2020-09-15 17:00:48 +02:00

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module Command.Compile
( compile
) where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.List (find, isSuffixOf)
import qualified Path as P
import qualified Common
import CompileOptions (CompileOptions (..))
import qualified Lib
import StrongPath (Abs, Dir, Path, (</>))
import qualified StrongPath as SP
import qualified Util.IO
-- | Compiles Wasp source code in waspProjectDir directory and generates a project
-- in given outDir directory.
compile :: Path Abs (Dir Common.WaspProjectDir)
-> Path Abs (Dir Lib.ProjectRootDir)
-> IO (Either String ())
compile waspProjectDir outDir = do
maybeWaspFile <- findWaspFile waspProjectDir
case maybeWaspFile of
Nothing -> return $ Left "No *.wasp file present in the root of Wasp project."
Just waspFile -> Lib.compile waspFile outDir options
options = CompileOptions
{ externalCodeDirPath = waspProjectDir </> Common.extCodeDirInWaspProjectDir }
findWaspFile :: Path Abs (Dir d) -> IO (Maybe (Path Abs SP.File))
findWaspFile dir = do
(files, _) <- liftIO $ Util.IO.listDirectory (SP.toPathAbsDir dir)
return $ (dir SP.</>) . SP.fromPathRelFile <$> find isWaspFile files
isWaspFile :: P.Path P.Rel P.File -> Bool
isWaspFile path = ".wasp" `isSuffixOf` P.toFilePath path
&& (length (P.toFilePath path) > length (".wasp" :: String))