mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 10:35:04 +03:00
Rewrite templates to include description (#1283)
This commit is contained in:
@ -16,8 +16,9 @@ import Wasp.Cli.Command.CreateNewProject.ProjectDescription
import Wasp.Cli.Command.CreateNewProject.StarterTemplates
( StarterTemplateName (..),
( StarterTemplate (..),
TemplateMetadata (..),
import Wasp.Cli.Command.CreateNewProject.StarterTemplates.Local (createProjectOnDiskFromLocalTemplate)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.CreateNewProject.StarterTemplates.Remote (createProjectOnDiskFromRemoteTemplate)
@ -30,9 +31,9 @@ import qualified Wasp.Util.Terminal as Term
createNewProject :: Arguments -> Command ()
createNewProject args = do
newProjectArgs <- parseNewProjectArgs args & either throwProjectCreationError return
starterTemplateNames <- liftIO getStarterTemplateNames
starterTemplates <- liftIO getStarterTemplates
newProjectDescription <- obtainNewProjectDescription newProjectArgs starterTemplateNames
newProjectDescription <- obtainNewProjectDescription newProjectArgs starterTemplates
createProjectOnDisk newProjectDescription
liftIO $ printGettingStartedInstructions $ _absWaspProjectDir newProjectDescription
@ -55,12 +56,12 @@ createProjectOnDisk
{ _projectName = projectName,
_appName = appName,
_templateName = templateName,
_template = template,
_absWaspProjectDir = absWaspProjectDir
} = do
cliSendMessageC $ Msg.Start $ "Creating your project from the " ++ show templateName ++ " template..."
case templateName of
RemoteStarterTemplate remoteTemplateName ->
createProjectOnDiskFromRemoteTemplate absWaspProjectDir projectName appName remoteTemplateName
LocalStarterTemplate localTemplateName ->
liftIO $ createProjectOnDiskFromLocalTemplate absWaspProjectDir projectName appName localTemplateName
cliSendMessageC $ Msg.Start $ "Creating your project from the \"" ++ show template ++ "\" template..."
case template of
RemoteStarterTemplate TemplateMetadata {_path = remoteTemplatePath} ->
createProjectOnDiskFromRemoteTemplate absWaspProjectDir projectName appName remoteTemplatePath
LocalStarterTemplate TemplateMetadata {_path = localTemplatePath} ->
liftIO $ createProjectOnDiskFromLocalTemplate absWaspProjectDir projectName appName localTemplatePath
@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ import Wasp.Cli.Command.CreateNewProject.Common
import Wasp.Cli.Command.CreateNewProject.StarterTemplates
( StarterTemplateName,
( StarterTemplate,
import Wasp.Cli.FileSystem (getAbsPathToDirInCwd)
import qualified Wasp.Cli.Interactive as Interactive
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import Wasp.Util (indent, kebabToCamelCase, whenM)
data NewProjectDescription = NewProjectDescription
{ _projectName :: NewProjectName,
_appName :: NewProjectAppName,
_templateName :: StarterTemplateName,
_template :: StarterTemplate,
_absWaspProjectDir :: Path' Abs (Dir WaspProjectDir)
@ -62,21 +62,21 @@ instance Show NewProjectAppName where
- Project name is required.
- Template name is required, we ask the user to choose from available templates.
obtainNewProjectDescription :: NewProjectArgs -> [StarterTemplateName] -> Command NewProjectDescription
obtainNewProjectDescription NewProjectArgs {_projectName = projectNameArg, _templateName = templateNameArg} starterTemplateNames =
obtainNewProjectDescription :: NewProjectArgs -> [StarterTemplate] -> Command NewProjectDescription
obtainNewProjectDescription NewProjectArgs {_projectName = projectNameArg, _templateName = templateNameArg} starterTemplates =
case projectNameArg of
Just projectName -> obtainNewProjectDescriptionFromCliArgs projectName templateNameArg starterTemplateNames
Nothing -> obtainNewProjectDescriptionInteractively templateNameArg starterTemplateNames
Just projectName -> obtainNewProjectDescriptionFromCliArgs projectName templateNameArg starterTemplates
Nothing -> obtainNewProjectDescriptionInteractively templateNameArg starterTemplates
obtainNewProjectDescriptionFromCliArgs :: String -> Maybe String -> [StarterTemplateName] -> Command NewProjectDescription
obtainNewProjectDescriptionFromCliArgs :: String -> Maybe String -> [StarterTemplate] -> Command NewProjectDescription
obtainNewProjectDescriptionFromCliArgs projectName templateNameArg availableTemplates =
(return defaultStarterTemplateName)
(return defaultStarterTemplate)
obtainNewProjectDescriptionInteractively :: Maybe String -> [StarterTemplateName] -> Command NewProjectDescription
obtainNewProjectDescriptionInteractively :: Maybe String -> [StarterTemplate] -> Command NewProjectDescription
