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module Main where
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as Async
import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Paths_waspc (version)
import System.Environment
import Wasp.Cli.Command (runCommand)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.BashCompletion (bashCompletion, generateBashCompletionScript, printBashCompletionInstruction)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Build (build)
import qualified Wasp.Cli.Command.Call as Command.Call
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Clean (clean)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Compile (compile)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.CreateNewProject (createNewProject)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Db (runDbCommand, studio)
import qualified Wasp.Cli.Command.Db.Migrate as Command.Db.Migrate
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Deps (deps)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Info (info)
import Wasp.Cli.Command.Start (start)
import qualified Wasp.Cli.Command.Telemetry as Telemetry
import Wasp.Cli.Terminal (title)
import qualified Wasp.Util.Terminal as Term
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
let commandCall = case args of
["new", projectName] -> Command.Call.New projectName
["start"] -> Command.Call.Start
["clean"] -> Command.Call.Clean
["compile"] -> Command.Call.Compile
("db" : dbArgs) -> Command.Call.Db dbArgs
["version"] -> Command.Call.Version
["build"] -> Command.Call.Build
["telemetry"] -> Command.Call.Telemetry
["deps"] -> Command.Call.Deps
["info"] -> Command.Call.Info
["completion"] -> Command.Call.PrintBashCompletionInstruction
["completion:generate"] -> Command.Call.GenerateBashCompletionScript
["completion:list"] -> Command.Call.BashCompletionListCommands
_ -> Command.Call.Unknown args
telemetryThread <- Async.async $ runCommand $ Telemetry.considerSendingData commandCall
case commandCall of
Command.Call.New projectName -> runCommand $ createNewProject projectName
Command.Call.Start -> runCommand start
Command.Call.Clean -> runCommand clean
Command.Call.Compile -> runCommand compile
Command.Call.Db dbArgs -> dbCli dbArgs
Command.Call.Version -> printVersion
Command.Call.Build -> runCommand build
Command.Call.Telemetry -> runCommand Telemetry.telemetry
Command.Call.Deps -> runCommand deps
Command.Call.Info -> runCommand info
Command.Call.PrintBashCompletionInstruction -> runCommand printBashCompletionInstruction
Command.Call.GenerateBashCompletionScript -> runCommand generateBashCompletionScript
Command.Call.BashCompletionListCommands -> runCommand bashCompletion
Command.Call.Unknown _ -> printUsage
-- If sending of telemetry data is still not done 1 second since commmand finished, abort it.
-- We also make sure here to catch all errors that might get thrown and silence them.
void $ Async.race (threadDelaySeconds 1) (Async.waitCatch telemetryThread)
threadDelaySeconds =
let microsecondsInASecond = 1000000
in threadDelay . (* microsecondsInASecond)
printUsage :: IO ()
printUsage =
putStrLn $
[ title "USAGE",
" wasp <command> [command-args]",
title "COMMANDS",
title " GENERAL",
cmd " new <project-name> Creates new Wasp project.",
cmd " version Prints current version of CLI.",
title " IN PROJECT",
cmd " start Runs Wasp app in development mode, watching for file changes.",
cmd " db <db-cmd> [args] Executes a database command. Run 'wasp db' for more info.",
cmd " clean Deletes all generated code and other cached artifacts. Wasp equivalent of 'have you tried closing and opening it again?'.",
cmd " build Generates full web app code, ready for deployment. Use when deploying or ejecting.",
cmd " telemetry Prints telemetry status.",
cmd " deps Prints the dependencies that Wasp uses in your project.",
cmd " info Prints basic information about current Wasp project.",
title "EXAMPLES",
" wasp new MyApp",
" wasp start",
" wasp db migrate-dev",
Term.applyStyles [Term.Green] "Docs:" ++ " https://wasp-lang.dev/docs",
Term.applyStyles [Term.Magenta] "Discord (chat):" ++ " https://discord.gg/rzdnErX"
printVersion :: IO ()
printVersion = putStrLn $ showVersion version
-- TODO(matija): maybe extract to a separate module, e.g. DbCli.hs?
dbCli :: [String] -> IO ()
dbCli args = case args of
["migrate-dev", migrationName] -> runDbCommand $ Command.Db.Migrate.migrateDev (Just migrationName)
["migrate-dev"] -> runDbCommand $ Command.Db.Migrate.migrateDev Nothing
["studio"] -> runDbCommand studio
_ -> printDbUsage
printDbUsage :: IO ()
printDbUsage =
putStrLn $
[ title "USAGE",
" wasp db <command> [command-args]",
title "COMMANDS",
( " migrate-dev [migration-name] Ensures dev database corresponds to the current state of schema(entities):\n"
<> " - Generates a new migration if there are changes in the schema.\n"
<> " - Applies any pending migrations to the database either using the supplied migration name or asking for one.\n"
cmd " studio GUI for inspecting your database.",
title "EXAMPLES",
" wasp db migrate-dev",
" wasp db migrate-dev \"Added User entity\"",
" wasp db studio"
cmd :: String -> String
cmd = mapFirstWord (Term.applyStyles [Term.Yellow, Term.Bold])
mapFirstWord :: (String -> String) -> String -> String
mapFirstWord f s = beforeFirstWord ++ f firstWord ++ afterFirstWord
(beforeFirstWord, firstWordAndAfter) = span isSpace s
(firstWord, afterFirstWord) = break isSpace firstWordAndAfter