
162 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Command.Telemetry.Project
( getWaspProjectPathHash
, considerSendingData
, readProjectTelemetryFile
, getTimeOfLastTelemetryDataSent
) where
import Command.Common (findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd)
import Control.Monad (void, when)
import Crypto.Hash (SHA256 (..), hashWith)
import Data.Aeson ((.=))
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as ByteStringLazyUTF8
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as ByteStringUTF8
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.Time as T
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import GHC.Generics
import qualified Network.HTTP.Simple as HTTP
import Paths_waspc (version)
import qualified System.Directory as SD
import qualified System.Info
import Command (Command)
import qualified Command.Call
import Command.Telemetry.Common (TelemetryCacheDir)
import Command.Telemetry.User (UserSignature (..))
import StrongPath (Abs, Dir, File, Path)
import qualified StrongPath as SP
considerSendingData :: Path Abs (Dir TelemetryCacheDir) -> UserSignature -> ProjectHash -> Command.Call.Call -> IO ()
considerSendingData telemetryCacheDirPath userSignature projectHash cmdCall = do
projectCache <- readOrCreateProjectTelemetryFile telemetryCacheDirPath projectHash
let relevantLastCheckIn = case cmdCall of
Command.Call.Build -> _lastCheckInBuild projectCache
_ -> _lastCheckIn projectCache
shouldSendData <- case relevantLastCheckIn of
Nothing -> return True
Just lastCheckIn -> isOlderThan12Hours lastCheckIn
when shouldSendData $ do
sendTelemetryData $ getProjectTelemetryData userSignature projectHash cmdCall
projectCache' <- newProjectCache projectCache
writeProjectTelemetryFile telemetryCacheDirPath projectHash projectCache'
isOlderThan12Hours :: T.UTCTime -> IO Bool
isOlderThan12Hours time = do
now <- T.getCurrentTime
let secondsSinceLastCheckIn = T.nominalDiffTimeToSeconds (now `T.diffUTCTime` time)
return $ let numSecondsInHour = 3600
in secondsSinceLastCheckIn > 12 * numSecondsInHour
newProjectCache :: ProjectTelemetryCache -> IO ProjectTelemetryCache
newProjectCache currentProjectCache = do
now <- T.getCurrentTime
return currentProjectCache
{ _lastCheckIn = Just now
, _lastCheckInBuild = case cmdCall of
Command.Call.Build -> Just now
_ -> _lastCheckInBuild currentProjectCache
-- * Project hash.
newtype ProjectHash = ProjectHash { _projectHashValue :: String } deriving (Show)
getWaspProjectPathHash :: Command ProjectHash
getWaspProjectPathHash = ProjectHash . take 16 . sha256 . SP.toFilePath <$> findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd
sha256 :: String -> String
sha256 = show . hashWith SHA256 . ByteStringUTF8.fromString
-- * Project telemetry cache.
data ProjectTelemetryCache = ProjectTelemetryCache
{ _lastCheckIn :: Maybe T.UTCTime -- Last time when CLI was called for this project, any command.
, _lastCheckInBuild :: Maybe T.UTCTime -- Last time when CLI was called for this project, with Build command.
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance Aeson.ToJSON ProjectTelemetryCache
instance Aeson.FromJSON ProjectTelemetryCache
initialCache :: ProjectTelemetryCache
initialCache = ProjectTelemetryCache { _lastCheckIn = Nothing, _lastCheckInBuild = Nothing }
-- * Project telemetry cache file.
getTimeOfLastTelemetryDataSent :: ProjectTelemetryCache -> Maybe T.UTCTime
getTimeOfLastTelemetryDataSent cache = maximum [_lastCheckIn cache, _lastCheckInBuild cache]
readProjectTelemetryFile :: Path Abs (Dir TelemetryCacheDir) -> ProjectHash -> IO (Maybe ProjectTelemetryCache)
readProjectTelemetryFile telemetryCacheDirPath projectHash = do
fileExists <- SD.doesFileExist filePathFP
if fileExists then readCacheFile else return Nothing
filePathFP = SP.toFilePath $ getProjectTelemetryFilePath telemetryCacheDirPath projectHash
readCacheFile = Aeson.decode . ByteStringLazyUTF8.fromString <$> readFile filePathFP
readOrCreateProjectTelemetryFile :: Path Abs (Dir TelemetryCacheDir) -> ProjectHash -> IO ProjectTelemetryCache
readOrCreateProjectTelemetryFile telemetryCacheDirPath projectHash = do
maybeProjectTelemetryCache <- readProjectTelemetryFile telemetryCacheDirPath projectHash
case maybeProjectTelemetryCache of
Just cache -> return cache
Nothing -> writeProjectTelemetryFile telemetryCacheDirPath projectHash initialCache >> return initialCache
writeProjectTelemetryFile :: Path Abs (Dir TelemetryCacheDir) -> ProjectHash -> ProjectTelemetryCache -> IO ()
writeProjectTelemetryFile telemetryCacheDirPath projectHash cache = do
writeFile filePathFP (ByteStringLazyUTF8.toString $ Aeson.encode cache)
filePathFP = SP.toFilePath $ getProjectTelemetryFilePath telemetryCacheDirPath projectHash
getProjectTelemetryFilePath :: Path Abs (Dir TelemetryCacheDir) -> ProjectHash -> Path Abs File
getProjectTelemetryFilePath telemetryCacheDir (ProjectHash projectHash) =
telemetryCacheDir SP.</> fromJust (SP.parseRelFile $ "project-" ++ projectHash)
-- * Telemetry data.
data ProjectTelemetryData = ProjectTelemetryData
{ _userSignature :: UserSignature
, _projectHash :: ProjectHash
, _waspVersion :: String
, _os :: String
, _isBuild :: Bool
} deriving (Show)
getProjectTelemetryData :: UserSignature -> ProjectHash -> Command.Call.Call -> ProjectTelemetryData
getProjectTelemetryData userSignature projectHash cmdCall = ProjectTelemetryData
{ _userSignature = userSignature
, _projectHash = projectHash
, _waspVersion = showVersion version
, _os = System.Info.os
, _isBuild = case cmdCall of
Command.Call.Build -> True
_ -> False
sendTelemetryData :: ProjectTelemetryData -> IO ()
sendTelemetryData telemetryData = do
let reqBodyJson = Aeson.object
[ -- PostHog api_key is public so it is ok that we have it here.
"api_key" .= ("CdDd2A0jKTI2vFAsrI9JWm3MqpOcgHz1bMyogAcwsE4" :: String)
, "event" .= ("cli" :: String)
, "properties" .= Aeson.object
[ -- distinct_id is special PostHog value, used as user id.
"distinct_id" .= _userSignatureValue (_userSignature telemetryData)
-- Following are our custom metrics:
, "project_hash" .= _projectHashValue (_projectHash telemetryData)
, "wasp_version" .= _waspVersion telemetryData
, "os" .= _os telemetryData
, "is_build" .= _isBuild telemetryData
request = HTTP.setRequestBodyJSON reqBodyJson $
HTTP.parseRequest_ "POST https://app.posthog.com/capture"
void $ HTTP.httpNoBody request