obtainNewProjectDescriptionInteractively templateNameArg availableTemplates = do
projectName <- liftIO $ Interactive.askForRequiredInput "Enter the project name (e.g. my-project)"
@ -91,17 +91,17 @@ obtainNewProjectDescriptionInteractively templateNameArg availableTemplates = do
obtainNewProjectDescriptionFromProjectNameAndTemplateArg ::
String ->
Maybe String ->
[StarterTemplateName] ->
Command StarterTemplateName ->
[StarterTemplate] ->
Command StarterTemplate ->
Command NewProjectDescription
obtainNewProjectDescriptionFromProjectNameAndTemplateArg projectName templateNameArg availableTemplates obtainTemplateWhenNoArg = do
absWaspProjectDir <- obtainAvailableProjectDirPath projectName
selectedTemplate <- maybe obtainTemplateWhenNoArg findTemplateNameOrThrow templateNameArg
selectedTemplate <- maybe obtainTemplateWhenNoArg findTemplateOrThrow templateNameArg
mkNewProjectDescription projectName absWaspProjectDir selectedTemplate
findTemplateNameOrThrow :: String -> Command StarterTemplateName
findTemplateNameOrThrow templateName =
findTemplateNameByString availableTemplates templateName
findTemplateOrThrow :: String -> Command StarterTemplate
findTemplateOrThrow templateName =
findTemplateByString availableTemplates templateName
& maybe throwInvalidTemplateNameUsedError return
obtainAvailableProjectDirPath :: String -> Command (Path' Abs (Dir WaspProjectDir))
@ -121,14 +121,14 @@ obtainAvailableProjectDirPath projectName = do
throwProjectCreationError $
"Directory \"" ++ projectDirName ++ "\" is not empty."
mkNewProjectDescription :: String -> Path' Abs (Dir WaspProjectDir) -> StarterTemplateName -> Command NewProjectDescription
mkNewProjectDescription projectName absWaspProjectDir templateName
mkNewProjectDescription :: String -> Path' Abs (Dir WaspProjectDir) -> StarterTemplate -> Command NewProjectDescription
mkNewProjectDescription projectName absWaspProjectDir template
| isValidWaspIdentifier appName =
return $
{ _projectName = NewProjectName projectName,
_appName = NewProjectAppName appName,
_templateName = templateName,
_template = template,
_absWaspProjectDir = absWaspProjectDir
| otherwise =
@ -1,41 +1,63 @@
module Wasp.Cli.Command.CreateNewProject.StarterTemplates
( getStarterTemplateNames,
StarterTemplateName (..),
( getStarterTemplates,
StarterTemplate (..),
TemplateMetadata (..),
import Data.Either (fromRight)
import Data.Foldable (find)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.CreateNewProject.StarterTemplates.Remote.Github (starterTemplateGithubRepo)
import qualified Wasp.Cli.GithubRepo as GR
import qualified Wasp.Cli.Command.CreateNewProject.StarterTemplates.Remote.Github as Github
import qualified Wasp.Cli.Interactive as Interactive
data StarterTemplateName = RemoteStarterTemplate String | LocalStarterTemplate String
data StarterTemplate = RemoteStarterTemplate TemplateMetadata | LocalStarterTemplate TemplateMetadata
deriving (Eq)
instance Show StarterTemplateName where
show (RemoteStarterTemplate templateName) = templateName
show (LocalStarterTemplate templateName) = templateName
data TemplateMetadata = TemplateMetadata
{ _name :: String,
_path :: String,
_description :: String
deriving (Eq, Show)
getStarterTemplateNames :: IO [StarterTemplateName]
getStarterTemplateNames = do
remoteTemplates <- fromRight [] <$> fetchRemoteStarterTemplateNames
instance Show StarterTemplate where
show (RemoteStarterTemplate TemplateMetadata {_name = title}) = title
show (LocalStarterTemplate TemplateMetadata {_name = title}) = title
instance Interactive.Option StarterTemplate where
showOption = show
showOptionDescription (RemoteStarterTemplate TemplateMetadata {_description = description}) = Just description
showOptionDescription (LocalStarterTemplate TemplateMetadata {_description = description}) = Just description
getStarterTemplates :: IO [StarterTemplate]
getStarterTemplates = do
remoteTemplates <- fromRight [] <$> fetchRemoteStarterTemplates
return $ localTemplates ++ remoteTemplates
fetchRemoteStarterTemplateNames :: IO (Either String [StarterTemplateName])
fetchRemoteStarterTemplateNames = do
fmap extractTemplateNames <$> GR.fetchRepoRootFolderContents starterTemplateGithubRepo
fetchRemoteStarterTemplates :: IO (Either String [StarterTemplate])
fetchRemoteStarterTemplates = do
fmap extractTemplateNames <$> Github.fetchRemoteTemplatesGithubData
extractTemplateNames :: GR.RepoFolderContents -> [StarterTemplateName]
extractTemplateNames :: [Github.RemoteTemplateGithubData] -> [StarterTemplate]
-- Each folder in the repo is a template.
