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module Command.CreateNewProject
( createNewProject
) where
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import qualified Path as P
import System.Directory (createDirectory, getCurrentDirectory)
import qualified System.FilePath as FP
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Command (Command, CommandError (..))
import qualified Common
import ExternalCode (SourceExternalCodeDir)
import StrongPath (File, Path, Rel, (</>))
import qualified StrongPath as SP
import qualified Util.Terminal as Term
createNewProject :: String -> Command ()
createNewProject projectName = do
absCwd <- liftIO getCurrentDirectory
waspProjectDir <- case SP.parseAbsDir $ absCwd FP.</> projectName of
Left err -> throwError $ CommandError ("Failed to parse absolute path to wasp project dir: " ++ show err)
Right sp -> return sp
liftIO $ do
createDirectorySP waspProjectDir
writeFileSP (waspProjectDir </> mainWaspFileInWaspProjectDir) mainWaspFileContent
writeFileSP (waspProjectDir </> gitignoreFileInWaspProjectDir) gitignoreFileContent
writeFileSP (waspProjectDir </> Common.dotWaspRootFileInWaspProjectDir)
"File marking the root of Wasp project."
let extCodeDir = waspProjectDir </> Common.extCodeDirInWaspProjectDir
liftIO $ do
createDirectorySP extCodeDir
writeFileSP (extCodeDir </> mainPageJsFileInExtCodeDir) mainPageJsFileContent
liftIO $ do
putStrLn $ Term.applyStyles [Term.Green] $ "Created new Wasp project in ./" ++ projectName ++ " directory!"
putStrLn $ "Move into created directory and type '"
++ (Term.applyStyles [Term.Bold] "wasp start")
++ "' to run the app."
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "Check the docs for any further information: https://wasp-lang.dev/docs."
putStrLn $ "If you are new to Wasp, we recommend starting with Todo App tutorial:"
++ " https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/tutorials/todo-app."
mainWaspFileInWaspProjectDir :: Path (Rel Common.WaspProjectDir) File
mainWaspFileInWaspProjectDir = SP.fromPathRelFile [P.relfile|main.wasp|]
mainWaspFileContent = unlines
[ "app %s {" `printf` projectName
, " title: \"%s\"" `printf` projectName
, "}"
, ""
, "route \"/\" -> page Main"
, "page Main {"
, " component: import Main from \"@ext/MainPage.js\""
, "}"
gitignoreFileInWaspProjectDir :: Path (Rel Common.WaspProjectDir) File
gitignoreFileInWaspProjectDir = SP.fromPathRelFile [P.relfile|.gitignore|]
gitignoreFileContent = unlines
[ "/.wasp/"
mainPageJsFileInExtCodeDir :: Path (Rel SourceExternalCodeDir) File
mainPageJsFileInExtCodeDir = SP.fromPathRelFile [P.relfile|MainPage.js|]
mainPageJsFileContent = unlines
[ "import React from 'react'"
, ""
, "const MainPage = () => {"
, " return <p>Hello world!</p>"
, "}"
, ""
, "export default MainPage"
writeFileSP = writeFile . SP.toFilePath
createDirectorySP = createDirectory . SP.toFilePath