.
-- Within this directory, symbolic links are removed without affecting their targets.
removeDirectoryRecursive :: Path' Abs (Dir b) -> m ()
doesFileExist :: FilePath -> m Bool
doesDirectoryExist :: FilePath -> m Bool
@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ instance WriteableMonad IO where
copyDirectoryRecursive src dst = do
PathIO.copyDirRecur (SP.Path.toPathAbsDir src) (SP.Path.toPathAbsDir dst)
removeDirectoryRecursive dir = PathIO.removeDirRecur (SP.Path.toPathAbsDir dir)
doesFileExist = System.Directory.doesFileExist
doesDirectoryExist = System.Directory.doesDirectoryExist
writeFileFromText = Data.Text.IO.writeFile
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
module Generator.DbGeneratorTest where
import Test.Tasty.Hspec (Spec, it, shouldBe)
import Wasp.Generator.DbGenerator.Common
( MigrateArgs (..),
import Wasp.Generator.DbGenerator.Jobs (asPrismaCliArgs)
spec_Jobs :: Spec
spec_Jobs =
it "should produce expected args" $ do
asPrismaCliArgs defaultMigrateArgs `shouldBe` []
asPrismaCliArgs (MigrateArgs {_migrationName = Nothing, _isCreateOnlyMigration = True})
`shouldBe` ["--create-only"]
asPrismaCliArgs (MigrateArgs {_migrationName = Just "something", _isCreateOnlyMigration = False})
`shouldBe` ["--name", "something"]
asPrismaCliArgs (MigrateArgs {_migrationName = Just "something else longer", _isCreateOnlyMigration = False})
`shouldBe` ["--name", "something else longer"]
asPrismaCliArgs (MigrateArgs {_migrationName = Just "something", _isCreateOnlyMigration = True})
`shouldBe` ["--create-only", "--name", "something"]
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ defaultMockConfig =
getMockLogs :: MockWriteableMonad a -> MockWriteableMonadConfig -> MockWriteableMonadLogs
getMockLogs mock config = fst $ execState (unMockWriteableMonad mock) (emptyLogs, config)
emptyLogs = MockWriteableMonadLogs [] [] [] [] [] [] []
emptyLogs = MockWriteableMonadLogs [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
instance WriteableMonad MockWriteableMonad where
writeFileFromText dstPath text = MockWriteableMonad $ do
@ -77,6 +77,9 @@ instance WriteableMonad MockWriteableMonad where
copyDirectoryRecursive srcPath dstPath = MockWriteableMonad $ do
modifyLogs (copyDirectoryRecursive_addCall (castDir srcPath) (castDir dstPath))
removeDirectoryRecursive dir = MockWriteableMonad $ do
modifyLogs (removeDirectoryRecursive_addCall (castDir dir))
throwIO = throwIO
instance MonadIO MockWriteableMonad where
@ -97,7 +100,8 @@ data MockWriteableMonadLogs = MockWriteableMonadLogs
copyFile_calls :: [(FilePath, FilePath)],
getTemplateFileAbsPath_calls :: [Path' (Rel TemplatesDir) File'],
compileAndRenderTemplate_calls :: [(Path' (Rel TemplatesDir) File', Aeson.Value)],
copyDirectoryRecursive_calls :: [(Path' Abs Dir', Path' Abs Dir')]
copyDirectoryRecursive_calls :: [(Path' Abs Dir', Path' Abs Dir')],
removeDirectoryRecursive_calls :: [Path' Abs Dir']
data MockWriteableMonadConfig = MockWriteableMonadConfig
@ -135,6 +139,10 @@ copyDirectoryRecursive_addCall :: Path' Abs Dir' -> Path' Abs Dir' -> MockWritea
copyDirectoryRecursive_addCall srcPath dstPath logs =
logs {copyDirectoryRecursive_calls = (srcPath, dstPath) : copyDirectoryRecursive_calls logs}
removeDirectoryRecursive_addCall :: Path' Abs Dir' -> MockWriteableMonadLogs -> MockWriteableMonadLogs
removeDirectoryRecursive_addCall dir logs =
logs {removeDirectoryRecursive_calls = dir : removeDirectoryRecursive_calls logs}
compileAndRenderTemplate_addCall ::
Path' (Rel TemplatesDir) File' ->
Aeson.Value ->
@ -411,6 +411,7 @@ test-suite waspc-test
@ -447,6 +448,7 @@ test-suite cli-test
, tasty-hspec >= 1.1 && < 1.1.7
, tasty-quickcheck ^>= 0.10
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ COMMANDS
new <project-name> Creates new Wasp project.
version Prints current version of CLI.
waspls Run Wasp Language Server. Add --help to get more info.
completion Prints help on bash completion.
start Runs Wasp app in development mode, watching for file changes.
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ COMMANDS
build Generates full web app code, ready for deployment. Use when deploying or ejecting.
telemetry Prints telemetry status.
deps Prints the dependencies that Wasp uses in your project.
dockerfile Prints the contents of the Wasp generated Dockerfile.
info Prints basic information about current Wasp project.
@ -33,7 +35,7 @@ EXAMPLES
Docs: https://wasp-lang.dev/docs
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## Commands
@ -88,5 +90,6 @@ To setup Bash completion, execute `wasp completion` and follow the instructions.
Wasp has a set of commands for working with the database. They all start with `db` and mostly call prisma commands in the background.
- `wasp db migrate-dev` ensures dev database corresponds to the current state of schema (entities): it generates a new migration if there are changes in the schema and it applies any pending migration to the database.
- Supports a `--name foo` option for providing a migration name, as well as `--create-only` for creating an empty migration but not applying it.
- `wasp db studio` opens the GUI for inspecting your database.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user