extractTemplateNames = map (RemoteStarterTemplate . GR._name) . filter ((== GR.Folder) . GR._type)
extractTemplateNames =
( \metadata ->
RemoteStarterTemplate $
{ _name = Github._name metadata,
_path = Github._path metadata,
_description = Github._description metadata
localTemplates :: [StarterTemplateName]
localTemplates = [defaultStarterTemplateName]
localTemplates :: [StarterTemplate]
localTemplates = [defaultStarterTemplate]
defaultStarterTemplateName :: StarterTemplateName
defaultStarterTemplateName = LocalStarterTemplate "basic"
defaultStarterTemplate :: StarterTemplate
defaultStarterTemplate = LocalStarterTemplate $ TemplateMetadata {_name = "basic", _path = "basic", _description = "Simple starter template with a single page."}
findTemplateNameByString :: [StarterTemplateName] -> String -> Maybe StarterTemplateName
findTemplateNameByString templateNames query = find ((== query) . show) templateNames
findTemplateByString :: [StarterTemplate] -> String -> Maybe StarterTemplate
findTemplateByString templates query = find ((== query) . show) templates
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ import qualified Wasp.Data as Data
import Wasp.Project (WaspProjectDir)
createProjectOnDiskFromLocalTemplate :: Path' Abs (Dir WaspProjectDir) -> NewProjectName -> NewProjectAppName -> String -> IO ()
createProjectOnDiskFromLocalTemplate absWaspProjectDir projectName appName templateName = do
copyLocalTemplateToNewProjectDir templateName
createProjectOnDiskFromLocalTemplate absWaspProjectDir projectName appName templatePath = do
copyLocalTemplateToNewProjectDir templatePath
replaceTemplatePlaceholdersInWaspFile appName projectName absWaspProjectDir
copyLocalTemplateToNewProjectDir :: String -> IO ()
@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ createProjectOnDiskFromRemoteTemplate ::
NewProjectAppName ->
String ->
Command ()
createProjectOnDiskFromRemoteTemplate absWaspProjectDir projectName appName templateName = do
fetchGithubTemplateToDisk absWaspProjectDir templateName >>= either throwProjectCreationError pure
createProjectOnDiskFromRemoteTemplate absWaspProjectDir projectName appName templatePath = do
fetchGithubTemplateToDisk absWaspProjectDir templatePath >>= either throwProjectCreationError pure
liftIO $ replaceTemplatePlaceholdersInWaspFile appName projectName absWaspProjectDir
fetchGithubTemplateToDisk :: Path' Abs (Dir WaspProjectDir) -> String -> Command (Either String ())
fetchGithubTemplateToDisk projectDir templateFolderName = do
let templateFolderPath = fromJust . SP.parseRelDir $ templateFolderName
fetchGithubTemplateToDisk projectDir templatePathInRepo = do
let templateFolderPath = fromJust . SP.parseRelDir $ templatePathInRepo
liftIO $ fetchFolderFromGithubRepoToDisk starterTemplateGithubRepo templateFolderPath projectDir
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
module Wasp.Cli.Command.CreateNewProject.StarterTemplates.Remote.Github where
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (parseJSON), withObject, (.:))
import Wasp.Cli.GithubRepo (GithubRepoRef (..))
