import React, { useState, useRef } from 'react' import { Plus, X, MoreHorizontal } from 'react-feather' import { Popover } from 'react-tiny-popover' import classnames from 'classnames' import { DragDropContext, Droppable, Draggable } from 'react-beautiful-dnd' import { useQuery } from '@wasp/queries' import getListsAndCards from '@wasp/queries/getListsAndCards' import createList from '@wasp/actions/createList' import updateList from '@wasp/actions/updateList' import deleteList from '@wasp/actions/deleteList' import createCard from '@wasp/actions/createCard' import updateCard from '@wasp/actions/updateCard' import UserPageLayout from './UserPageLayout' import waspLogo from './waspLogo.png' import './Main.css' const DND_ITEM_POS_SPACING = 2 ** 16 // It is expected that each item has .pos property. const calcNewDndItemPos = (items) => { if (!Array.isArray(items) || items.length === 0) return DND_ITEM_POS_SPACING - 1 return Math.max( => l.pos)) + DND_ITEM_POS_SPACING } // It is assummed that items are sorted by pos, ascending. const calcNewPosOfDndItemMovedWithinList = (items, srcIdx, destIdx) => { if (srcIdx === destIdx) return items[srcIdx].pos if (destIdx === 0) return (items[0].pos / 2) if (destIdx === items.length - 1) return items[items.length - 1].pos + DND_ITEM_POS_SPACING if (destIdx > srcIdx) return (items[destIdx].pos + items[destIdx + 1].pos) / 2 if (destIdx < srcIdx) return (items[destIdx - 1].pos + items[destIdx].pos) / 2 } // It is assummed that items is sorted by pos, ascending. const calcNewPosOfDndItemInsertedInAnotherList = (items, destIdx) => { if (items.length === 0) return DND_ITEM_POS_SPACING - 1 if (destIdx === 0) return (items[0].pos / 2) if (destIdx === items.length) return items[items.length - 1].pos + DND_ITEM_POS_SPACING return (items[destIdx - 1].pos + items[destIdx].pos) / 2 } const createListIdToSortedCardsMap = (listsAndCards) => { const listIdToSortedCardsMap = {} listsAndCards.forEach(list => { listIdToSortedCardsMap[] = [].sort((a, b) => a.pos - b.pos) }) return listIdToSortedCardsMap } const MainPage = ({ user }) => { const { data: listsAndCards, isFetchingListsAndCards, errorListsAndCards } = useQuery(getListsAndCards) // NOTE(matija): this is only a shallow copy. const listsSortedByPos = listsAndCards && [...listsAndCards].sort((a, b) => a.pos - b.pos) // Create a map with listId -> cards sorted by pos. const listIdToSortedCardsMap = listsAndCards && createListIdToSortedCardsMap(listsAndCards) const onDragEnd = async (result) => { // Item was dropped outside of the droppable area. if (!result.destination) { return } // TODO(matija): make an enum for type strings (BOARD, CARD). if (result.type === 'BOARD') { const newPos = calcNewPosOfDndItemMovedWithinList( listsSortedByPos, result.source.index, result.destination.index ) try { const movedListId = listsSortedByPos[result.source.index].id await updateList({ listId: movedListId, data: { pos: newPos } }) } catch (err) { window.alert('Error while updating list position: ' + err.message) } } else if (result.type === 'CARD') { const sourceListId = result.source.droppableId const destListId = result.destination.droppableId // TODO(matija): this is not the nicest solution, we should have a consistent naming system // for draggable ids (for lists we put prefix in the id, while for cards we use // their db id directly, because that saves us a bit of work in the further code. // // NOTE(matija): All draggable ids must be unique, even if they belong to different // droppable areas. This is why for lists we didn't use a db id directly, because it would // overlap with card ids. And for cards it was handy to have db id as draggable id, because // then we can easily access the data for the specific card. const movedCardId = Number(result.draggableId) const destListCardsSortedByPos = listIdToSortedCardsMap[destListId] let newPos = undefined if (sourceListId === destListId) { // Card got moved within the same list. newPos = calcNewPosOfDndItemMovedWithinList( destListCardsSortedByPos, result.source.index, result.destination.index ) } else { // Card got inserted from another list. newPos = calcNewPosOfDndItemInsertedInAnotherList( destListCardsSortedByPos, result.destination.index ) } try { await updateCard({ cardId: movedCardId, data: { pos: newPos, listId: destListId } }) } catch (err) { window.alert('Error while updating card position: ' + err.message) } } else { // TODO(matija): throw error. } } return ( <UserPageLayout user={user}> <div className='board-header'> <div className='board-name'> <h1 className='board-header-text'>Your board</h1> </div> </div> <DragDropContext onDragEnd={onDragEnd}> <Droppable droppableId="board" direction="horizontal" type="BOARD" > {(provided, snapshot) => ( <div id='board' className='u-fancy-scrollbar' ref={provided.innerRef} {...provided.droppableProps} > { listsSortedByPos && listIdToSortedCardsMap && <Lists lists={listsSortedByPos} listIdToCardsMap={listIdToSortedCardsMap} /> } {provided.placeholder} <AddList newPos={calcNewDndItemPos(listsAndCards)} /> </div> )} </Droppable> </DragDropContext> </UserPageLayout> ) } const Lists = ({ lists, listIdToCardsMap }) => { // TODO(matija): what if some of the props is empty? Although we make sure not to add it // to DOM in that case. return, index) => { return ( <List list={list} key={} index={index} cards={listIdToCardsMap[]} /> ) }) } const