import HttpError from '@wasp/core/HttpError.js' import { userPublicSelection } from '../user/queries.js' // TODO: I extracted this articleInclude and articleSetFavoritedFields to enable // reusing of logic that shapes articles as they come out of the server, // but I wonder if there is a more elegant way - here there are a lot of assumptions, // and it is easy to not use where it should be used or use it in a wrong setting. const articleInclude = { user: { // TODO: Tricky, if you forget this you could return unwanted fields // like hashed password! // It would be cool if we had some protection against making this mistake easily. select: userPublicSelection }, tags: true, favoritedBy: { select: { // TODO: Tricky, if I forgot this select here, sensitive data could leak out (hashed password). username: true } } } const articleSetFavoritedFields = (article, user) => { article.favorited = user && article.favoritedBy.find(f => f.username === user.username) article.favoritesCount = article.favoritedBy.length delete article.favoritedBy } const getArticles = async (queryArgs, context) => { // TODO: Do some error handling? const articles = await context.entities.Article.findMany({ ...queryArgs, include: articleInclude }) for (const article of articles) { articleSetFavoritedFields(article, context.user) } return articles } export const getArticlesByUser = async ({ username, skip, take }, context) => { const where = { user: { username } } const articles = await getArticles({ where, skip, take }, context) const count = await context.entities.Article.count({ where }) return { articles, count } } export const getFavoritedArticles = async ({ username, skip, take }, context) => { if (!context.user) { throw new HttpError(403) } const where = { favoritedBy: { some: { username: context.user.username } } } const articles = await getArticles({ where, skip, take }, context) const count = await context.entities.Article.count({ where }) return { articles, count } } export const getFollowedArticles = async ({ skip, take }, context) => { if (!context.user) { throw new HttpError(403) } const followedUsersIds = (await context.entities.User.findUnique({ where: { id: }, include: { following: { select: { id: true } } } })){ id }) => id) const where = { user: { id: { in: followedUsersIds } } } const articles = await getArticles({ where, skip, take }, context) const count = await context.entities.Article.count({ where }) return { articles, count } } export const getAllArticles = async ({ skip, take }, context) => { const articles = await getArticles({ skip, take }, context) const count = await context.entities.Article.count() return { articles, count } } export const getArticle = async ({ slug }, context) => { // TODO: Do some error handling? const article = await context.entities.Article.findUnique({ where: { slug }, include: articleInclude }) if (!article) { throw new HttpError(404) } articleSetFavoritedFields(article, context.user) return article } export const getArticleComments = async ({ articleId }, context) => { // TODO: Do some error handling? const comments = await context.entities.Comment.findMany({ where: { articleId }, include: { user: { // TODO: Tricky, if you forget this you could return unwanted fields // like hashed password! // It would be cool if we had some protection against making this mistake easily. select: userPublicSelection } } }) return comments } export const getTags = async (_args, context) => { const tags = await context.entities.ArticleTag.findMany() // NOTE: This is expensive! // Consider using a time-limited cache or do some other trick to make it less expensive. for (const tag of tags) { tag.numArticles = await context.entities.Article.count({ where: { tags: { some: { name: }}}}) } return tags }