import qualified Wasp.Cli.GithubRepo as GR
starterTemplateGithubRepo :: GithubRepoRef
starterTemplateGithubRepo =
@ -9,3 +11,26 @@ starterTemplateGithubRepo =
_repoName = "starters",
_repoReferenceName = "main"
starterTemplatesDataGithubFilePath :: FilePath
starterTemplatesDataGithubFilePath = "templates.json"
fetchRemoteTemplatesGithubData :: IO (Either String [RemoteTemplateGithubData])
fetchRemoteTemplatesGithubData = GR.fetchRepoFileContents starterTemplateGithubRepo starterTemplatesDataGithubFilePath
data RemoteTemplateGithubData = RemoteTemplateGithubData
{ _name :: String,
_description :: String,
_path :: String
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance FromJSON RemoteTemplateGithubData where
parseJSON = withObject "RemoteTemplateGithubData" $ \obj ->
<$> obj
.: "name"
<*> obj
.: "description"
<*> obj
.: "path"
@ -3,15 +3,10 @@
module Wasp.Cli.GithubRepo where
import Control.Exception (try)
import Data.Aeson
( FromJSON,
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON)
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, maybeToList)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Simple as HTTP
import StrongPath (Abs, Dir, Path', Rel, (</>))
import qualified StrongPath as SP
@ -69,46 +64,15 @@ fetchFolderFromGithubRepoToDisk githubRepoRef folderInRepoRoot destinationOnDisk
githubRepoArchiveRootFolderName :: Path' (Rel archiveRoot) (Dir archiveInnerDir)
githubRepoArchiveRootFolderName = fromJust . SP.parseRelDir $ repoName ++ "-" ++ repoReferenceName
fetchRepoRootFolderContents :: GithubRepoRef -> IO (Either String RepoFolderContents)
fetchRepoRootFolderContents githubRepo = fetchRepoFolderContents githubRepo Nothing
fetchRepoFolderContents :: GithubRepoRef -> Maybe String -> IO (Either String RepoFolderContents)
fetchRepoFolderContents githubRepo pathToFolderInRepo = do
fetchRepoFileContents :: FromJSON a => GithubRepoRef -> String -> IO (Either String a)
fetchRepoFileContents githubRepo filePath = do
try (HTTP.httpJSONEither ghRepoInfoRequest) <&> \case
Right response -> either (Left . show) Right $ HTTP.getResponseBody response
Left (e :: HTTP.HttpException) -> Left $ show e
ghRepoInfoRequest =
-- Github returns 403 if we don't specify user-agent.
HTTP.addRequestHeader "User-Agent" "wasp-lang/wasp" $ HTTP.parseRequest_ apiURL
apiURL = intercalate "/" $ ["https://api.github.com/repos", _repoOwner githubRepo, _repoName githubRepo, "contents"] ++ maybeToList pathToFolderInRepo
ghRepoInfoRequest = mkGithubApiRequest apiURL
apiURL = intercalate "/" ["https://raw.githubusercontent.com", _repoOwner githubRepo, _repoName githubRepo, _repoReferenceName githubRepo, filePath]
type RepoFolderContents = [RepoObject]
data RepoObject = RepoObject
{ _name :: String,
_type :: RepoObjectType,
_downloadUrl :: Maybe String
deriving (Show)
data RepoObjectType = Folder | File
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance FromJSON RepoObject where
parseJSON = withObject "RepoObject" $ \o -> do
name <- o .: "name"
type_ <- o .: "type"
downloadUrl <- o .: "download_url"
{ _name = name,
_type = parseType type_,
_downloadUrl = downloadUrl
parseType :: String -> RepoObjectType
parseType = \case
"dir" -> Folder
"file" -> File
_ -> error "Unable to parse repo object type."
-- Github returns 403 if we don't specify a user-agent.
mkGithubApiRequest :: String -> HTTP.Request
mkGithubApiRequest url = HTTP.addRequestHeader "User-Agent" "wasp-lang/wasp" $ HTTP.parseRequest_ url
@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Wasp.Cli.Interactive
( askForInput,
Option (..),
@ -39,17 +38,16 @@ import qualified Wasp.Util.Terminal as Term
without having to type the quotes as well.
We introduced the Option class to get different "show" behavior for Strings and other
types. Option delegates to the Show instance for all other types, but for Strings it
just returns the String itself.
types. If we are using something other then String, an instance of Option needs to be defined,
but for Strings it just returns the String itself.
class Option o where
showOption :: o -> String
showOptionDescription :: o -> Maybe String
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Option [Char] where
instance Option [Char] where
showOption = id
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Show t => Option t where
showOption = show
showOptionDescription = const Nothing
askForRequiredInput :: String -> IO String
askForRequiredInput = repeatIfNull . askForInput
@ -85,8 +83,18 @@ askToChoose question options = do
showIndexedOptions = intercalate "\n" $ showIndexedOption <$> zip [1 ..] (NE.toList options)
showIndexedOption (idx, option) =
showIndex idx <> " " <> showOption option <> (if isDefaultOption option then " (default)" else "")
showIndex i = Term.applyStyles [Term.Yellow] $ "[" ++ show (i :: Int) ++ "]"
Term.applyStyles [Term.Yellow] indexPrefix
<> Term.applyStyles [Term.Bold] (showOption option)
<> (if isDefaultOption option then " (default)" else "")
<> showDescription option (length indexPrefix)
indexPrefix = showIndex idx <> " "
showIndex i = "[" ++ show (i :: Int) ++ "]"
showDescription option indentLength = case showOptionDescription option of
Just description -> "\n" <> replicate indentLength ' ' <> description
Nothing -> ""
defaultOption :: o
defaultOption = NE.head options
Reference in New Issue
Block a user