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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Generator.MockWriteableMonad
( MockWriteableMonad,
MockWriteableMonadLogs (..),
MockWriteableMonadConfig (..),
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Fixtures (systemSPRoot)
import Generator.FileDraft.WriteableMonad
import Generator.Templates (TemplatesDir)
import StrongPath (Abs, Dir, File', Path', Rel, reldir, (</>))
-- TODO: Instead of manually defining mock like this, consider using monad-mock package,
-- it should do most of this automatically, now there is a lot of boilerplate.
-- Or we ourselves can maybe use template haskell to reduce duplication.
defaultMockConfig :: MockWriteableMonadConfig
defaultMockConfig =
{ getTemplatesDirAbsPath_impl = systemSPRoot </> [reldir|mock/templates/dir|],
getTemplateFileAbsPath_impl = \path -> systemSPRoot </> [reldir|mock/templates/dir|] </> path,
compileAndRenderTemplate_impl = \_ _ -> pack "Mock template content",
doesFileExist_impl = const True
getMockLogs :: MockWriteableMonad a -> MockWriteableMonadConfig -> MockWriteableMonadLogs
getMockLogs mock config = fst $ execState (unMockWriteableMonad mock) (emptyLogs, config)
emptyLogs = MockWriteableMonadLogs [] [] [] [] [] []
instance WriteableMonad MockWriteableMonad where
writeFileFromText dstPath text = MockWriteableMonad $ do
modifyLogs (writeFileFromText_addCall dstPath text)
getTemplatesDirAbsPath = MockWriteableMonad $ do
modifyLogs getTemplatesDirAbsPath_addCall
(_, config) <- get
return $ getTemplatesDirAbsPath_impl config
createDirectoryIfMissing createParents path = MockWriteableMonad $ do
modifyLogs (createDirectoryIfMissing_addCall createParents path)
copyFile srcPath dstPath = MockWriteableMonad $ do
modifyLogs (copyFile_addCall srcPath dstPath)
getTemplateFileAbsPath path = MockWriteableMonad $ do
modifyLogs (getTemplateFileAbsPath_addCall path)
(_, config) <- get
return $ getTemplateFileAbsPath_impl config path
compileAndRenderTemplate path json = MockWriteableMonad $ do
modifyLogs (compileAndRenderTemplate_addCall path json)
(_, config) <- get
return $ compileAndRenderTemplate_impl config path json
doesFileExist path = MockWriteableMonad $ do
(_, config) <- get
return $ doesFileExist_impl config path
throwIO = throwIO
instance MonadIO MockWriteableMonad where
liftIO = undefined
modifyLogs :: MonadState (a, b) m => (a -> a) -> m ()
modifyLogs f = modify (\(logs, config) -> (f logs, config))
newtype MockWriteableMonad a = MockWriteableMonad
{ unMockWriteableMonad :: State (MockWriteableMonadLogs, MockWriteableMonadConfig) a
deriving (Monad, Applicative, Functor)
data MockWriteableMonadLogs = MockWriteableMonadLogs
{ writeFileFromText_calls :: [(FilePath, Text)],
getTemplatesDirAbsPath_calls :: [()],
createDirectoryIfMissing_calls :: [(Bool, FilePath)],
copyFile_calls :: [(FilePath, FilePath)],
getTemplateFileAbsPath_calls :: [(Path' (Rel TemplatesDir) File')],
compileAndRenderTemplate_calls :: [(Path' (Rel TemplatesDir) File', Aeson.Value)]
data MockWriteableMonadConfig = MockWriteableMonadConfig
{ getTemplatesDirAbsPath_impl :: Path' Abs (Dir TemplatesDir),
getTemplateFileAbsPath_impl :: Path' (Rel TemplatesDir) File' -> Path' Abs File',
compileAndRenderTemplate_impl :: Path' (Rel TemplatesDir) File' -> Aeson.Value -> Text,
doesFileExist_impl :: FilePath -> Bool
writeFileFromText_addCall :: FilePath -> Text -> MockWriteableMonadLogs -> MockWriteableMonadLogs
writeFileFromText_addCall path text logs =
logs {writeFileFromText_calls = (path, text) : (writeFileFromText_calls logs)}
getTemplatesDirAbsPath_addCall :: MockWriteableMonadLogs -> MockWriteableMonadLogs
getTemplatesDirAbsPath_addCall logs =
logs {getTemplatesDirAbsPath_calls = () : (getTemplatesDirAbsPath_calls logs)}
getTemplateFileAbsPath_addCall :: Path' (Rel TemplatesDir) File' -> MockWriteableMonadLogs -> MockWriteableMonadLogs
getTemplateFileAbsPath_addCall path logs =
logs {getTemplateFileAbsPath_calls = (path) : (getTemplateFileAbsPath_calls logs)}
copyFile_addCall :: FilePath -> FilePath -> MockWriteableMonadLogs -> MockWriteableMonadLogs
copyFile_addCall srcPath dstPath logs =
logs {copyFile_calls = (srcPath, dstPath) : (copyFile_calls logs)}
createDirectoryIfMissing_addCall :: Bool -> FilePath -> MockWriteableMonadLogs -> MockWriteableMonadLogs
createDirectoryIfMissing_addCall createParents path logs =
{ createDirectoryIfMissing_calls =
(createParents, path) : (createDirectoryIfMissing_calls logs)
compileAndRenderTemplate_addCall ::
Path' (Rel TemplatesDir) File' ->
Aeson.Value ->
MockWriteableMonadLogs ->
compileAndRenderTemplate_addCall path json logs =
{ compileAndRenderTemplate_calls =
(path, json) : (compileAndRenderTemplate_calls logs)