mirror of
synced 2024-11-23 19:29:17 +03:00
feat(analyzer): add new Analyzer module and implement parser
Implements the parser for the new wasp Analyzer. Additionally fixes some ambiguities/inconsistencies in the wasplang document. Closes #274
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,18 +25,23 @@ and the standard library.
<expr> ::= <dict> | <list> | <dot>
| <string> | <extimport> | <quoter>
| <ident> | <num>
| <ident> | <num> | <bool>
<dict> ::= '{' <dictentry> (',' <dictentry>)* '}'
| '{' '}'
<dictentry> ::= <ident> : <expr>
<dictentry> ::= <ident> ':' <expr>
<list> ::= '[' <expr> (',' <expr>)* ']' | '[' ']'
<extimport> ::= 'import' <name> 'from' <string>
<name> ::= '{' <ident> '}' | <ident>
<dot> ::= <expr> '.' <ident>
<quoter> ::= '{=' <ident> <anything> <ident> '=}'
<bool> ::= 'true' | 'false'
The \texttt{<anything>} inside \texttt{<quoter>} is ambiguous, so to correctly
parse wasp, a quoter starting with \texttt{\{=tag} must contain all text until
the first \texttt{tag=\}} or until the end of the input.
The nonterminals for strings, numbers, and identifers are not shown.
\subsection{Type System}
@ -41,6 +41,10 @@ ghc-options:
- -Wall
- -optP-Wno-nonportable-include-path # To avoid warning caused by .../autogen/cabal_macros.h. on OSX.
- alex
- happy
source-dirs: src
@ -64,6 +68,8 @@ library:
- utf8-string
- Glob
- unliftio
- array # Used by code generated by Alex for src/Analyzer/Parser/Lexer.x
- mtl
- strong-path
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
module Analyzer
( analyze,
import Analyzer.Decl (Decl)
import qualified Analyzer.Evaluator as E
import qualified Analyzer.Parser as P
import Analyzer.StdTypeDefinitions (stdTypes)
import qualified Analyzer.TypeChecker as T
import Control.Arrow (left)
import Control.Monad ((>=>))
data AnalyzeError
= ParseError P.ParseError
| TypeError T.TypeError
| EvaluationError E.EvaluationError
-- | Takes a Wasp source file and produces a list of declarations or a
-- description of an error in the source file.
analyze :: String -> Either AnalyzeError [Decl]
analyze =
(left ParseError . P.parse)
>=> (left TypeError . T.typeCheck stdTypes)
>=> (left EvaluationError . E.evaluate stdTypes)
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Analyzer.Decl
( Decl (..),
import Analyzer.TypeDefinitions (IsDeclType)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable, cast)
-- | Used to store a heterogenous lists of evaluated declarations during
-- evaluation.
data Decl where
-- | @Decl "Name" value@ results from a declaration statement "declType Name value".
Decl :: (Typeable a, IsDeclType a) => String -> a -> Decl
-- | Extracts all declarations of a certain type from a @[Decl]@s
-- Example:
-- @
-- data Person = Person { name :: String, age :: Integer } deriving Generic
-- data Building = Building { address :: String } deriving Generic
-- let decls = [ Decl "Bob" $ Person "Bob" 42
-- , Decl "Office" $ Building "1 Road St"
-- , Decl "Alice" $ Person "Alice" 32
-- ]
-- takeDecls @Person decls == [("Bob", Person "Bob" 42), ("Alice", Person "Alice" 32)]
-- @
takeDecls :: (Typeable a, IsDeclType a) => [Decl] -> [(String, a)]
takeDecls = mapMaybe $ \case
Decl name value -> (name,) <$> cast value
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
module Analyzer.Evaluator
( EvaluationError,
import Analyzer.Decl (Decl)
import Analyzer.TypeChecker (TypedAST)
import Analyzer.TypeDefinitions (TypeDefinitions)
data EvaluationError
-- | Evaluate type-checked AST to produce a list of declarations.
evaluate :: TypeDefinitions -> TypedAST -> Either EvaluationError [Decl]
evaluate _ _ = Right []
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
module Analyzer.Parser
( -- * Overview
-- | The "Analyzer.Parser" module is built of two parts:
-- - The lexer, generated with Alex, which creates tokens from wasp source.
