--- title: GitHub --- import useBaseUrl from '@docusaurus/useBaseUrl'; import DefaultBehaviour from './\_default-behaviour.md'; import OverrideIntro from './\_override-intro.md'; import OverrideExampleIntro from './\_override-example-intro.md'; import UsingAuthNote from './\_using-auth-note.md'; import WaspFileStructureNote from './\_wasp-file-structure-note.md'; import GetUserFieldsType from './\_getuserfields-type.md'; import ApiReferenceIntro from './\_api-reference-intro.md'; import UserSignupFieldsExplainer from '../\_user-signup-fields-explainer.md'; Wasp supports Github Authentication out of the box. GitHub is a great external auth choice when you're building apps for developers, as most of them already have a GitHub account. Letting your users log in using their GitHub accounts turns the signup process into a breeze. Let's walk through enabling Github Authentication, explain some of the default settings, and show how to override them. ## Setting up Github Auth Enabling GitHub Authentication comes down to a series of steps: 1. Enabling GitHub authentication in the Wasp file. 1. Adding the `User` entity. 1. Creating a GitHub OAuth app. 1. Adding the necessary Routes and Pages 1. Using Auth UI components in our Pages. ### 1. Adding Github Auth to Your Wasp File Let's start by properly configuring the Auth object: ```wasp title="main.wasp" app myApp { wasp: { version: "^0.13.0" }, title: "My App", auth: { // highlight-next-line // 1. Specify the User entity (we'll define it next) // highlight-next-line userEntity: User, methods: { // highlight-next-line // 2. Enable Github Auth // highlight-next-line gitHub: {} }, onAuthFailedRedirectTo: "/login" }, } ``` ```wasp title="main.wasp" app myApp { wasp: { version: "^0.13.0" }, title: "My App", auth: { // highlight-next-line // 1. Specify the User entity (we'll define it next) // highlight-next-line userEntity: User, methods: { // highlight-next-line // 2. Enable Github Auth // highlight-next-line gitHub: {} }, onAuthFailedRedirectTo: "/login" }, } ``` ### 2. Add the User Entity Let's now define the `app.auth.userEntity` entity: ```wasp title="main.wasp" // ... // 3. Define the User entity // highlight-next-line entity User {=psl id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) // ... psl=} ``` ```wasp title="main.wasp" // ... // 3. Define the User entity // highlight-next-line entity User {=psl id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) // ... psl=} ``` ### 3. Creating a GitHub OAuth App To use GitHub as an authentication method, you'll first need to create a GitHub OAuth App and provide Wasp with your client key and secret. Here's how you do it: 1. Log into your GitHub account and navigate to: https://github.com/settings/developers. 2. Select **New OAuth App**. 3. Supply required information. GitHub Applications Screenshot - For **Authorization callback URL**: - For development, put: `http://localhost:3001/auth/github/callback`. - Once you know on which URL your API server will be deployed, you can create a new app with that URL instead e.g. `https://your-server-url.com/auth/github/callback`. 4. Hit **Register application**. 5. Hit **Generate a new client secret** on the next page. 6. Copy your Client ID and Client secret as you'll need them in the next step. ### 4. Adding Environment Variables Add these environment variables to the `.env.server` file at the root of your project (take their values from the previous step): ```bash title=".env.server" GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=your-github-client-id GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=your-github-client-secret ``` ### 5. Adding the Necessary Routes and Pages Let's define the necessary authentication Routes and Pages. Add the following code to your `main.wasp` file: ```wasp title="main.wasp" // ... // 6. Define the routes route LoginRoute { path: "/login", to: LoginPage } page LoginPage { component: import { Login } from "@src/pages/auth.jsx" } ``` ```wasp title="main.wasp" // ... // 6. Define the routes route LoginRoute { path: "/login", to: LoginPage } page LoginPage { component: import { Login } from "@src/pages/auth.tsx" } ``` We'll define the React components for these pages in the `src/pages/auth.{jsx,tsx}` file below. ### 6. Creating the Client Pages :::info We are using [Tailwind CSS](https://tailwindcss.com/) to style the pages. Read more about how to add it [here](../../project/css-frameworks). ::: Let's create a `auth.{jsx,tsx}` file in the `src/pages` folder and add the following to it: ```tsx title="src/pages/auth.jsx" import { LoginForm } from 'wasp/client/auth' export function Login() { return ( ) } // A layout component to center the content export function Layout({ children }) { return (
) } ```
```tsx title="src/pages/auth.tsx" import { LoginForm } from 'wasp/client/auth' export function Login() { return ( ) } // A layout component to center the content export function Layout({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) { return (
