Shayne Czyzewski 52ec8d7232
Improve performance of writing FileDrafts (#506)
Closes #503 

Co-authored-by: Martijn Faassen <martijn@wasp-lang.dev>
2022-03-29 08:53:28 -04:00

76 lines
3.8 KiB

module Generator.WriteFileDraftsTest where
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (first))
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Text (pack)
import qualified StrongPath as SP
import Test.Tasty.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldBe, shouldMatchList)
import Wasp.Generator.FileDraft (FileDraft (FileDraftTextFd), Writeable (getDstPath))
import Wasp.Generator.FileDraft.TextFileDraft (TextFileDraft)
import qualified Wasp.Generator.FileDraft.TextFileDraft as TextFD
import Wasp.Generator.WriteFileDrafts (fileDraftsToWriteAndFilesToDelete)
import Wasp.Util (Checksum, checksumFromString, checksumFromText)
genMockTextFileDrafts :: Int -> [TextFileDraft]
genMockTextFileDrafts n =
let genMockTextFileDraft i =
{ TextFD._dstPath = fromJust $ SP.parseRelFile ("c/d/dst" ++ show i ++ ".txt"),
TextFD._content = pack $ "Test" ++ show i
in take n (map genMockTextFileDraft [1 :: Int ..])
genFdsWithChecksums :: Int -> [(FileDraft, Checksum)]
genFdsWithChecksums n =
map (\fd -> (FileDraftTextFd fd, checksumFromText $ TextFD._content fd)) (genMockTextFileDrafts n)
spec_WriteFileDrafts :: Spec
spec_WriteFileDrafts =
describe "fileDraftsToWriteAndFilesToDelete" $ do
it "should write and delete nothing if there are no checksums and no file drafts" $
fileDraftsToWriteAndFilesToDelete Nothing [] `shouldBe` ([], [])
it "should write all file drafts and delete nothing if there are no checksums" $
fileDraftsToWriteAndFilesToDelete Nothing (genFdsWithChecksums 3) `shouldBe` (fst <$> genFdsWithChecksums 3, [])
it "should write and delete nothing if checksums on disk match file drafts" $ do
let fdsWithChecksums = genFdsWithChecksums 2
let relPathsToChecksums = map (first getDstPath) fdsWithChecksums
fileDraftsToWriteAndFilesToDelete (Just relPathsToChecksums) fdsWithChecksums `shouldBe` ([], [])
it "should write new (not in checksums list) and updated (in checksums list but different checksum) files drafts and delete redundant files (in checksums but have no corresponding file draft)" $ do
let fdsWithChecksums = genFdsWithChecksums 6
let (newFdsWithChecksums, updatedFdsWithChecksums, unchangedFdsWithChecksums) = splitInto3Groups fdsWithChecksums
let deletedRelPathsToChecksums =
[ (Left [SP.relfile|path/to/redundant/file.txt|], checksumFromString "foofile"),
(Right [SP.reldir|path/to/redundant/dir|], checksumFromString "foodir")
let relPathsToChecksums =
[ map (first getDstPath) unchangedFdsWithChecksums,
( \(fd, _) ->
let differentChecksum = checksumFromString $ fromEither SP.toFilePath SP.toFilePath (getDstPath fd) ++ "-footestbar"
in (getDstPath fd, differentChecksum)
let (fileDraftsToWrite, filesToDelete) = fileDraftsToWriteAndFilesToDelete (Just relPathsToChecksums) fdsWithChecksums
fileDraftsToWrite `shouldMatchList` map fst (newFdsWithChecksums ++ updatedFdsWithChecksums)
filesToDelete `shouldMatchList` map fst deletedRelPathsToChecksums
fromEither :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
fromEither f _ (Left a) = f a
fromEither _ g (Right a) = g a
-- NOTE: We could make math work better, including for lists < 3 elements,
-- and possibly not divisible by 3. But this is internal helper so
-- we can punt for now.
splitInto3Groups :: [a] -> ([a], [a], [a])
splitInto3Groups xs =
case splitIntoChunks (length xs `div` 3) xs of
[a, b, c] -> (a, b, c)
_ -> error "fix this"
splitIntoChunks :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitIntoChunks _ [] = []
splitIntoChunks n xs = take n xs : splitIntoChunks n (drop n xs)