// =============================== IMPORTANT ================================= // // This file is only used for Wasp IDE support. You can change it to configure // your IDE checks, but none of these options will affect the TypeScript // compiler. Proper TS compiler configuration in Wasp is coming soon :) { "compilerOptions": { // JSX support "jsx": "preserve", "strict": true, // Allow default imports. "esModuleInterop": true, "lib": [ "dom", "dom.iterable", "esnext" ], "allowJs": true, "types": [ // This is needed to properly support Vitest testing with jest-dom matchers. // Types for jest-dom are not recognized automatically and Typescript complains // about missing types e.g. when using `toBeInTheDocument` and other matchers. "@testing-library/jest-dom" ], // Since this TS config is used only for IDE support and not for // compilation, the following directory doesn't exist. We need to specify // it to prevent this error: // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42609768/typescript-error-cannot-write-file-because-it-would-overwrite-input-file "outDir": "phantom", }, "exclude": [ "phantom" ], }