import React from 'react' import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom' import ReactMarkdown from 'react-markdown' import moment from 'moment' import useAuth from '@wasp/auth/useAuth.js' import { useQuery } from '@wasp/queries' import getArticle from '@wasp/queries/getArticle' import getUser from '@wasp/queries/getUser' import deleteArticle from '@wasp/actions/deleteArticle' import Navbar from './Navbar' const ArticleViewPage = (props) => { const history = useHistory() const { data: user } = useAuth({ keepPreviousData: true }) const articleId = parseInt(props.match.params.articleId) const { data: article } = useQuery(getArticle, { id: articleId }) // TODO: If there is no such article, we get null here under `article`, // and we don't handle that properly, we just return blank screen (return null). // How should we detect this and handle it? // Should we modify action to return error instead of null? // Or should we check for (!isLoading && !article)? // What do we even do in such situation? // Or maybe we should make it so that every operations returns an object always, // and that object contains article then -> then it is very clear if something got returned, // or if it is that initial null. const isMyArticle = user?.id && (user?.id === article?.userId) const handleEditArticle = () => { history.push(`/editor/${}`) } const handleDeleteArticle = async () => { if (!window.confirm('Are you sure you want to delete the article?')) return try { await deleteArticle({ id: }) } catch (err) { console.log(err) window.alert('Failed to delete article: ' + err) } } return article ? (
{ article.title }
{ article.description }