mirror of
synced 2024-12-28 11:34:41 +03:00
Parsing Page - name, route and content. (#18)
This commit is contained in:
@ -81,3 +81,4 @@ tests:
- tasty-quickcheck
- tasty-discover
- QuickCheck
- parsec
@ -8,10 +8,13 @@ import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as Token
reservedNameApp :: String
reservedNameApp = "app"
reservedNamePage :: String
reservedNamePage = "page"
waspLanguageDef :: Token.LanguageDef ()
waspLanguageDef = emptyDef
{ Token.commentLine = "//"
, Token.reservedNames = [reservedNameApp]
, Token.reservedNames = [reservedNameApp, reservedNamePage]
, Token.caseSensitive = True
-- Identifier
, Token.identStart = letter
@ -2,13 +2,23 @@ module Parser
( parseWasp
) where
import Text.Parsec (parse, ParseError)
import Text.Parsec (parse, ParseError, (<|>), many1, eof)
import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
import Lexer
import Parser.App
import Parser.App (app)
import Parser.Page (page)
import Parser.Common (runWaspParser)
import qualified Wasp
waspElement :: Parser Wasp.WaspElement
waspElement = waspElementApp <|> waspElementPage
waspElementApp :: Parser Wasp.WaspElement
waspElementApp = Wasp.WaspElementApp <$> app
waspElementPage :: Parser Wasp.WaspElement
waspElementPage = Wasp.WaspElementPage <$> page
-- | Top level parser, produces Wasp.
waspParser :: Parser Wasp.Wasp
@ -18,25 +28,14 @@ waspParser = do
-- so they do it themselves.
-- TODO(matija): extract this into a single parser.
reserved reservedNameApp
parsedAppName <- identifier
parsedAppProperties <- braces $ appProperties
waspElems <- many1 waspElement
-- TODO(matija): after we parsed everything, we should do semantic analysis
-- e.g. check there is only 1 title - if not, throw a meaningful error.
return $ Wasp.fromApp $ Wasp.App
{ Wasp.appName = parsedAppName
, Wasp.appTitle = getAppTitle parsedAppProperties
-- TODO(matija): add favicon.
return $ Wasp.fromWaspElems waspElems
-- | Top level parser executor.
parseWasp :: String -> Either ParseError Wasp.Wasp
parseWasp wasp = parse waspParser sourceName wasp
-- NOTE(matija): this is used by Parsec only when reporting errors, but we currently
-- don't provide source name (e.g. .wasp file name) to this method so leaving it empty
-- for now.
sourceName = ""
parseWasp input = runWaspParser waspParser input
@ -1,14 +1,18 @@
module Parser.App where
module Parser.App
( app
) where
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
import Lexer
import qualified Wasp
import Parser.Common
-- | A type that describes supported app properties.
data AppProperty
= Title String
| Favicon String
= Title !String
| Favicon !String
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Parses supported app properties, expects format "key1: value1, key2: value2, ..."
@ -16,16 +20,23 @@ appProperties :: Parser [AppProperty]
appProperties = commaSep1 $ appPropertyTitle <|> appPropertyFavicon
appPropertyTitle :: Parser AppProperty
appPropertyTitle = Title <$> appPropertyWithKey "title"
appPropertyTitle = Title <$> waspPropertyStringLiteral "title"
appPropertyFavicon :: Parser AppProperty
-- TODO(matija): 'fav.png' currently does not work because of '.'. Support it.
appPropertyFavicon = Favicon <$> appPropertyWithKey "favicon"
-- | Helper function, parses a key/value pair. E.g. 'title: "Some title"'.
appPropertyWithKey :: String -> Parser String
appPropertyWithKey key = symbol key <* colon *> stringLiteral
appPropertyFavicon = Favicon <$> waspPropertyStringLiteral "favicon"
-- TODO(matija): unsafe, what if empty list?
getAppTitle :: [AppProperty] -> String
getAppTitle ps = head $ [t | Title t <- ps]
-- | Top level parser, parses App.
app :: Parser Wasp.App
app = do
(appName, appProps) <- waspElementNameAndProps reservedNameApp appProperties
return Wasp.App
{ Wasp.appName = appName
, Wasp.appTitle = getAppTitle appProps
-- TODO(matija): add favicon.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
Common functions used among Wasp parsers.
module Parser.Common where
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Lexer
-- | Runs given wasp parser on a specified input.
runWaspParser :: Parser a -> String -> Either ParseError a
runWaspParser waspParser input = parse waspParser sourceName input
-- NOTE(matija): this is used by Parsec only when reporting errors, but we currently
-- don't provide source name (e.g. .wasp file name) to this method so leaving it empty
-- for now.
sourceName = ""
-- | Parses a declaration of wasp element (e.g. App or Page) and its properties.
