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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Generator.MockWriteableMonad
( MockWriteableMonad
, MockWriteableMonadLogs(..)
, MockWriteableMonadConfig(..)
, getMockLogs
, defaultMockConfig
) where
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Path ((</>), absdir)
import qualified Path.Aliases as Path
import Generator.FileDraft.WriteableMonad
-- TODO: Instead of manually defining mock like this, consider using monad-mock package,
-- it should do most of this automatically, now there is a lot of boilerplate.
-- Or we ourselves can maybe use template haskell to reduce duplication.
defaultMockConfig :: MockWriteableMonadConfig
defaultMockConfig = MockWriteableMonadConfig
{ getTemplatesDirAbsPath_impl = [absdir|/mock/templates/dir|]
, getTemplateFileAbsPath_impl = \path -> [absdir|/mock/templates/dir|] </> path
, compileAndRenderTemplate_impl = \_ _ -> (pack "Mock template content")
getMockLogs :: MockWriteableMonad a -> MockWriteableMonadConfig -> MockWriteableMonadLogs
getMockLogs mock config = fst $ execState (unMockWriteableMonad mock) (emptyLogs, config)
emptyLogs = MockWriteableMonadLogs [] [] [] [] [] []
instance WriteableMonad MockWriteableMonad where
writeFileFromText dstPath text = MockWriteableMonad $ do
modifyLogs (writeFileFromText_addCall dstPath text)
getTemplatesDirAbsPath = MockWriteableMonad $ do
modifyLogs getTemplatesDirAbsPath_addCall
(_, config) <- get
return $ getTemplatesDirAbsPath_impl config
createDirectoryIfMissing createParents path = MockWriteableMonad $ do
modifyLogs (createDirectoryIfMissing_addCall createParents path)
copyFile srcPath dstPath = MockWriteableMonad $ do
modifyLogs (copyFile_addCall srcPath dstPath)
getTemplateFileAbsPath path = MockWriteableMonad $ do
modifyLogs (getTemplateFileAbsPath_addCall path)
(_, config) <- get
return $ (getTemplateFileAbsPath_impl config) path
compileAndRenderTemplate path json = MockWriteableMonad $ do
modifyLogs (compileAndRenderTemplate_addCall path json)
(_, config) <- get
return $ (compileAndRenderTemplate_impl config) path json
modifyLogs :: MonadState (a, b) m => (a -> a) -> m ()
modifyLogs f = modify (\(logs, config) -> (f logs, config))
newtype MockWriteableMonad a = MockWriteableMonad
{ unMockWriteableMonad :: State (MockWriteableMonadLogs, MockWriteableMonadConfig) a
deriving (Monad, Applicative, Functor)
data MockWriteableMonadLogs = MockWriteableMonadLogs
{ writeFileFromText_calls :: [(FilePath, Text)]
, getTemplatesDirAbsPath_calls :: [()]
, createDirectoryIfMissing_calls :: [(Bool, FilePath)]
, copyFile_calls :: [(FilePath, FilePath)]
, getTemplateFileAbsPath_calls :: [(Path.RelFile)]
, compileAndRenderTemplate_calls :: [(Path.RelFile, Aeson.Value)]
data MockWriteableMonadConfig = MockWriteableMonadConfig
{ getTemplatesDirAbsPath_impl :: Path.AbsDir
, getTemplateFileAbsPath_impl :: Path.RelFile -> Path.AbsFile
, compileAndRenderTemplate_impl :: Path.RelFile -> Aeson.Value -> Text
writeFileFromText_addCall :: FilePath -> Text -> MockWriteableMonadLogs -> MockWriteableMonadLogs
writeFileFromText_addCall path text logs =
logs { writeFileFromText_calls = (path, text):(writeFileFromText_calls logs) }
getTemplatesDirAbsPath_addCall :: MockWriteableMonadLogs -> MockWriteableMonadLogs
getTemplatesDirAbsPath_addCall logs =
logs { getTemplatesDirAbsPath_calls = ():(getTemplatesDirAbsPath_calls logs) }
getTemplateFileAbsPath_addCall :: Path.RelFile -> MockWriteableMonadLogs -> MockWriteableMonadLogs
getTemplateFileAbsPath_addCall path logs =
logs { getTemplateFileAbsPath_calls = (path):(getTemplateFileAbsPath_calls logs) }
copyFile_addCall :: FilePath -> FilePath -> MockWriteableMonadLogs -> MockWriteableMonadLogs
copyFile_addCall srcPath dstPath logs =
logs { copyFile_calls = (srcPath, dstPath):(copyFile_calls logs) }
createDirectoryIfMissing_addCall :: Bool -> FilePath -> MockWriteableMonadLogs -> MockWriteableMonadLogs
createDirectoryIfMissing_addCall createParents path logs =
logs { createDirectoryIfMissing_calls =
(createParents, path):(createDirectoryIfMissing_calls logs) }
compileAndRenderTemplate_addCall :: Path.RelFile -> Aeson.Value -> MockWriteableMonadLogs -> MockWriteableMonadLogs
compileAndRenderTemplate_addCall path json logs =
logs { compileAndRenderTemplate_calls =
(path, json):(compileAndRenderTemplate_calls logs) }