List = ({ list, index, cards }) => { const [isPopoverOpen, setIsPopoverOpen] = useState(false) const handleListNameUpdated = async (listId, newName) => { try { await updateList({ listId, data: { name: newName } }) } catch (err) { window.alert('Error while updating list name: ' + err.message) } } const handleDeleteList = async (listId) => { try { await deleteList({ listId }) } catch (err) { window.alert('Error while deleting list: ' + err.message) } setIsPopoverOpen(false) } const ListMenu = () => { return ( <div className='popover-menu'> <div className='popover-header'> <div className='popover-header-item'> <button className='popover-header-close-btn dark-hover fake-invisible-item'> <X size={16}/> </button> </div> <span className='popover-header-title popover-header-item'>List actions</span> <div className='popover-header-item'> <button className='popover-header-close-btn dark-hover' onClick={() => setIsPopoverOpen(false)} > <X size={16}/> </button> </div> </div> <div className='popover-content'> <ul className='popover-content-list'> <li><button>Add card...</button></li> <li><button>Copy list...</button></li> <li> <button onClick={() => handleDeleteList(}> Delete this list </button> </li> </ul> </div> </div> ) } return ( <Draggable key={} draggableId={`listDraggable-${}`} index={index} > {(provided, snapshot) => ( <div className='list-wrapper' ref={provided.innerRef} {...provided.draggableProps} {...provided.dragHandleProps} > <div className='list'> <div className='list-header'> <textarea className='list-header-name mod-list-name' onBlur={(e) => handleListNameUpdated(,} defaultValue={ } /> <div className='list-header-extras'> <Popover isOpen={isPopoverOpen} onClickOutside={() => setIsPopoverOpen(false)} positions={['bottom', 'right', 'left']} align='start' padding={6} content={<ListMenu/>} > <div className='list-header-extras-menu dark-hover' onClick={() => setIsPopoverOpen(!isPopoverOpen)} > <MoreHorizontal size={16}/> </div> </Popover> </div> </div> {/* eof list-header */} <Droppable droppableId={`${}`} direction="vertical" type="CARD" > {(provided, snapshot) => ( <div className='cards' ref={provided.innerRef} {...provided.droppableProps} > { cards && <Cards cards={cards} /> } {provided.placeholder} </div> )} </Droppable> <div className='card-composer-container'> <AddCard listId={} newPos={calcNewDndItemPos(cards)} /> </div> </div> </div> )} </Draggable> ) } const Cards = ({ cards }) => { return ( <div className='list-cards'> {, index) => <Card card={card} key={} index={index} />) } </div> ) } const Card = ({ card, index }) => { return ( <Draggable key={} draggableId={`${}`} index={index} > {(provided, snapshot) => ( <div className='list-card' ref={provided.innerRef} {...provided.draggableProps} {...provided.dragHandleProps} > <span className='list-card-title'>{ card.title }</span> </div> )} </Draggable> ) } const AddList = ({ newPos }) => { const [isInEditMode, setIsInEditMode] = useState(false) const AddListButton = () => { return ( <button className='open-add-list' onClick={() => setIsInEditMode(true)} > <div className='add-icon'> <Plus size={16} strokeWidth={2} /> </div> Add a list </button> ) } const AddListInput = () => { const handleAddList = async (event) => { event.preventDefault() try { const listName = await createList({ name: listName, pos: newPos }) } catch (err) { window.alert('Error: ' + err.message) } } return ( <form onSubmit={handleAddList}> <input className='list-name-input' autoFocus name='listName' type='text' defaultValue='' placeholder='Enter list title...' /> <div className='list-add-controls'> <input className='list-add-button' type='submit' value='Add list' /> <div className='list-cancel-edit' onClick={() => setIsInEditMode(false)} > <X/> </div> </div> </form> ) } return ( <div className={classnames( 'add-list', 'list-wrapper', 'mod-add', { 'is-idle': !isInEditMode } )} > { isInEditMode ? <AddListInput /> : <AddListButton /> } </div> ) } const AddCard = ({ listId, newPos }) => { const [isInEditMode, setIsInEditMode] = useState(false) const AddCardButton = () => { return ( <button className='open-card-composer dark-hover' onClick={() => setIsInEditMode(true)} > <div className='add-icon'> <Plus size={16} strokeWidth={2} /> </div> Add a card </button> ) } const AddCardInput = ({ listId }) => { const formRef = useRef(null) const submitOnEnter = (e) => { if (e.keyCode === 13 /* && e.shiftKey == false */) { e.preventDefault() formRef.current.dispatchEvent( new Event('submit', { cancelable: true, bubbles: true }) ) } } const handleAddCard = async (event, listId) => { event.preventDefault() try { const cardTitle = await createCard({ title: cardTitle, pos: newPos, listId }) } catch (err) { window.alert('Error: ' + err.message) } } return ( <form className='card-composer' ref={formRef} onSubmit={(e) => handleAddCard(e, listId)}> <div className='list-card'> <textarea className='card-composer-textarea' onKeyDown={submitOnEnter} autoFocus name='cardTitle' placeholder='Enter a title for this card...' /> </div> <div className='card-add-controls'> <input className='card-add-button' type='submit' value='Add card' /> <div className='card-cancel-edit' onClick={() => setIsInEditMode(false)} > <X/> </div> </div> </form> ) } return ( <div> { isInEditMode ? <AddCardInput listId={listId} /> : <AddCardButton /> } </div> ) } export default MainPage