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104 lines
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module Parser.CommonTest where
import Test.Tasty.Hspec
import Text.Parsec
import Data.Either
import Path (relfile)
import Lexer
import Parser.Common
spec_parseWaspCommon :: Spec
spec_parseWaspCommon = do
describe "Parsing wasp element linked to an entity" $ do
it "When given a valid declaration, parses it correctly." $ do
runWaspParser (waspElementLinkedToEntity "entity-form" (waspClosure whiteSpace))
"entity-form<Task> TaskForm { }"
`shouldBe` Right ("Task", "TaskForm", ())
describe "Parsing wasp element name and properties" $ do
let parseWaspElementNameAndClosureContent elemKeyword p input =
runWaspParser (waspElementNameAndClosureContent elemKeyword p) input
it "When given valid wasp element declaration along with whitespace parser,\
\ returns an expected result" $ do
parseWaspElementNameAndClosureContent "app" whiteSpace "app someApp { }"
`shouldBe` Right ("someApp", ())
it "When given valid wasp element declaration along with char parser, returns\
\ an expected result" $ do
parseWaspElementNameAndClosureContent "app" (char 'a') "app someApp {a}"
`shouldBe` Right ("someApp", 'a')
it "When given wasp element declaration with invalid name, returns Left" $ do
(isLeft $ parseWaspElementNameAndClosureContent "app" whiteSpace "app 1someApp { }")
`shouldBe` True
describe "Parsing wasp closure" $ do
it "Parses a closure with braces {}" $ do
runWaspParser (waspClosure (symbol "content")) "{ content }"
`shouldBe` Right "content"
it "Does not parse a closure with brackets []" $ do
(isLeft $ runWaspParser (waspClosure (symbol "content")) "[ content ]")
`shouldBe` True
describe "Parsing wasp property with a closure as a value" $ do
it "When given a string as a key and closure as a value, returns closure content." $ do
runWaspParser (waspPropertyClosure "someKey" (symbol "content")) "someKey: { content }"
`shouldBe` Right "content"
describe "Parsing wasp property - string literal" $ do
let parseWaspPropertyStringLiteral key input =
runWaspParser (waspPropertyStringLiteral key) input
it "When given key/value with int value, returns Left." $ do
isLeft (parseWaspPropertyStringLiteral "title" "title: 23")
`shouldBe` True
it "When given key/value with string value, returns a parsed value." $ do
let appTitle = "my first app"
parseWaspPropertyStringLiteral "title" ("title: \"" ++ appTitle ++ "\"")
`shouldBe` Right appTitle
describe "Parsing wasp property - jsx closure {=jsx...jsx=}" $ do
let parseWaspPropertyJsxClosure key input =
runWaspParser (waspPropertyJsxClosure key) input
it "When given unexpected property key, returns Left." $ do
isLeft (parseWaspPropertyJsxClosure "content" "title: 23")
`shouldBe` True
it "When given content within jsx closure, returns that content." $ do
parseWaspPropertyJsxClosure "content" "content: {=jsx some content jsx=}"
`shouldBe` Right "some content"
describe "Parsing wasp jsx closure" $ do
let parseWaspJsxClosure input = runWaspParser waspJsxClosure input
let closureContent = "<div>hello world</div>"
it "Returns the content of closure" $ do
parseWaspJsxClosure ("{=jsx " ++ closureContent ++ " jsx=}")
`shouldBe` Right closureContent
it "Can parse braces {} within the closure" $ do
let closureContentWithBraces = "<div>hello world {task.length}</div>"
parseWaspJsxClosure ("{=jsx " ++ closureContentWithBraces ++ " jsx=}")
`shouldBe` Right closureContentWithBraces
it "Removes leading and trailing spaces" $ do
parseWaspJsxClosure ("{=jsx " ++ closureContent ++ " jsx=}")
`shouldBe` Right closureContent
describe "Parsing relative file path string" $ do
it "Correctly parses relative path in double quotes" $ do
runWaspParser relFilePathString "\"foo/bar.txt\""
`shouldBe` Right [relfile|foo/bar.txt|]
-- TODO: It is not passing on Windows, due to Path differently parsing paths on Windows.
-- Check out Path.Posix vs Path.Windows.
-- it "When path is not relative, returns Left" $ do
-- isLeft (runWaspParser relFilePathString "\"/foo/bar.txt\"") `shouldBe` True