-- - The parser, generated with Happy, which builds an abstract syntax
-- tree from the tokens.
-- Lexing and parsing are not implemented as two separate phases that happen one after another.
-- Instead, parser controls and uses lexer internally to produce tokens as needed, on the go.
-- Both lexer and parser are operating in a "Parser" monad, which manages state and exceptions for the parser,
-- and therefore also for the lexer, which functions as a part of and is controlled by the parser.
AST (..),
Stmt (..),
Expr (..),
ExtImportName (..),
ParseError (..),
SourcePosition (..),
Token (..),
TokenType (..),
import Analyzer.Parser.AST
import Analyzer.Parser.Monad (initialState)
import Analyzer.Parser.ParseError
import qualified Analyzer.Parser.Parser as P
import Analyzer.Parser.Token
import Control.Monad.Except (runExcept)
import Control.Monad.State (evalStateT)
parse :: String -> Either ParseError AST
parse = runExcept . evalStateT P.parse . initialState
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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
module Analyzer.Parser.AST where
type Ident = String
newtype AST = AST {astStmts :: [Stmt]} deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Decl <declType> <name> <body>
data Stmt = Decl Ident Ident Expr deriving (Eq, Show)
data Expr
= Dict [(Ident, Expr)]
| List [Expr]
| StringLiteral String
| IntegerLiteral Integer
| DoubleLiteral Double
| BoolLiteral Bool
| ExtImport ExtImportName String
| Identifier Ident
| Quoter Ident String
deriving (Eq, Show)
data ExtImportName
= -- | Represents external imports like @import Ident from "file.js"@
ExtImportModule Ident
| -- | Represents external imports like @import { Ident } from "file.js"@
ExtImportField Ident
deriving (Eq, Show)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
-- This file is processed by Alex (https://www.haskell.org/alex/) and generates
-- the module `Analyzer.Parser.Lexer`
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Analyzer.Parser.Lexer
( lexer
) where
import Analyzer.Parser.Monad
import Analyzer.Parser.Token (Token (..), TokenType (..))
import Analyzer.Parser.ParseError (ParseError (..))
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy (gets)
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String (encodeChar)
-- Character set aliases
$digit = 0-9
$alpha = [a-zA-Z]
$identstart = [_$alpha]
$ident = [_$alpha$digit]
$any = [.$white]
-- Regular expression aliases
@string = \"([^\\\"]|\\.)*\" -- matches string-literal on a single line, from https://stackoverflow.com/a/9260547/3902376
@double = "-"? $digit+ "." $digit+
@integer = "-"? $digit+
@ident = $identstart $ident* "'"*
-- Tokenization rules (regex -> token)
tokens :-
-- Skips whitespace
<0> $white+ ;
-- Quoter rules:
-- Uses Alex start codes to lex quoted characters with different rules:
-- - On "{=tag", enter <quoter> start code and make a TLQuote token
-- - While in <quoter>, if "tag=}" is seen
-- - If this closing tag matches the opening, enter <0> and make a TRQuote token
-- - Otherwise, stay in <quoter> and make a TQuoted token
-- - Otherwise, take one character at a time and make a TQuoted token
<0> "{=" @ident { beginQuoter }
<quoter> @ident "=}" { lexQuoterEndTag }
<quoter> $any { createValueToken TQuoted }
-- Simple tokens
<0> "{" { createConstToken TLCurly }
<0> "}" { createConstToken TRCurly }
<0> "," { createConstToken TComma }
<0> ":" { createConstToken TColon }
<0> "[" { createConstToken TLSquare }
<0> "]" { createConstToken TRSquare }
<0> "import" { createConstToken TImport }
<0> "from" { createConstToken TFrom }
<0> "true" { createConstToken TTrue }
<0> "false" { createConstToken TFalse }
-- Strings, numbers, identifiers
<0> @string { createValueToken $ \s -> TString $ read s }
<0> @double { createValueToken $ \s -> TDouble $ read s }
<0> @integer { createValueToken $ \s -> TInt $ read s }
<0> @ident { createValueToken $ \s -> TIdentifier s }
-- Alex needs the input type to be called "AlexInput"
type AlexInput = ParserInput
-- Convert the ParserState's start code to an int for Alex to use
startCodeToInt :: LexerStartCode -> Int
startCodeToInt DefaultStartCode = 0
startCodeToInt (QuoterStartCode _) = quoter
-- | Required by Alex.
