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synced 2024-12-28 11:34:41 +03:00
* Fixed incorrect handling of escaped strings in parser. * Refactored Parser golden tests a bit. * Moved PrettyPrinter for Parser AST to Parser. * fix
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module Analyzer.ParserTest where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSC
import System.FilePath (replaceExtension, takeBaseName)
import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.Golden (findByExtension, goldenVsStringDiff)
import Test.Tasty.Hspec
import Wasp.Analyzer.Parser hiding (withCtx)
import Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.PrettyPrinter (prettyPrintParserResult)
spec_IsValidWaspIdentifier :: Spec
spec_IsValidWaspIdentifier = do
it "Correctly identifies valid identifiers" $ do
all isValidWaspIdentifier ["foo", "foo12", "_12", "_"]
it "Correctly identifies invalid identifiers" $ do
not (any isValidWaspIdentifier ["true", "12", "12_", "1foo"])
spec_ParseExpression :: Spec
spec_ParseExpression = do
it "Parses identifiers" $ do
parseExpression "foo" `shouldBe` Right (Var "foo")
parseExpression "foo12" `shouldBe` Right (Var "foo12")
parseExpression "_" `shouldBe` Right (Var "_")
parseExpression "_12" `shouldBe` Right (Var "_12")
it "Parses double literals" $ do
parseExpression "0.5" `shouldBe` Right (DoubleLiteral 0.5)
it "Parses int literals" $ do
parseExpression "5" `shouldBe` Right (IntegerLiteral 5)
test_ParseStatements :: IO TestTree
test_ParseStatements = do
-- To make writing tests easier, we use golden files to define our tests here.
-- In parseStatementsTests/ dir there are .wasp files and .golden files, where
-- each .wasp source file represents input of a single test,
-- while corresponding .golden file represents expected output of that test.
-- See `declsDictsAndLiterals` for an example of a test case with a successful
-- parse.
-- See `dictNoCloseBracket` for an example of a test case with an unsuccessful
-- parse.
-- While the testing framework will create the `.golden` file for you if it does
-- not exist, it is recommended that you manually write the `.golden` file to
-- make sure the output is as expected.
-- When the golden file does not match the actual output, a diff will be shown
-- in the terminal.
waspFiles <- findByExtension [".wasp"] "./test/Analyzer/ParserTest/parseStatementsTests"
return $
testGroup "Wasp.Analyzer.Parser.parseStatements" $
makeParseStatementsGoldenTest <$> waspFiles
-- | Make a golden test where given wasp source file is parsed with
-- @parseStatements@ and the AST that is the result of parsing is the output of test.
-- This means that AST will be persisted to codebase as a "golden" output and compared
-- against the next time this test is run -> any difference is reported as failed test.
-- If no such file exists yet on the disk, it is created.
makeParseStatementsGoldenTest :: FilePath -> TestTree
makeParseStatementsGoldenTest waspFile =
let goldenAstFile = replaceExtension waspFile ".golden"
testCaseName = takeBaseName waspFile
diffCmd = \ref new -> ["diff", "-u", ref, new]
in goldenVsStringDiff
( do
-- Read from wasp file and return parse result.
source <- BSC.unpack <$> BS.readFile waspFile
return $ BSC.pack $ prettyPrintParserResult $ parseStatements source