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{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Psl.Generator.ModelTest where
import Psl.Common.ModelTest (sampleBodyAst)
import Test.Tasty.Hspec
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec
import qualified Wasp.Psl.Ast.Model as AST
import Wasp.Psl.Generator.Model (generateModel)
import qualified Wasp.Psl.Parser.Model
spec_generatePslModel :: Spec
spec_generatePslModel = do
describe "Complex example" $ do
let pslModelAst = AST.Model "User" sampleBodyAst
it "parse(generate(sampleBodyAst)) == sampleBodyAst" $ do
Parsec.parse Wasp.Psl.Parser.Model.model "" (generateModel pslModelAst) `shouldBe` Right pslModelAst
prop_generatePslModel :: Property
prop_generatePslModel = mapSize (const 100) $ \modelAst ->
within 1000000 $
Parsec.parse Wasp.Psl.Parser.Model.model "" (generateModel modelAst) `shouldBe` Right modelAst
instance Arbitrary AST.Model where
arbitrary = AST.Model <$> arbitraryIdentifier <*> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary AST.Body where
arbitrary = do
fieldElement <- AST.ElementField <$> arbitrary
elementsBefore <- scale (const 5) arbitrary
elementsAfter <- scale (const 5) arbitrary
return $ AST.Body $ elementsBefore ++ [fieldElement] ++ elementsAfter
instance Arbitrary AST.Element where
arbitrary =
[ AST.ElementField <$> arbitrary,
AST.ElementBlockAttribute <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary AST.Field where
arbitrary = do
name <- arbitraryIdentifier
fieldType <- arbitrary
modifiers <- oneof [(: []) <$> arbitrary, return []]
attrs <- scale (const 5) arbitrary
return $
{ AST._name = name,
AST._type = fieldType,
AST._typeModifiers = modifiers,
AST._attrs = attrs
instance Arbitrary AST.FieldType where
arbitrary =
[ return AST.String,
return AST.Boolean,
return AST.Int,
return AST.BigInt,
return AST.Float,
return AST.Decimal,
return AST.DateTime,
return AST.Json,
return AST.Bytes,
AST.Unsupported . show <$> arbitraryIdentifier,
AST.UserType <$> arbitraryIdentifier
instance Arbitrary AST.FieldTypeModifier where
arbitrary = oneof [return AST.List, return AST.Optional]
instance Arbitrary AST.Attribute where
arbitrary = do
name <-
[ (2, arbitraryIdentifier),
(1, ("db." ++) <$> arbitraryIdentifier)
args <- scale (const 5) arbitrary
return $ AST.Attribute {AST._attrName = name, AST._attrArgs = args}
instance Arbitrary AST.AttributeArg where
arbitrary =
[ AST.AttrArgNamed <$> arbitraryIdentifier <*> arbitrary,
AST.AttrArgUnnamed <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary AST.AttrArgValue where
arbitrary =
[ AST.AttrArgString <$> arbitraryNonEmptyPrintableString,
AST.AttrArgIdentifier <$> arbitraryIdentifier,
AST.AttrArgFunc <$> arbitraryIdentifier,
AST.AttrArgFieldRefList <$> scale (const 5) (listOf1 arbitraryIdentifier),
-- NOTE: For now we are not supporting negative numbers.
-- I couldn't figure out from Prisma docs if there could be the case
-- where these numbers could be negative. Probably we should take care of that case.
<$> oneof
[ show <$> (arbitrary :: Gen Int) `suchThat` (>= 0),
show <$> (arbitrary :: Gen Float) `suchThat` (>= 0)
-- NOTE: Unknown is commented out because unknown should contain only values
-- that are not recognized as any other type of attribute argument,
-- and defining how those are generated is not so simple, so I skipped it for now.
-- , AST.AttrArgUnknown <$> arbitraryNonEmptyPrintableString
arbitraryNonEmptyPrintableString :: Gen String
arbitraryNonEmptyPrintableString = listOf1 arbitraryPrintableChar
arbitraryAlpha :: Gen Char
arbitraryAlpha = elements $ ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z']
arbitraryAlphaNum :: Gen Char
arbitraryAlphaNum = elements $ ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z'] ++ ['0' .. '9']
arbitraryIdentifier :: Gen String
arbitraryIdentifier = (:) <$> arbitraryAlpha <*> listOf arbitraryAlphaNum