-- This function is taken from the Alex basic wrapper.
alexGetByte :: AlexInput -> Maybe (Word8, AlexInput)
alexGetByte (c, (b:bs), s) = Just (b, (c, bs, s))
alexGetByte (_, [], []) = Nothing
alexGetByte (_, [], (c:s)) = case encodeChar c of
(b:bs) -> Just (b, (c, bs, s))
[] -> Nothing
-- | Required by Alex.
-- This function is taken from the Alex basic wrapper.
alexInputPrevChar :: AlexInput -> Char
alexInputPrevChar (c, _, _) = c
-- | Lexes a single token from the input.
-- This function is designed for use with the Happy monadic parser that uses threaded/monadic lexer.
-- This means that parser, as it is building an AST, asks for a single token at a time from the lexer, on the go.
-- This is done in "continuation" style -> parser calls lexer while passing it the function ('parseToken') via which
-- lexer gives control back to the parser.
-- In such setup both lexer and parser are operating in the same 'Parser' monad.
-- Check https://www.haskell.org/happy/doc/html/sec-monads.html#sec-lexers for more details.
-- This function internally calls `alexScan`, which is a function generated by Alex responsible for doing actual lexing/scanning.
lexer :: (Token -> Parser a) -> Parser a
lexer parseToken = do
input@(previousChar, _, remainingSource) <- gets parserRemainingInput
startCodeInt <- gets $ startCodeToInt . parserLexerStartCode
case alexScan input startCodeInt of
AlexEOF -> do
createConstToken TEOF "" >>= parseToken
AlexError _ -> do
pos <- gets parserSourcePosition
throwError $ UnexpectedChar previousChar pos
AlexSkip input' numCharsSkipped -> do
updatePosition $ take numCharsSkipped remainingSource
putInput input'
lexer parseToken
AlexToken input' tokenLength action -> do
-- Token is made before `updatePosition` so that its `tokenPosition` points to
-- the start of the token's lexeme.
token <- action $ take tokenLength remainingSource
updatePosition $ take tokenLength remainingSource
putInput input'
parseToken token
-- | Takes a lexeme like "{=json" and sets the quoter start code
beginQuoter :: String -> Parser Token
beginQuoter leftQuoteTag = do
let tag = drop 2 leftQuoteTag
setStartCode $ QuoterStartCode tag
createConstToken (TLQuote tag) leftQuoteTag
-- | Takes a lexeme like "json=}" and either ends a quoter or add quoted text to the quoter
lexQuoterEndTag :: String -> Parser Token
lexQuoterEndTag rightQuoteTag = gets parserLexerStartCode >>= \startCode -> case startCode of
DefaultStartCode -> error "impossible: lexQuoterEndTag with DefaultStartCode"
QuoterStartCode startTag | startTag == tag -> do
setStartCode DefaultStartCode
createConstToken (TRQuote tag) rightQuoteTag
_ -> do
createValueToken TQuoted rightQuoteTag
tag = take (length rightQuoteTag - 2) rightQuoteTag
-- | Makes an action that creates a token from a constant TokenType.
createConstToken :: TokenType -> (String -> Parser Token)
createConstToken tokType lexeme = do
position <- gets parserSourcePosition
return $ Token { tokenType = tokType
, tokenPosition = position
, tokenLexeme = lexeme
-- | Makes an action that creates a token using the input lexeme.
createValueToken :: (String -> TokenType) -> (String -> Parser Token)
createValueToken getTokenType lexeme = createConstToken (getTokenType lexeme) lexeme
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Analyzer.Parser.Monad
( ParserState (..),
LexerStartCode (..),
import Analyzer.Parser.ParseError (ParseError)
import Analyzer.Parser.Token (SourcePosition (..))
