// Test .wasp file. import something from "some/file" // App definition. app test_app { // Title of the app. title: "Hello World!" } // Page definition. page Landing { route: "/", content: {=jsx
My landing page! I have { this.props.taskList.length } tasks.
this.props.addTask(task)} submitButtonLabel={'Create new task'} />
My tasks
jsx=}, style: {=css div { color: red } css=} } page TestPage { route: "/test", content: {=jsx
This is a test page!
jsx=}, style: "test.css" } // Entity definition. entity Task { description :: string, isDone :: boolean } // NOTE(matija): this is only being parsed for now, no code is generated yet. // Entity form definition. entity-form CreateTaskForm { fields: { description: { show: true, defaultValue: "doable task", placeholder: "What will you do?" }, isDone: { show: false, defaultValue: false // Although not shown, this field will be set to "false". } }, submit: { onEnter: false, button: { show: true } } } entity-list TaskList { fields: { description: { render: {=js task => task.description js=} } } }