{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} module AnalyzerTest where import Analyzer.TestUtil (ctx) import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import Data.Either (isRight) import Data.List (intercalate) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import qualified StrongPath as SP import Test.Tasty.Hspec import Wasp.Analyzer import Wasp.Analyzer.Parser (Ctx) import qualified Wasp.Analyzer.TypeChecker as TC import qualified Wasp.AppSpec.Action as Action import qualified Wasp.AppSpec.App as App import qualified Wasp.AppSpec.App.Auth as Auth import qualified Wasp.AppSpec.App.Client as Client import qualified Wasp.AppSpec.App.Db as Db import qualified Wasp.AppSpec.App.Dependency as Dependency import qualified Wasp.AppSpec.App.Server as Server import qualified Wasp.AppSpec.App.Wasp as Wasp import Wasp.AppSpec.Core.Ref (Ref (..)) import Wasp.AppSpec.Entity (Entity) import qualified Wasp.AppSpec.Entity as Entity import Wasp.AppSpec.ExtImport (ExtImport (..), ExtImportName (..)) import qualified Wasp.AppSpec.JSON as JSON import qualified Wasp.AppSpec.Job as Job import qualified Wasp.AppSpec.Page as Page import qualified Wasp.AppSpec.Query as Query import Wasp.AppSpec.Route (Route) import qualified Wasp.AppSpec.Route as Route import qualified Wasp.Psl.Ast.Model as PslModel import qualified Wasp.Version as WV spec_Analyzer :: Spec spec_Analyzer = do describe "Analyzer" $ do it "Analyzes a well-typed example" $ do let source = unlines [ "app Todo {", " wasp: {", " version: \"^" ++ show WV.waspVersion ++ "\",", " },", " title: \"Todo App\",", " head: [\"foo\", \"bar\"],", " auth: {", " userEntity: User,", " methods: { usernameAndPassword: {} },", " onAuthFailedRedirectTo: \"/\",", " },", " dependencies: [", " (\"redux\", \"^4.0.5\")", " ],", " server: {", " setupFn: import { setupServer } from \"@server/bar.js\"", " },", " client: {", " rootComponent: import { App } from \"@client/App.jsx\",", " setupFn: import { setupClient } from \"@client/baz.js\"", " },", " db: {", " system: PostgreSQL", " }", "}", "", "entity User {=psl", " description String", "psl=}", "", "page HomePage {", " component: import Home from \"@client/pages/Main\"", "}", "", "page ProfilePage {", " component: import { profilePage } from \"@client/pages/Profile\",", " authRequired: true", "}", "", "route HomeRoute { path: \"/\", to: HomePage }", "", "query getUsers {", " fn: import { getAllUsers } from \"@server/foo.js\",", " entities: [User]", "}", "", "action updateUser {", " fn: import { updateUser } from \"@server/foo.js\",", " entities: [User],", " auth: true", "}", "", "job BackgroundJob {", " executor: PgBoss,", " perform: {", " fn: import { backgroundJob } from \"@server/jobs/baz.js\",", " executorOptions: {", " pgBoss: {=json { \"retryLimit\": 1 } json=}", " }", " },", " schedule: {", " cron: \"*/5 * * * *\",", " args: {=json { \"job\": \"args\" } json=},", " executorOptions: {", " pgBoss: {=json { \"retryLimit\": 0 } json=}", " }", " }", "}" ] let decls = analyze source let expectedApps = [ ( "Todo", App.App { App.wasp = Wasp.Wasp {Wasp.version = "^" ++ show WV.waspVersion}, App.title = "Todo App", App.head = Just ["foo", "bar"], App.auth = Just Auth.Auth { Auth.userEntity = Ref "User" :: Ref Entity, Auth.externalAuthEntity = Nothing, Auth.methods = Auth.AuthMethods { Auth.usernameAndPassword = Just Auth.usernameAndPasswordConfig, Auth.google = Nothing, Auth.gitHub = Nothing }, Auth.onAuthFailedRedirectTo = "/", Auth.onAuthSucceededRedirectTo = Nothing }, App.dependencies = Just [ Dependency.Dependency {Dependency.name = "redux", Dependency.version = "^4.0.5"} ], App.server = Just Server.Server { Server.setupFn = Just $ ExtImport (ExtImportField "setupServer") (fromJust $ SP.parseRelFileP "bar.js") }, App.client = Just Client.Client { Client.setupFn = Just $ ExtImport (ExtImportField "setupClient") (fromJust $ SP.parseRelFileP "baz.js"), Client.rootComponent = Just $ ExtImport (ExtImportField "App") (fromJust $ SP.parseRelFileP "App.jsx") }, App.db = Just Db.Db {Db.system = Just Db.PostgreSQL} } ) ] takeDecls <$> decls `shouldBe` Right expectedApps let expectedPages = [ ( "HomePage", Page.Page { Page.component = ExtImport (ExtImportModule "Home") (fromJust $ SP.parseRelFileP "pages/Main"), Page.authRequired = Nothing } ), ( "ProfilePage", Page.Page { Page.component = ExtImport (ExtImportField "profilePage") (fromJust $ SP.parseRelFileP "pages/Profile"), Page.authRequired = Just True } ) ] takeDecls <$> decls `shouldBe` Right expectedPages let expectedEntities = [ ( "User", Entity.makeEntity $ PslModel.Body [ PslModel.ElementField $ PslModel.Field { PslModel._name = "description", PslModel._type = PslModel.String, PslModel._typeModifiers = [], PslModel._attrs = [] } ] ) ] takeDecls <$> decls `shouldBe` Right expectedEntities let expectedRoutes = [ ( "HomeRoute", Route.Route {Route.path = "/", Route.to = Ref "HomePage"} ) ] takeDecls <$> decls `shouldBe` Right expectedRoutes let expectedQueries = [ ( "getUsers", Query.Query { Query.fn = ExtImport (ExtImportField "getAllUsers") (fromJust $ SP.parseRelFileP "foo.js"), Query.entities = Just [Ref "User"], Query.auth = Nothing } ) ] takeDecls <$> decls `shouldBe` Right expectedQueries let expectedAction = [ ( "updateUser", Action.Action { Action.fn = ExtImport (ExtImportField "updateUser") (fromJust $ SP.parseRelFileP "foo.js"), Action.entities = Just [Ref "User"], Action.auth = Just True } ) ] takeDecls <$> decls `shouldBe` Right expectedAction let jobPerform = Job.Perform ( ExtImport (ExtImportField "backgroundJob") (fromJust $ SP.parseRelFileP "jobs/baz.js") ) ( Just $ Job.ExecutorOptions { Job.pgBoss = JSON.JSON <$> Aeson.decode "{\"retryLimit\":1}", Job.simple = Nothing } ) let jobSchedule = Job.Schedule "*/5 * * * *" (JSON.JSON <$> Aeson.decode "{\"job\":\"args\"}") ( Just $ Job.ExecutorOptions { Job.pgBoss = JSON.JSON <$> Aeson.decode "{\"retryLimit\":0}", Job.simple = Nothing } ) let expectedJob = [ ( "BackgroundJob", Job.Job { Job.executor = Job.PgBoss, Job.perform = jobPerform, Job.schedule = Just jobSchedule, Job.entities = Nothing } ) ] takeDecls <$> decls `shouldBe` Right expectedJob it "Returns a type error if unexisting declaration is referenced" $ do let source = unlines [ "route HomeRoute { path: \"/\", to: NonExistentPage }" ] takeDecls @Route <$> analyze source `shouldBe` Left (TypeError $ TC.mkTypeError (ctx (1, 34) (1, 48)) $ TC.UndefinedIdentifier "NonExistentPage") it "Returns a type error if referenced declaration is of wrong type" $ do let source = unlines [ "route HomeRoute { path: \"/\", to: HomeRoute }" ] analyze source `errorMessageShouldBe` ( ctx (1, 35) (1, 43), intercalate "\n" [ "Type error:", " Expected type: page (declaration type)", " Actual type: route (declaration type)", "", " -> For dictionary field 'to'" ] ) it "Works when referenced declaration is declared after the reference." $ do let source = unlines [ "route HomeRoute { path: \"/\", to: HomePage }", "page HomePage { component: import Home from \"@client/HomePage.js\" }" ] isRight (analyze source) `shouldBe` True describe "Returns correct error message" $ do it "For nested unexpected type error" $ do let source = unlines [ "app MyApp {", " title: \"My app\",", " dependencies: [", " (\"bar\", 13),", " (\"foo\", 14)", " ]", "}" ] analyze source `errorMessageShouldBe` ( ctx (4, 5) (4, 15), intercalate "\n" [ "Type error:", " Expected type: (string, string)", " Actual type: (string, number)", "", " -> For dictionary field 'dependencies':", " -> In list" ] ) it "For nested unification type error" $ do let source = unlines [ "app MyApp {", " title: \"My app\",", " dependencies: [", " { name: \"bar\", version: 13 },", " { name: \"foo\", version: \"1.2.3\" }", " ]", "}" ] analyze source `errorMessageShouldBe` ( ctx (5, 29) (5, 35), intercalate "\n" [ "Type error:", " Can't mix the following types:", " - number", " - string", "", " -> For dictionary field 'version'" ] ) it "For redundant dictionary field" $ do let source = unlines [ "app MyApp {", " ttle: \"My app\",", "}" ] analyze source `errorMessageShouldBe` ( ctx (1, 11) (3, 1), intercalate "\n" [ "Type error:", " Unexpected dictionary field 'ttle'" ] ) isAnalyzerOutputTypeError :: Either AnalyzeError a -> Bool isAnalyzerOutputTypeError (Left (TypeError _)) = True isAnalyzerOutputTypeError _ = False errorMessageShouldBe :: Either AnalyzeError a -> (Ctx, String) -> Expectation errorMessageShouldBe analyzeResult (c, msg) = case analyzeResult of Right _ -> error "Test failed: expected AnalyzerError." Left e -> getErrorMessageAndCtx e `shouldBe` (msg, c)