craigmc08 d043548ecc Get evaluation working a bit
Code is probably not great, but passing tests for generating haskell
data structures exist!

Still have to hand write IsDeclType and IsEnumType instances, but it's cool
2021-08-05 13:25:13 -04:00

147 lines
5.4 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Analyzer.EvaluatorTest where
import Analyzer.Evaluator
import Analyzer.Evaluator.Combinators
import Analyzer.Parser (parse)
import Analyzer.Type
import Analyzer.TypeChecker
import qualified Analyzer.TypeDefinitions as TD
import Data.Data (Data)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import Test.Tasty.Hspec
fromRight :: Show a => Either a b -> b
fromRight (Right x) = x
fromRight (Left e) = error $ show e
newtype Simple = Simple String deriving (Eq, Show, Data)
instance TD.IsDeclType Simple where
declTypeName = "simple"
declTypeBodyType = StringType
declTypeFromAST = build $ Simple <$> string
data Fields = Fields {a :: String, b :: Maybe Double} deriving (Eq, Show, Data)
instance TD.IsDeclType Fields where
declTypeName = "fields"
declTypeBodyType = DictType $ H.fromList [("a", DictRequired StringType), ("b", DictOptional NumberType)]
declTypeFromAST = build $ dict $ Fields <$> field "a" string <*> maybeField "b" double
data Person = Person {name :: String, age :: Integer} deriving (Eq, Show, Data)
data BusinessType = Manufacturer | Seller | Store deriving (Eq, Show, Data)
data Business = Business
{ employees :: [Person],
worth :: Double,
businessType :: BusinessType,
location :: Maybe String
deriving (Eq, Show, Data)
instance TD.IsDeclType Person where
declTypeName = "person"
declTypeBodyType = DictType $ H.fromList [("name", DictRequired StringType), ("age", DictRequired NumberType)]
declTypeFromAST = build $ dict $ Person <$> field "name" string <*> field "age" integer
instance TD.IsEnumType BusinessType where
enumTypeName = "businessType"
enumTypeVariants = ["Manufacturer", "Seller", "Store"]
enumTypeFromVariant "Manufacturer" = Right Manufacturer
enumTypeFromVariant "Seller" = Right Seller
enumTypeFromVariant "Store" = Right Store
enumTypeFromVariant _ = error "invalid IsEnumType instance for BusinessType"
instance TD.IsDeclType Business where
declTypeName = "business"
declTypeBodyType =
DictType $
[ ("employees", DictRequired $ ListType $ DeclType "person"),
("worth", DictRequired NumberType),
("businessType", DictRequired $ EnumType "businessType"),
("location", DictOptional StringType)
declTypeFromAST =
build $
dict $
<$> field "employees" (list decl)
<*> field "worth" double
<*> field "businessType" enum
<*> maybeField "location" string
spec_Evaluator :: Spec
spec_Evaluator = do
describe "Analyzer.Evaluator" $
describe "evaluate" $ do
it "Evaluates a simple declaration" $ do
let typeDefs = TD.addDeclType @Simple $ TD.empty
let typedAst =
[Decl "Test" (StringLiteral "hello wasp") (DeclType "simple")]
fmap takeDecls (evaluate typeDefs typedAst)
`shouldBe` Right [("Test", Simple "hello wasp")]
it "Evaluates a declaration with a dictionary" $ do
let typeDefs = TD.addDeclType @Fields $ TD.empty
let typedAst =
[ Decl
( Dict
[ ("a", StringLiteral "hello wasp"),
("b", DoubleLiteral 3.14)
(DictType $ H.fromList [("a", DictRequired StringType), ("b", DictOptional NumberType)])
(DeclType "fields")
fmap takeDecls (evaluate typeDefs typedAst)
`shouldBe` Right [("Test", Fields {a = "hello wasp", b = Just 3.14})]
it "Evaluates a declaration with missing optional fields" $ do
let typeDefs = TD.addDeclType @Fields $ TD.empty
let typedAst =
[ Decl
( Dict
[ ("a", StringLiteral "hello wasp")
(DictType $ H.fromList [("a", DictRequired StringType), ("b", DictOptional NumberType)])
(DeclType "fields")
fmap takeDecls (evaluate typeDefs typedAst)
`shouldBe` Right [("Test", Fields {a = "hello wasp", b = Nothing})]
it "Evaluates a complicated example" $ do
let typeDefs =
TD.addDeclType @Business $
TD.addEnumType @BusinessType $
TD.addDeclType @Person $ TD.empty
let source =
[ "person Tim { name: \"Tim Stocker\", age: 40 }",
"person John { name: \"John Cashier\", age: 23 }",
"business Grocer { employees: [Tim, John], businessType: Store, worth: 115 }"
-- Assumes that the source parses and type checks
let typedAst = fromRight $ typeCheck typeDefs $ fromRight $ parse $ unlines source
fmap takeDecls (evaluate typeDefs typedAst)
`shouldBe` Right
[ ( "Grocer",
{ employees =
[ Person "Tim Stocker" 40,
Person "John Cashier" 23
businessType = Store,
worth = 115.0,
location = Nothing