:: String -- ^ Type of the wasp element (e.g. "app" or "page").
-> Parser a -- ^ Parser to be used for parsing properties of the wasp element.
-> Parser (String, a) -- ^ Name of the element and parsed properties.
waspElementNameAndProps elementType properties = do
-- TODO(matija): should we somehow check if this is a reserved name?
reserved elementType
elementName <- identifier
elementProperties <- braces properties
return (elementName, elementProperties)
-- | Parses wasp property along with the key, "key: value".
waspProperty :: String -> Parser a -> Parser a
waspProperty key value = symbol key <* colon *> value
-- | Parses wasp property which has a string literal for a value.
-- e.g.: title: "my first app"
waspPropertyStringLiteral :: String -> Parser String
waspPropertyStringLiteral key = waspProperty key stringLiteral
-- | Parses wasp property which has a clojure for a value. Returns content within the
-- clojure.
waspPropertyClosure :: String -> Parser String
waspPropertyClosure key = waspProperty key waspClosure
-- | Parses wasp clojure, which is {...}. Returns content within the clojure.
-- NOTE(matija): currently it is not supported to have clojure within a clojure.
waspClosure :: Parser String
waspClosure = strip <$> (braces $ many $ noneOf "{}")
-- | Removes leading and trailing spaces from a string.
strip :: String -> String
strip = T.unpack . T.strip . T.pack
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
module Parser.Page
( page
) where
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
import Lexer
import qualified Wasp
import Parser.Common
data PageProperty
= Title !String
| Route !String
| Content !String
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Parses Page properties, separated by a comma.
pageProperties :: Parser [PageProperty]
pageProperties = commaSep1 $
<|> pagePropertyRoute
<|> pagePropertyContent
pagePropertyTitle :: Parser PageProperty
pagePropertyTitle = Title <$> waspPropertyStringLiteral "title"
pagePropertyRoute :: Parser PageProperty
pagePropertyRoute = Route <$> waspPropertyStringLiteral "route"
pagePropertyContent :: Parser PageProperty
pagePropertyContent = Content <$> waspPropertyClosure "content"
-- TODO(matija): unsafe, what if empty list?
getPageRoute :: [PageProperty] -> String
-- TODO(matija): we are repeating this pattern. How can we extract it? Consider using
-- Template Haskell, lens and prism.
getPageRoute ps = head $ [r | Route r <- ps]
getPageContent :: [PageProperty] -> String
getPageContent ps = head $ [c | Content c <- ps]
-- | Top level parser, parses Page.
page :: Parser Wasp.Page
page = do
(pageName, pageProps) <- waspElementNameAndProps reservedNamePage pageProperties
return Wasp.Page
{ Wasp.pageName = pageName
, Wasp.pageRoute = getPageRoute pageProps
, Wasp.pageContent = getPageContent pageProps
@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Wasp
( Wasp
, WaspElement (..)
, App (..)
, fromApp
, fromWaspElems
, getApp
, setApp
, Page (..)
) where
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
@ -14,10 +17,12 @@ data Wasp = Wasp [WaspElement] deriving (Show, Eq)
data WaspElement
= WaspElementApp !App
| WaspElementPage
| WaspElementPage !Page
| WaspElementEntity
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- App
data App = App
{ appName :: !String -- Identifier
, appTitle :: !String -- Title
@ -45,7 +50,6 @@ setApp (Wasp elems) app = Wasp $ (WaspElementApp app) : (filter (not . isAppElem
fromApp :: App -> Wasp
fromApp app = Wasp [WaspElementApp app]
-- NOTE(martin): Here I define general transformation of App into JSON that I can then easily use
-- as data for templates, but we will probably want to replace this in the future with the better tailored
-- types that are exact fit for what is neeed (for example one type per template).
