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module StrongPathTest where
import Test.Tasty.Hspec
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Path as P
import qualified Path.Windows as PW
import qualified Path.Posix as PP
import StrongPath (Path, Abs, Rel, Dir, File, (</>))
import qualified StrongPath as SP
import Fixtures (fpRoot)
import Test.Util (posixToSystemFp)
data Bar
data Fizz
spec_StrongPath :: Spec
spec_StrongPath = do
describe "Example with Foo file and Bar, Fizz and Kokolo dirs" $ do
let fooFileInBarDir = (SP.fromPathRelFile [P.relfile|foo.txt|]) :: Path (Rel Bar) File
let barDirInFizzDir = (SP.fromPathRelDir [P.reldir|kokolo/bar|]) :: Path (Rel Fizz) (Dir Bar)
let fizzDir = (SP.fromPathAbsDir $ fpRoot P.</> [P.reldir|fizz|]) :: Path Abs (Dir Fizz)
let fooFile = (fizzDir </> barDirInFizzDir </> fooFileInBarDir) :: Path Abs File
let fooFileInFizzDir = (barDirInFizzDir </> fooFileInBarDir) :: Path (Rel Fizz) File
it "Paths are correctly concatenated" $ do
(P.toFilePath $ SP.toPathAbsFile fooFile) `shouldBe` posixToSystemFp "/fizz/kokolo/bar/foo.txt"
(P.toFilePath $ SP.toPathRelFile fooFileInFizzDir) `shouldBe` posixToSystemFp "kokolo/bar/foo.txt"
it "Paths are unchanged when packed and unpacked" $ do
(P.toFilePath $ SP.toPathRelFile $ SP.fromPathRelFile [P.relfile|some/file.txt|])
`shouldBe` posixToSystemFp "some/file.txt"
(P.toFilePath $ SP.toPathRelDir $ SP.fromPathRelDir [P.reldir|some/dir/|])
`shouldBe` posixToSystemFp "some/dir/"
(P.toFilePath $ SP.toPathAbsFile $ SP.fromPathAbsFile $ fpRoot P.</> [P.relfile|some/file.txt|])
`shouldBe` posixToSystemFp "/some/file.txt"
(P.toFilePath $ SP.toPathAbsDir $ SP.fromPathAbsDir $ fpRoot P.</> [P.reldir|some/dir/|])
`shouldBe` posixToSystemFp "/some/dir/"
describe "Correctly converts relative strong path to Posix" $ do
it "When strong path is relative dir" $ do
let expectedPosixPath = SP.fromPathRelDirP [PP.reldir|test/dir/|]
fromJust (SP.relDirToPosix $ SP.fromPathRelDirW [PW.reldir|test\dir\|])
`shouldBe` expectedPosixPath
fromJust (SP.relDirToPosix $ SP.fromPathRelDirP [PP.reldir|test/dir/|])
`shouldBe` expectedPosixPath
fromJust (SP.relDirToPosix $ SP.fromPathRelDir [P.reldir|test/dir/|])
`shouldBe` expectedPosixPath
it "When strong path is relative file" $ do
let expectedPosixPath = SP.fromPathRelFileP [PP.relfile|test/file|]
fromJust (SP.relFileToPosix $ SP.fromPathRelFileW [PW.relfile|test\file|])
`shouldBe` expectedPosixPath
fromJust (SP.relFileToPosix $ SP.fromPathRelFileP [PP.relfile|test/file|])
`shouldBe` expectedPosixPath
fromJust (SP.relFileToPosix $ SP.fromPathRelFile [P.relfile|test/file|])
`shouldBe` expectedPosixPath