) } ```
We imported the generated Auth UI components and used them in our pages. Read more about the Auth UI components [here](../../auth/ui). ### Conclusion Yay, we've successfully set up Github Auth! 🎉 ![Github Auth](/img/auth/github.png) Running `wasp db migrate-dev` and `wasp start` should now give you a working app with authentication. To see how to protect specific pages (i.e., hide them from non-authenticated users), read the docs on [using auth](../../auth/overview). ## Default Behaviour Add `gitHub: {}` to the `auth.methods` dictionary to use it with default settings. ```wasp title=main.wasp app myApp { wasp: { version: "^0.13.0" }, title: "My App", auth: { userEntity: User, methods: { // highlight-next-line gitHub: {} }, onAuthFailedRedirectTo: "/login" }, } ``` ```wasp title=main.wasp app myApp { wasp: { version: "^0.13.0" }, title: "My App", auth: { userEntity: User, methods: { // highlight-next-line gitHub: {} }, onAuthFailedRedirectTo: "/login" }, } ``` ## Overrides ### Data Received From GitHub We are using GitHub's API and its `/user` and `/user/emails` endpoints to get the user data. :::info We combine the data from the two endpoints You'll find the emails in the `emails` property in the object that you receive in `userSignupFields`. This is because we combine the data from the `/user` and `/user/emails` endpoints **if the `user` or `user:email` scope is requested.** ::: The data we receive from GitHub on the `/user` endpoint looks something this: ```json { "login": "octocat", "id": 1, "name": "monalisa octocat", "avatar_url": "https://github.com/images/error/octocat_happy.gif", "gravatar_id": "", // ... } ``` And the data from the `/user/emails` endpoint looks something like this: ```json [ { "email": "octocat@github.com", "verified": true, "primary": true, "visibility": "public" } ] ``` The fields you receive will depend on the scopes you requested. By default we don't specify any scopes. If you want to get the emails, you need to specify the `user` or `user:email` scope in the `configFn` function. For an up to date info about the data received from GitHub, please refer to the [GitHub API documentation](https://docs.github.com/en/rest/users/users?apiVersion=2022-11-28#get-the-authenticated-user). ### Using the Data Received From GitHub ```wasp title="main.wasp" app myApp { wasp: { version: "^0.13.0" }, title: "My App", auth: { userEntity: User, methods: { gitHub: { // highlight-next-line configFn: import { getConfig } from "@src/auth/github.js", // highlight-next-line userSignupFields: import { userSignupFields } from "@src/auth/github.js" } }, onAuthFailedRedirectTo: "/login" }, } entity User {=psl id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) username String @unique displayName String psl=} // ... ``` ```js title=src/auth/github.js export const userSignupFields = { username: () => "hardcoded-username", displayName: (data) => data.profile.name, }; export function getConfig() { return { scopes: ['user'], }; } ``` ```wasp title="main.wasp" app myApp { wasp: { version: "^0.13.0" }, title: "My App", auth: { userEntity: User, methods: { gitHub: { // highlight-next-line configFn: import { getConfig } from "@src/auth/github.js", // highlight-next-line userSignupFields: import { userSignupFields } from "@src/auth/github.js" } }, onAuthFailedRedirectTo: "/login" }, } entity User {=psl id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) username String @unique displayName String psl=} // ... ``` ```ts title=src/auth/github.ts import { defineUserSignupFields } from 'wasp/server/auth' export const userSignupFields = defineUserSignupFields({ username: () => "hardcoded-username", displayName: (data: any) => data.profile.name, }) export function getConfig() { return { scopes: ['user'], } } ``` ## Using Auth ## API Reference ```wasp title="main.wasp" app myApp { wasp: { version: "^0.13.0" }, title: "My App", auth: { userEntity: User, methods: { gitHub: { // highlight-next-line configFn: import { getConfig } from "@src/auth/github.js", // highlight-next-line userSignupFields: import { userSignupFields } from "@src/auth/github.js" } }, onAuthFailedRedirectTo: "/login" }, } ``` ```wasp title="main.wasp" app myApp { wasp: { version: "^0.13.0" }, title: "My App", auth: { userEntity: User, methods: { gitHub: { // highlight-next-line configFn: import { getConfig } from "@src/auth/github.js", // highlight-next-line userSignupFields: import { userSignupFields } from "@src/auth/github.js" } }, onAuthFailedRedirectTo: "/login" }, } ``` The `gitHub` dict has the following properties: - #### `configFn: ExtImport` This function should return an object with the scopes for the OAuth provider. ```js title=src/auth/github.js export function getConfig() { return { scopes: [], } } ``` ```ts title=src/auth/github.ts export function getConfig() { return { scopes: [], } } ``` - #### `userSignupFields: ExtImport` Read more about the `userSignupFields` function [here](../overview#1-defining-extra-fields).