import Control.Monad.Except (Except)
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy (StateT, get, modify)
import Data.Word (Word8)
type Parser a = StateT ParserState (Except ParseError) a
updatePosition :: String -> Parser ()
updatePosition parsedSourcePiece = do
position <- parserSourcePosition <$> get
let position' = calcNewPosition parsedSourcePiece position
modify $ \s -> s {parserSourcePosition = position'}
-- Scan the string character by character to look for newlines
calcNewPosition [] position = position
calcNewPosition ('\n' : cs) (SourcePosition line _) = calcNewPosition cs $ SourcePosition (line + 1) 1
calcNewPosition (_ : cs) (SourcePosition line col) = calcNewPosition cs $ SourcePosition line (col + 1)
putInput :: ParserInput -> Parser ()
putInput input = modify $ \s -> s {parserRemainingInput = input}
setStartCode :: LexerStartCode -> Parser ()
setStartCode startCode = modify $ \s -> s {parserLexerStartCode = startCode}
data ParserState = ParserState
{ parserSourcePosition :: SourcePosition,
parserRemainingInput :: ParserInput,
parserLexerStartCode :: LexerStartCode
deriving (Show)
-- | A representation of the lexer's start code: https://www.haskell.org/alex/doc/html/alex-files.html#startcodes
data LexerStartCode
= -- | For a start code @DefaultStartCode@, the lexer is in start code <0>
| -- | For a start code @QuoterStartCode tag@, the lexer is in start code <quoter> and the opening tag was @tag@
QuoterStartCode String
deriving (Show)
initialState :: String -> ParserState
initialState source =
{ parserSourcePosition = SourcePosition 1 1,
parserRemainingInput = ('\n', [], source),
parserLexerStartCode = DefaultStartCode
-- | The type of the input given to the parser/lexer
-- An input @(c, bs, str)@ represents
-- - @c@ The previous character consumed by the lexer
-- - @bs@ The UTF8 bytes of the current character being lexed
-- - @str@ The remaining input to be lexed and parsed
type ParserInput = (Char, [Word8], String)
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
module Analyzer.Parser.ParseError where
import Analyzer.Parser.Token
data ParseError
= -- | A lexical error representing an invalid character
UnexpectedChar Char SourcePosition
| -- | A parse error caused by some token
ParseError Token
| QuoterDifferentTags (String, SourcePosition) (String, SourcePosition)
deriving (Eq, Show)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
-- This file is processed by Happy (https://www.haskell.org/happy/) and generates
-- the module `Analyzer.Parser.Parser`
module Analyzer.Parser.Parser
( parse
) where
import Analyzer.Parser.Lexer
import Analyzer.Parser.AST
import Analyzer.Parser.Token
import Analyzer.Parser.ParseError
import Analyzer.Parser.Monad (Parser, initialState, ParserState (..))
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy (get)
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
-- Lines below tell Happy:
-- - to name the main parsing function `parse` when generating it
-- - that input to parser is `Token` type
-- - to call`parseError` when the parser encounters an error
%name parse
%tokentype { Token }
%error { parseError }
-- This sets up Happy to use a monadic parser and threaded lexer.
-- This means that parser generated by Happy will request tokens from lexer as it needs them instead of
-- requiring a list of all tokens up front.
-- Both lexer and parser operate in the 'Parser' monad, which can be used to track shared state and errors.
-- Check https://www.haskell.org/happy/doc/html/sec-monads.html#sec-lexers for more details.
