platform: x64 version: '{build}' skip_commits: message: /\[skip ci\]/ branches: only: - master # This will still build PRs. environment: PATH: c:/bin;%PATH% STACK_ROOT: c:/stack TMP: c:/tmp # # `a -> b` means that cached item `a` will be invalidated if `b` changes. # Important: AppVeyor has 1GB limit on cache for free account. cache: # We made these caches dependent on stack.yaml, because we want them # to clear out if new resolver is set, otherwise they would be taking # too much space if they would contain libraries for multiple versions # of resolvers. - c:/stack -> waspc/stack.yaml # This dir is really big, hundreds of MBs, but it reduces build time from 20 to 2 minutes. - c:/Users/appveyor/AppData/Local/Programs/stack -> waspc/stack.yaml install: - ps: cd waspc # Install latest stable stack. - ps: | curl -OutFile -Uri 7z x stack.exe mkdir c:/bin mv stack.exe c:/bin build_script: # Building external libraries/packages. - cmd: stack setup > nul # Do it silently due to lot of not very interesting output. - cmd: stack build --test --only-dependencies # Building our source code. - cmd: stack build --test --no-run-tests test_script: - cmd: stack build --test # Run tests after_test: - ps: mkdir binary-package - ps: mv "$(stack path --local-install-root)/bin/wasp.exe" binary-package/wasp-x86_64.exe - ps: mv "$(stack path --project-root)/data" binary-package/data - ps: mv tools/run_wasp.ps1 binary-package/wasp.ps1 artifacts: # Since waspc\binary-package is a directory, AppVeyor will zip it for us and # name it by the name of the artifact + .zip. - path: waspc\binary-package name: wasp-win-x86_64 deploy: provider: GitHub auth_token: secure: kyc1YtELeuOSAvRQtg6ppmMWYkbsP16z3eBRu09YozknJEXySteOJTHUUyaMocjC description: "Automatic release" artifact: wasp-win-x86_64 force_update: true # Adds files to release even if it already exists. draft: true on: APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG: true # Deploy on tag push only.