Plan is now nicely printed.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Sosic 2023-06-15 10:49:55 +02:00
parent c57ef72117
commit cbb3962508
2 changed files with 56 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ where
-- TODO: Probably move this module out of here into general wasp lib.
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import NeatInterpolation (trimming)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.AI.CodeAgent (CodeAgent, writeToLog)
@ -29,8 +30,7 @@ generateNewProject newProjectDetails = do
writeToLog "Generating plan..."
plan <- generatePlan newProjectDetails
-- TODO: Show plan nicer! Maybe just short summary of it: we will create 4 entities, 3 operations, ... .
writeToLog $ "Plan generated! " <> T.pack (show plan)
writeToLog $ "Plan generated!\n" <> summarizePlan plan
writeEntitiesToWaspFile waspFilePath (Plan.entities plan)
writeToLog "Added entities to wasp file."
@ -51,6 +51,25 @@ generateNewProject newProjectDetails = do
-- when generating actions, operations and similar. Maybe an overkill.
writeToLog "Done!"
summarizePlan plan =
let numQueries = showT $ length $ Plan.queries plan
numActions = showT $ length $ Plan.actions plan
numPages = showT $ length $ Plan.pages plan
numEntities = showT $ length $ Plan.entities plan
queryNames = showT $ Plan.queryName <$> Plan.queries plan
actionNames = showT $ Plan.actionName <$> Plan.actions plan
pageNames = showT $ Plan.pageName <$> Plan.pages plan
entityNames = showT $ Plan.entityName <$> Plan.entities plan
in [trimming|
- ${numQueries} queries: ${queryNames}
- ${numActions} actions: ${actionNames}
- ${numEntities} entities: ${entityNames}
- ${numPages} pages: ${pageNames}
showT :: Show a => a -> Text
showT = T.pack . show
generateAndWriteAction waspFilePath plan actionPlan = do
action <- generateAction newProjectDetails (Plan.entities plan) actionPlan
writeActionToFile action

View File

@ -31,8 +31,9 @@ generatePlan newProjectDetails = do
case Aeson.eitherDecode $ textToLazyBS responseJSONText of
Right plan -> return plan
Left _errMsg ->
-- TODO: Handle this better. Write to log, to let user know.
-- Consider sending response back to chatGPT and ask it to fix it.
-- TODO: Handle this better.
-- Try sending response back to chatGPT and ask it to fix it -> hey it is not valid JSON, fix it.
-- Write to log, to let user know.
error "Failed to parse plan"
-- TODO: Try configuring temperature.
@ -92,10 +93,38 @@ generatePlan newProjectDetails = do
-- TODO: Alternative approach idea: have it generate main.wasp file first, with comments above stuff
-- with instructions for itself. Then, in the next step, have it generate a plan based on that
-- main.wasp file. The idea is that this way it will have more freedom + might be able to act more
-- holistically.
-- TODO: Alternative idea is to give quite more autonomy and equip it with tools (functions) it
-- needs to build correct context, and then let it drive itself completely on its own. So we give
-- it app description, and then let it just go for it -> it would be making freeform plans for
-- itself and executing them, until it is done. We could make following functions available to it:
-- 1. For querying Wasp docs. Maybe some specialized functions for things we know it will need a
-- lot, like getActionDocs, getQueryDocs, getPageDocs, and then one general for the rest. The
-- specialized ones we can really optimize to be super useful. Or maybe we do it like this:
-- we have one function which is `fetchDocsForFeature(feature)`, and another
-- `searchDocs(query)`. We tell it to prefer `fetchDocsForFeature` when it can, but it can
-- also use the `searchDocs` when needed. In `fetchDocsForFeature`, `feature` parameter would
-- be an enum we define, and for every feature we could serve exactly the specific piece of
-- docs, or even pre-prepared stuff just for this purpose. So we have control here, to ensure
-- quality. We can tell it that if implementing Action, it should seriously consider fetching
-- the docs for it, if it doesn't have them in context yet.
-- 2. For exploring a rich Wasp example that we provide. List all the files. Read specific file.
-- Maybe even searching through its code?
-- 3. For exploring the Wasp app it is currently building. Similar like (2).
-- 4. It would also need a function for writing a file! So it can generate code. Sure.
-- We can still start with the skeleton project, to make it easier for it.
-- So how would this work then? It would generate a plan (freeform, just text), and then in each
-- step it would execute it + update it.
-- Interesting question is, how do we construct the Chat each time -> we will probably want to
-- keep including the previous conversation, including its answers? How much of it, how will we
-- determine that? Do we need to ask it to summarize previous convo, and then include last couple
-- of replies? What about the stuff it fetches for itself, we need to make sure to provide that,
-- so it can use it. This sounds like the tricky part to manage, to figure out when to start
-- dropping stuff. We would probably be always passing the whole conversation so far, but if it
-- grows too long (we can use heuristic to guess number of tokens), we ask it to summarize convo
-- so far and add couple of last messages and continue with that. I believe I read that is how
-- they also do it in their UI.
data Plan = Plan
{ entities :: [Entity],