%monad { Parser }
%lexer { lexer } { Token { tokenType = TEOF } }
-- This section defines the names that are used in the grammar section to
-- refer to each type of token.
import { Token { tokenType = TImport } }
from { Token { tokenType = TFrom } }
string { Token { tokenType = TString $$ } }
int { Token { tokenType = TInt $$ } }
double { Token { tokenType = TDouble $$ } }
true { Token { tokenType = TTrue } }
false { Token { tokenType = TFalse } }
'{=' { Token { tokenType = TLQuote $$ } }
quoted { Token { tokenType = TQuoted $$ } }
'=}' { Token { tokenType = TRQuote $$ } }
ident { Token { tokenType = TIdentifier $$ } }
'{' { Token { tokenType = TLCurly } }
'}' { Token { tokenType = TRCurly } }
',' { Token { tokenType = TComma } }
':' { Token { tokenType = TColon } }
'[' { Token { tokenType = TLSquare } }
']' { Token { tokenType = TRSquare } }
-- Grammar rules
Wasp :: { AST }
: Stmt { AST [$1] }
| Wasp Stmt { AST $ astStmts $1 ++ [$2] }
Stmt :: { Stmt }
: Decl { $1 }
Decl :: { Stmt }
: ident ident Expr { Decl $1 $2 $3 }
Expr :: { Expr }
: Dict { $1 }
| List { $1 }
| Extimport { $1 }
| Quoter { $1 }
| string { StringLiteral $1 }
| int { IntegerLiteral $1 }
| double { DoubleLiteral $1 }
| true { BoolLiteral True }
| false { BoolLiteral False }
| ident { Identifier $1 }
Dict :: { Expr }
: '{' DictEntries '}' { Dict $2 }
| '{' DictEntries ',' '}' { Dict $2 }
| '{' '}' { Dict [] }
DictEntries :: { [(Ident, Expr)] }
: DictEntry { [$1] }
| DictEntries ',' DictEntry { $1 ++ [$3] }
DictEntry :: { (Ident, Expr) }
: ident ':' Expr { ($1, $3) }
List :: { Expr }
: '[' ListVals ']' { List $2 }
| '[' ListVals ',' ']' { List $2 }
| '[' ']' { List [] }
ListVals :: { [Expr] }
: Expr { [$1] }
| ListVals ',' Expr { $1 ++ [$3] }
Extimport :: { Expr }
: import Name from string { ExtImport $2 $4 }
Name :: { ExtImportName }
: ident { ExtImportModule $1 }
| '{' ident '}' { ExtImportField $2 }
Quoter :: { Expr }
: SourcePosition '{=' Quoted SourcePosition '=}' {% if $2 /= $5
then throwError $ QuoterDifferentTags ($2, $1) ($5, $4)
else return $ Quoter $2 $3
Quoted :: { String }
: quoted { $1 }
| Quoted quoted { $1 ++ $2 }
SourcePosition :: { SourcePosition }
: {- empty -} {% fmap parserSourcePosition get }
parseError :: Token -> Parser a
parseError token = throwError $ ParseError token
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
module Analyzer.Parser.Token where
-- | The first character on the first line is at position @Position 1 1@
data SourcePosition = SourcePosition Int Int deriving (Eq, Show)
data TokenType
= TLCurly
| TRCurly
| TComma
| TColon
| TLSquare
| TRSquare
| TImport
| TFrom
| TString String
| TInt Integer
| TDouble Double
| TTrue
| TFalse
| TLQuote String
| TRQuote String
| TQuoted String
| TIdentifier String
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Token = Token
{ tokenType :: TokenType,
tokenPosition :: SourcePosition,
tokenLexeme :: String
deriving (Eq, Show)
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
-- Todo:
-- When the Analyzer is finished, these types should be moved to the `Wasp`
-- module.
module Analyzer.StdTypeDefinitions
( AuthMethod (..),
App (..),
import qualified Analyzer.TypeDefinitions as TD
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
data AuthMethod = EmailAndPassword deriving (Generic)
data App = App {title :: String, authMethod :: AuthMethod} deriving (Generic)
-- | A Wasp Library containing all of the standard types required for Wasp to
-- work.
stdTypes :: TD.TypeDefinitions
stdTypes =
-- addEnumType @AuthMethod $
-- addDeclType @App $
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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
module Analyzer.Type
( Type (..),
DictEntryType (..),
-- | All possible types in Wasp.
data Type
= DeclType String
| EnumType String
| DictType [DictEntryType]
| ListType Type
| StringType
| NumberType
| BoolType
| ExtImportType
| QuoterType String
-- | The type of an entry in a `Dict`.
