Filip Sodić b3d9014e37
Allow Wasp identifiers for project names (#520)
* Allow Wasp identifiers for project names

* Rename initialState to makeInitialState

* Fix formatting

* Use parser to parse Wasp identifiers

* Add newline at the end of Wasp.Analyzer.Parser

* Fix newline at the end of Wasp.Analyzer.Parser

* Clean up and rename parsing

* Fix newline at the end of Wasp.Analyzer.Parser

* Add tests for new parser functions

* Fix formatting

* Fix formatting

* Reformat where statement

* Address PR comments and remove redundant module

* Remove keywords from error message

* Fix formatting in CreateNewProject.hs

* Remove redundant note on duplication
2022-03-30 01:25:56 +02:00

139 lines
7.3 KiB

module Wasp.Analyzer
( -- * Overview
-- |
-- "Analyzer" is the first half (\"frontend\") of Wasp compiler, with "Generator" being the second half (\"backend\").
-- Analyzer parses the Wasp source into "Wasp" AST, which is then passed on to the "Generator".
-- It consists of three stages:
-- 1. "Analyzer.Parser", which transforms source text into "Analyzer.Parser.AST",
-- which captures basic structure like literals, lists, dictionaries, declarations, ...,
-- without getting too much into details of them (it doesn't care about types, or exact declaration types, ...).
-- 2. "Analyzer.TypeChecker", which transforms "Analyzer.Parser.AST" into "Analyzer.TypeChecker.AST",
-- which is almost the same as parser AST but is enriched with type information (what is of which type).
-- While enriching AST with type information, type checker also checks that actual types match expected types.
-- Wasp is strongly statically typed language.
-- 3. "Analyzer.Evaluator", which transforms "Analyzer.TypeChecker.AST" into "Wasp" AST.
-- Wasp AST is output of "Analyzer" and input into "Generator", and is central AST in Wasp compiler.
-- ** Wasp's type system
-- |
-- Wasp's type system can be divided into two main categories of types:
-- 1. __fundamental__ types, which we can further divide into primitive types
-- (@string@, @bool@, @integer@, ...) and composite types (@dict@ and @list@).
-- 2. __domain__ types (e.g. @page@, @route@, ...), which can be many and various
-- but are always of either Decl (Declaration) kind or of Enum (Enumeration) kind (kind is a type of a type).
-- While fundamental types are here to be basic building blocks of a language,
-- domain types are here to bring the D into the DSL, to model the concepts of a web app like
-- @page@, @route@, @query@, @entity@, @AuthMethod@, ... .
-- Primitive fundamental types contain no other types, composite fundamental types can contain any other type,
-- and domain types may contain some other types (depends on the shape of a specific domain type).
-- For example, in the following fictional snippet of Wasp code
-- > app MyApp {
-- > title: "My App",
-- > homePage: DashboardPage,
-- > auth: UsernameAndPassword
-- > }
-- >
-- > page DashboardPage { ... }
-- we have @MyApp@, a value of domain type @app@.
-- Domain type @app@ is of kind Declaration and its definition is a dict with fields
-- @auth@, @homePage@ and @title@ (and possibly some more optional fields).
-- @title@ field is of fundamental type @string@.
-- @homePage@ field is of domain type @page@ which is a Declaration.
-- @auth@ field is of domain type @AuthMethod@ which is an Enum (one of whose values is @UsernameAndPassword@).
-- *** Domain types and how to define them
-- |
-- Domain types are specific in a sense that there are two kinds of them (kind is a type of a type):
-- Decl (Declaration) and Enum (Enumeration).
-- "Analyzer" is implemented in such a way that it is aware of this and can work with any number and variety
-- of domain types that are of Decl or Enum kind, as long as enough information is provided about them.
-- This means that while fundamental types are hardcoded in "Analyzer",
-- domain types are much more flexible and we can easily modify, add or remove them in our code
-- (in Wasp compiler code, which is what you are looking at right now, not actual Wasp language code (.wasp))
-- without doing almost any changes to the "Analyzer", which is what enables us to quickly iterate on the Wasp language.
-- This \"dependency injection\" of domain types into "Analyzer" is accomplished through
-- "Analyzer.TypeDefinitions" module, which defines a 'Analyzer.TypeDefinitions.TypeDefinitions'
-- type which is a container for 'DeclType' and 'EnumType' which each define one domain type:
-- 'DeclType' for a domain type of Decl kind, and 'EnumType' for a domain type of Enum kind.
-- So for example if Wasp language has domain types @page@ and @route@ which are declarations and
-- @AuthMethod@ which is enum, we will inject "Analyzer" with a value of type 'TypeDefinitions'
-- that has two 'DeclType' values, one describing @page@ and one describing @route@,
-- and one 'EnumType' value that describes @AuthMethod@.
-- 'DeclType' (or 'EnumType') describes a specific type (e.g. @page@) in two distinct ways:
-- 1. What is its type shaped like in Wasp type system (e.g. it could be a dict of smth).
-- 2. How it evaluates from a node in typechecked AST into the node in Wasp AST.
-- "Wasp" AST is output of "Analyzer" and input into "Generator", and it is central AST in Wasp compiler.
-- It is not tied to "Analyzer" or "Generator" -> it is standalone and directly describes the web app domain.
-- Nodes in "Wasp" AST directly correspond to a Wasp domain types,
-- with top level nodes in "Wasp" AST always being of Decl kind
-- (therefore making "Wasp" AST basically a list of declarations).
-- Therefore, following previous example, if our Wasp language has declarations @page@ and @route@,
-- there will be @App@ and @Route@ types of nodes in "Wasp" AST.
-- Therefore, when defining 'TypeDefinitions' to inject into "Analyzer",
-- we will always be defining them based on "Wasp" AST and types of nodes it has.
-- Since this is a tedious process (defining manually for each domain type what is its shape
-- and how it evaluates from typechecked AST into Wasp AST),
-- we implemented Template Haskell functions ("Analyzer.Evaluator.TH") which generate these automatically
-- based on "Wasp" AST!
-- These are 'makeDeclType' and 'makeEnumType', which for a given "Wasp" AST node type (e.g. @data Page@)
-- automatically create its instance of 'Evaluator.TypeDefinitions.IsDeclType' \/ 'Evaluator.TypeDefinitions.IsEnumType'.
-- Once this instance is registered with "Analyzer" via "Analyzer.StdTypeDefinitions", that is it ->
-- Analyzer will know how to create 'DeclType'\/'EnumType' based on it, which gives it all info it needs
-- to work with that domain type!
-- Keep in mind that you could define these classes manually if you wish,
-- but normally it is just boilerplate and doing it via TH functions we implemented is just much easier.
-- * Diagram
-- |
-- Check Analyzer/README.md for a diagram of Analyzer!
-- * API
AnalyzeError (..),
SourcePosition (..),
import Control.Arrow (left)
import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import Wasp.Analyzer.AnalyzeError
( AnalyzeError (..),
SourcePosition (..),
import Wasp.Analyzer.Evaluator (Decl, evaluate, takeDecls)
import Wasp.Analyzer.Parser (parseStatements)
import Wasp.Analyzer.StdTypeDefinitions (stdTypes)
import Wasp.Analyzer.TypeChecker (typeCheck)
-- | Takes a Wasp source file and produces a list of declarations or a
-- description of an error in the source file.
analyze :: String -> Either AnalyzeError [Decl]
analyze =
(left ParseError . parseStatements)
>=> (left TypeError . typeCheck stdTypes)
>=> (left EvaluationError . evaluate stdTypes)