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module Parser.JsImportTest where
import Test.Tasty.Hspec
import Data.Either (isLeft)
import qualified Path as P
import qualified StrongPath as SP
import Parser.Common (runWaspParser)
import Parser.JsImport (jsImport)
import qualified Wasp
spec_parseJsImport :: Spec
spec_parseJsImport = do
it "Parses external code js import with default import correctly" $ do
runWaspParser jsImport "import something from \"@ext/some/file.js\""
`shouldBe` Right (Wasp.JsImport (Just "something") [] (SP.fromPathRelFile [P.relfile|some/file.js|]))
it "Parses correctly when there is whitespace up front" $ do
runWaspParser jsImport " import something from \"@ext/some/file.js\""
`shouldBe` Right (Wasp.JsImport (Just "something") [] (SP.fromPathRelFile [P.relfile|some/file.js|]))
it "Parses correctly when 'from' is part of WHAT part" $ do
runWaspParser jsImport "import somethingfrom from \"@ext/some/file.js\""
`shouldBe` Right (Wasp.JsImport (Just "somethingfrom") [] (SP.fromPathRelFile [P.relfile|some/file.js|]))
it "Parses correctly when 'what' is a single named export" $ do
runWaspParser jsImport "import { something } from \"@ext/some/file.js\""
`shouldBe` Right (Wasp.JsImport Nothing ["something"] (SP.fromPathRelFile [P.relfile|some/file.js|]))
it "For now we don't support multiple named exports in WHAT part" $ do
isLeft (runWaspParser jsImport "import { foo, bar } from \"@ext/some/file.js\"")
`shouldBe` True
it "Throws error if there is no whitespace after import" $ do
isLeft (runWaspParser jsImport "importsomething from \"@ext/some/file.js\"")
`shouldBe` True
it "Throws error if 'from' part is not referring to the external code" $ do
isLeft (runWaspParser jsImport "import something from \"some/file.js\"")
`shouldBe` True
it "For now we don't support single quotes in FROM part (TODO: support them in the future!)" $ do
isLeft (runWaspParser jsImport "import something from '@ext/some/file.js'")
`shouldBe` True