data DictEntryType
= DictEntry {dictEntryName :: String, dictEntryType :: Type}
| DictOptionalEntry {dictEntryName :: String, dictEntryType :: Type}
-- | Determines whether the entry must be present in an instance of its parent
-- `Dict` type.
dictEntryRequired :: DictEntryType -> Bool
dictEntryRequired DictEntry {} = True
dictEntryRequired DictOptionalEntry {} = False
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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
module Analyzer.TypeChecker
( TypedAST (..),
TypedStmt (..),
TypedExpr (..),
import Analyzer.Parser (AST, ExtImportName, Ident)
import Analyzer.Type (Type (..))
import Analyzer.TypeDefinitions (TypeDefinitions)
-- | Checks that an AST conforms to the type rules of Wasp and produces a
-- an AST labelled with type information.
typeCheck :: TypeDefinitions -> AST -> Either TypeError TypedAST
typeCheck _ _ = Right $ TypedAST {typedStmts = []}
-- TODO: instead of having separate AST for type checker, give `Parser.AST` a
-- "content" type argument that type information can be attached to
newtype TypedAST = TypedAST {typedStmts :: [TypedStmt]}
data TypedStmt = Decl Ident TypedExpr Type
data TypedExpr
= Dict [(Ident, TypedExpr)] Type
| List [TypedExpr] Type
| StringLiteral String
| IntegerLiteral Integer
| DoubleLiteral Double
| BoolLiteral Bool
| ExtImport ExtImportName String
| Identifier Ident Type
| -- TODO: What type to represent these?
JSON String
| PSL String
-- | Given a `TypedExpr`, determines its `Type`.
exprType :: TypedExpr -> Type
exprType (Dict _ t) = t
exprType (List _ t) = t
exprType (StringLiteral _) = StringType
exprType (IntegerLiteral _) = NumberType
exprType (DoubleLiteral _) = NumberType
exprType (BoolLiteral _) = BoolType
exprType (ExtImport _ _) = ExtImportType
exprType (Identifier _ t) = t
exprType (JSON _) = QuoterType "json"
exprType (PSL _) = QuoterType "psl"
data TypeError
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@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Analyzer.TypeDefinitions
( TypeDefinitions,
DeclType (..),
EnumType (..),
import Analyzer.Type (Type)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
data EnumType = EnumType {etName :: String, etVariants :: [String]}
data DeclType = DeclType {dtName :: String, dtBodyType :: Type}
-- | The parser, type-checking, and evaluator require information about declaration,
-- enum, and quoter types, but the specific types are not hardcoded into each
-- phase of the analyzer.
-- Instead, this information is injected into them via 'TypeDefinitions',
-- which defines in one place the specific declaration/enum/quoter types.
-- This enables us to easily modify / add / remove specific types as Wasp evolves as a language without
-- having to touch the core functionality of the Analyzer.
data TypeDefinitions = TypeDefinitions
{ declTypes :: M.HashMap String DeclType,
enumTypes :: M.HashMap String EnumType
-- TODO: In the future, add quoters to the type definitions
empty :: TypeDefinitions
empty = TypeDefinitions {declTypes = M.empty, enumTypes = M.empty}
getDeclType :: String -> TypeDefinitions -> Maybe DeclType
getDeclType name (TypeDefinitions dts _) = M.lookup name dts
getEnumType :: String -> TypeDefinitions -> Maybe EnumType
getEnumType name (TypeDefinitions _ ets) = M.lookup name ets
-- | Add a declaration type to type definitions. Requires the type to be in the form
-- of a Wasp decl. See "IsDecl" for requirements.
-- Example:
-- @
-- {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications, DeriveGeneric #-}
-- data App = App { title :: String } deriving Generic
-- let exampleDefinitions = addDeclType @App empty
-- @
addDeclType :: forall typ. (IsDeclType typ) => TypeDefinitions -> TypeDefinitions
addDeclType lib =
let decl = DeclType {dtName = declTypeName @typ, dtBodyType = declTypeBodyType @typ}
in lib {declTypes = M.insert (declTypeName @typ) decl $ declTypes lib}
-- | Add an enum type to type definitions. Requires the type to be in the form
-- of a Wasp enum. See "IsEnum" for requirements.
