The fastest way to develop full-stack web apps with React & Node.js.
Web page | Docs
Wasp (**W**eb **A**pplication **Sp**ecification) is a Rails-like framework for React, Node.js and Prisma.
Build your app in a day and deploy it with a single CLI command!
### Why is Wasp awesome
- 🚀 **Quick start**: Due to its expressiveness, you can create and deploy a production-ready web app from scratch with very few lines of concise, consistent, declarative code.
- 😌 **No boilerplate**: By abstracting away complex full-stack features, there is less boilerplate code. That means less code to maintain and understand! It also means easier upgrades.
- 🔓 **No lock-in**: You can deploy Wasp app anywhere you like. There is no lock-in into specific providers, you have full control over the code (and can actually check it out in .wasp/ dir if you are interested ).
### Features
🔒 Full-stack Auth, 🖇️ RPC (Client <-> Server), 🚀 Simple Deployment, ⚙ ️Jobs, ✉️ Email Sending, 🛟 Full-stack Type Safety, ...
### Code example
Simple Wasp config file in which you describe the high-level details of your web app:
// file: main.wasp
app todoApp {
title: "ToDo App", // visible in the browser tab
wasp: { version: "^0.11.0" },
auth: { // full-stack auth out-of-the-box
userEntity: User, methods: { email: {...} }
route RootRoute { path: "/", to: MainPage }
page MainPage {
authRequired: true, // Limit access to logged in users.
component: import Main from "@client/Main.tsx" // Your React code.
query getTasks {
fn: import { getTasks } from "@server/tasks.js", // Your Node.js code.
entities: [Task] // Automatic cache invalidation.
entity Task {=psl // Your Prisma data model.
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
description String
isDone Boolean @default(false)
The rest of the code you write in React / Node.js / Prisma and just reference it from the .wasp file.
:arrow_forward: Check out [TodoApp example](/examples/tutorials/TodoApp) for the complete code example. :arrow_backward:
### How it works
Given a simple .wasp configuration file that describes the high-level details of your web app, and .js(x)/.css/..., source files with your unique logic, Wasp compiler generates the full source of your web app in the target stack: front-end, back-end and deployment.
This unique approach is what makes Wasp "smart" and gives it its super powers!
For more information about Wasp, check [**docs**](
# Get started
curl -sSL | sh
to install Wasp on OSX/Linux/WSL(Win). From there, just follow the instructions to run your first app in less than a minute!
For more details check out [the docs](
# This repository
This is the main repo of the Wasp universe, containing core code (mostly `waspc` - Wasp compiler) and the supporting materials.
# Project status
Currently, Wasp is in beta, with most features flushed out and working well.
However, there are still a lot of improvements and additions that we have in mind for the future, and we are working on them constantly, so you can expect a lot of changes and improvements in the future.
While the idea is to support multiple web tech stacks in the future, right now we are focusing on the specific stack: React + react-query, NodeJS + ExpressJS, Prisma.
# Contributing
Any way you want to contribute is a good way :)!
The best place to start is to check out [waspc/](waspc/), where you can find detailed steps for the first time contributors + technical details about the Wasp compiler.
Core of Wasp is built in Haskell, but there is also a lot of non-Haskell parts of Wasp, so you will certainly be able to find something for you!
Even if you don't plan to submit any code, just joining the discussion on discord [![Discord](]( and giving your feedback is already great and helps a lot (motivates us and helps us figure out how to shape Wasp)!
You can also:
- :star: Star this repo to show your interest/support.
- :mailbox: Stay updated by subscribing to our [email list](
- :speech_balloon: Join the discussion at .
# Careers
Check our [careers]( page for a list of currently opened positions!
# Sponsors
- Our first sponsor ever! Thanks so much Michel ❤️ , from the whole Wasp Team, for bravely going where nobody has been before :)!
- Thanks Shayne, for all the contributions you did so far and for your continuous support!
- Big thanks Mariano for being one of our first sponsors and believing in us ❤️!
- We are thankful for your support Heaven in this early stage of Wasp :)!