// Goal of this file is to re-create a TODO app from http://todomvc.com // This file has "advanced" features in the sense that they might not yet be implemented by Wasp: this is just a proposal. app todoMVC { title: "ToDo MVC" } entity Task { description :: string, isDone :: boolean } page Main { route: "/", content: {=jsx


jsx=}, style: {=css div { color: green; } .mainContainer { display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; } .taskListContainer { width: 60%; } css=} } // TODO: This part is not currently supported at all. entity-form CreateTaskForm { fields: { description: { placeholder: "What do you want to do?" }, isDone: { show: false, defaultValue: false // Although not shown, this field will be set to "false". } }, submit: { button: { show: false }, onEnter: true } } // TODO: This part is not currently supported at all. entity-list TaskList { allowItemEditing: true, allowItemDeletion: true // Items can be deleted, and this also deletes them for real. }