-- Example:
-- @
-- {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications, DeriveGeneric #-}
-- data ParamType = StringParam | NumberParam deriving Generic
-- let exampleDefinitions = addEnumType @ParamType empty
-- @
addEnumType :: forall typ. (IsEnumType typ) => TypeDefinitions -> TypeDefinitions
addEnumType lib =
let enum = EnumType {etName = enumTypeName @typ, etVariants = enumTypeVariants @typ}
in lib {enumTypes = M.insert (enumTypeName @typ) enum $ enumTypes lib}
-- | Marks haskell type as a representation of a specific Wasp declaration type.
-- Instead of defining a Wasp declaration type manually by constructing it with constructors from
-- Analyzer.Type, this allows us to specify it as a haskell type which knows how to translate itself into Analyzer.Type representation and back.
-- If this haskell type satisfies certain requirements, the knowledge to translate itself back and forth into Analyzer.Type representation can be automatically derived from its shape.
-- Requirements on type:
-- - The type must be an instance of `Generic`.
-- - The type must be an ADT with one constructor.
-- - The type must have just one field OR use record syntax (in which case it can have multiple fields).
-- Some assumptions are required of `declType` and `a`:
-- - If and only if `declType` is a `Dict`, then
-- - `a` uses record syntax.
-- - If and only if there is a key `x` in `declType`, then `a` has a
-- record `x` with the same type.
-- - If a key `x` is optional, then the record `x` in `a` is a `Maybe`
-- - Otherwise, `a` has one field and `declType` maps to the type of that
-- field.
-- Examples:
-- Using record fields for dictionary types:
-- @
-- >>> data User = User { name :: String, email :: Maybe String } deriving Generic
-- >>> declTypeName @User
-- "user"
-- >>> declTypeBodyType @User
-- DictType [DictEntry "name" StringType, DictOptionalEntry "email" StringLiteral]
-- @
-- No records for a type that doesn't use a dictionary:
-- @
-- >>> data Admins = Admins [User] deriving Generic
-- >>> declTypeBodyType @Admins
-- ListType (DeclType "User")
-- @
class IsDeclType a where
declTypeName :: String
declTypeBodyType :: Type
-- | Marks Haskell type as a representation of a specific Wasp enum type.
-- Check "IsDeclType" above for more details.
-- Requirements on type:
-- - The type must be an instance of 'Generic'.
-- - The type must be an ADT with at least one constructor.
-- - Each constructor of the type must have 0 fields.
-- Some properties are required of `enumTypeVariants` and `a`:
-- - If and only if there is a string `x` in `enumTypeVariants`, then `a` has
-- a constructor called `x`.