@ -58,3 +62,14 @@ instance Aeson.ToJSON Wasp where
toJSON wasp = Aeson.object
[ "app" Aeson..= getApp wasp
fromWaspElems :: [WaspElement] -> Wasp
fromWaspElems elems = Wasp elems
-- Page
data Page = Page
{ pageName :: !String
, pageRoute :: !String
, pageContent :: !String
} deriving (Show, Eq)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
module Parser.CommonTest where
import qualified Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.Hspec
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
import Data.Either
import Lexer
import Parser.Common
spec_parseWaspCommon :: Spec
spec_parseWaspCommon = do
describe "Parsing wasp element name and properties" $ do
let parseWaspElementNameAndProps elemKeyword p input =
runWaspParser (waspElementNameAndProps elemKeyword p) input
it "When given valid wasp element declaration along with whitespace parser,\
\ returns an expected result" $ do
parseWaspElementNameAndProps "app" whiteSpace "app someApp { }"
`shouldBe` Right ("someApp", ())
it "When given valid wasp element declaration along with char parser, returns\
\ an expected result" $ do
parseWaspElementNameAndProps "app" (char 'a') "app someApp {a}"
`shouldBe` Right ("someApp", 'a')
it "When given wasp element declaration with invalid name, returns Left" $ do
(isLeft $ parseWaspElementNameAndProps "app" whiteSpace "app 1someApp { }")
`shouldBe` True
describe "Parsing wasp property - string literal" $ do
let parseWaspPropertyStringLiteral key input =
runWaspParser (waspPropertyStringLiteral key) input
it "When given key/value with int value, returns Left." $ do
isLeft (parseWaspPropertyStringLiteral "title" "title: 23")
`shouldBe` True
it "When given key/value with string value, returns a parsed value." $ do
let appTitle = "my first app"
parseWaspPropertyStringLiteral "title" ("title: \"" ++ appTitle ++ "\"")
`shouldBe` Right appTitle
describe "Parsing wasp property - closure {...}" $ do
let parseWaspPropertyClosure key input =
runWaspParser (waspPropertyClosure key) input
it "When given int, returns Left." $ do
isLeft (parseWaspPropertyClosure "content" "title: 23")
`shouldBe` True
it "When given content within braces, returns that content." $ do
parseWaspPropertyClosure "content" "content: { some content }"
`shouldBe` Right "some content"
describe "Parsing wasp closure" $ do
let parseWaspClosure input = runWaspParser waspClosure input
let closureContent = "<div>hello world</div>"
it "Returns the content of closure" $ do
parseWaspClosure ("{ " ++ closureContent ++ " }")
`shouldBe` Right closureContent
it "Removes leading and trailing spaces" $ do
parseWaspClosure ("{ " ++ closureContent ++ " }")
`shouldBe` Right closureContent
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
module Parser.PageTest where
import qualified Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.Hspec
import Data.Either
import Text.Parsec
import Parser.Page
import Wasp
-- | Page parser executor.
parsePage :: String -> Either ParseError Wasp.Page
parsePage pageWasp = parse page "" pageWasp
spec_parsePage :: Spec
spec_parsePage =
describe "Parsing page wasp" $ do
it "When given valid page wasp declaration, returns correct Wasp.Page" $ do
let testPageName = "Landing"
let testPageRoute = "/someRoute"
let testPageContent = "<span/>"
parsePage (
"page " ++ testPageName ++ " { " ++
"route: \"" ++ testPageRoute ++ "\"," ++
"content: { " ++ testPageContent ++ " }" ++
`shouldBe` Right (Page
{ pageName = testPageName
, pageRoute = testPageRoute
, pageContent = testPageContent
it "When given page wasp declaration without 'page', should return Left" $ do
isLeft (parsePage "Landing { route: someRoute })") `shouldBe` True
@ -14,11 +14,19 @@ spec_parseWasp =
isLeft (parseWasp "hoho") `shouldBe` True
before (readFile "test/Parser/valid.wasp") $ do
it "When given a valid wasp with app and name, should return correct \
it "When given a valid wasp with app and name, should return correct\
\ Wasp" $ \wasp -> do
parseWasp wasp
Right (fromApp $ App
{ appName = "test_app"
, appTitle = "Hello World!"
Right (fromWaspElems
[ WaspElementApp $ App
{ appName = "test_app"
, appTitle = "Hello World!"
, WaspElementPage $ Page
{ pageName = "Landing"
, pageRoute = "/home"
, pageContent = "<div>My landing page!</div>"
@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
// Test .wasp file.
// App definition.
app test_app {
// Title of the app.
title: "Hello World!"
// Page definition.
page Landing {
route: "/home",
content: {
<div>My landing page!</div>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user