-- Examples:
-- An allowed enum type:
-- @
-- >>> data AuthMethod = OAuth2 | EmailAndPassword deriving Generic
-- >>> enumTypeName @AuthMethod
-- "authMethod"
-- >>> enumTypeVariants @AuthMethod
-- ["OAuth2", "EmailAndPassword"]
-- @
class IsEnumType a where
enumTypeName :: String
enumTypeVariants :: [String]
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
module Analyzer.ParserTest where
import Analyzer.Parser
import Data.Either (isLeft)
import Test.Tasty.Hspec
spec_Parser :: Spec
spec_Parser = do
describe "Analyzer.Parser" $ do
it "Parses decls, dicts, and literals" $ do
let source =
[ "test Decl {",
" string: \"Hello Wasp =}\",",
" escapedString: \"Look, a \\\"\",",
" integer: 42,",
" real: 3.14,",
" yes: true,",
" no: false,",
" ident: Wasp",
let ast =
[ Decl "test" "Decl" $
[ ("string", StringLiteral "Hello Wasp =}"),
("escapedString", StringLiteral "Look, a \""),
("integer", IntegerLiteral 42),
("real", DoubleLiteral 3.14),
("yes", BoolLiteral True),
("no", BoolLiteral False),
("ident", Identifier "Wasp")
parse source `shouldBe` Right ast
it "Parses external imports" $ do
let source =
[ "test Imports {",
" module: import Page from \"page.jsx\",",
" field: import { Page } from \"page.jsx\"",
let ast =
[ Decl "test" "Imports" $
[ ("module", ExtImport (ExtImportModule "Page") "page.jsx"),
("field", ExtImport (ExtImportField "Page") "page.jsx")
parse source `shouldBe` Right ast
it "Parses unary lists" $ do
let source = "test Decl [ 1 ]"
let ast = AST [Decl "test" "Decl" $ List [IntegerLiteral 1]]
parse source `shouldBe` Right ast
it "Parses lists of multiple elements" $ do
let source = "test Decl [ 1, 2, 3 ]"
let ast = AST [Decl "test" "Decl" $ List [IntegerLiteral 1, IntegerLiteral 2, IntegerLiteral 3]]
parse source `shouldBe` Right ast
it "Parses empty dictionaries and lists" $ do
let source = "test Decl { dict: {}, list: [] }"
let ast =
[ Decl "test" "Decl" $
[ ("dict", Dict []),
("list", List [])
parse source `shouldBe` Right ast
it "Allows trailing commas in lists and dictionaries" $ do
let source =
[ "test Decl {",
" list: [ 1, ],",
let ast =
[ Decl "test" "Decl" $
[("list", List [IntegerLiteral 1])]
parse source `shouldBe` Right ast
it "Parses quoted PSL" $ do
let source =
[ "test PSL {=psl",
" id Int @id",
let ast = AST [Decl "test" "PSL" $ Quoter "psl" "\n id Int @id\n"]
parse source `shouldBe` Right ast
it "Parses quoted JSON" $ do
let source =
[ "test JSON {=json",
" \"key\": \"value\"",
let ast = AST [Decl "test" "JSON" $ Quoter "json" "\n \"key\": \"value\"\n"]
parse source `shouldBe` Right ast
it "Parses multiple quoters" $ do
let source =
[ "test JSON {=json",
" \"key\": \"value\"",
"test JSON2 {=json",
" \"key\": \"value\"",
let ast =
[ Decl "test" "JSON" $ Quoter "json" "\n \"key\": \"value\"\n",
Decl "test" "JSON2" $ Quoter "json" "\n \"key\": \"value\"\n"
parse source `shouldBe` Right ast
it "Fails to parse a quoter with unmatched tags" $ do
let source = "test Failure {=a b=}"
parse source `shouldSatisfy` isLeft
it "Parses nested quoters correctly" $ do
parse "test Case1 {=foo {=foo foo=} foo=}" `shouldSatisfy` isLeft
parse "test Case2 {=foo foo=} foo=}" `shouldSatisfy` isLeft
parse "test Case3 {=foo {=foo foo=}"
`shouldBe` Right (AST [Decl "test" "Case3" $ Quoter "foo" " {=foo "])
parse "test Case4 {=foo {=bar foo=}"
`shouldBe` Right (AST [Decl "test" "Case4" $ Quoter "foo" " {=bar "])
parse "test Case5 {=foo bar=} foo=}"
`shouldBe` Right (AST [Decl "test" "Case5" $ Quoter "foo" " bar=} "])
parse "test Case6 {=foo {=bar bar=} foo=}"
`shouldBe` Right (AST [Decl "test" "Case6" $ Quoter "foo" " {=bar bar=} "])
it "Requires dictionaries to have an ending bracket" $ do
let source = "test Decl {"
let expected =
Left $
ParseError $
{ tokenType = TEOF,
tokenPosition = SourcePosition 1 12,
tokenLexeme = ""
parse source `shouldBe` expected
it "Parses multiple statements" $ do
let source =
[ "constant Pi 3.14159",
"constant E 2.71828"
let ast =
[ Decl "constant" "Pi" $ DoubleLiteral 3.14159,
Decl "constant" "E" $ DoubleLiteral 2.71828
parse source `shouldBe` Right ast
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