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synced 2024-12-26 10:35:04 +03:00
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340 lines
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module Analyzer.ParserTest where
import Analyzer.TestUtil
import Data.Either (isLeft)
import Test.Tasty.Hspec
import Wasp.Analyzer.Parser
spec_IsValidWaspIdentifier :: Spec
spec_IsValidWaspIdentifier = do
it "Correctly identifies valid identifiers" $ do
all isValidWaspIdentifier ["foo", "foo12", "_12", "_"]
it "Correctly identifies invalid identifiers" $ do
not (any isValidWaspIdentifier ["true", "12", "12_", "1foo"])
spec_ParseExpression :: Spec
spec_ParseExpression = do
it "Parses identifiers" $ do
parseExpression "foo" `shouldBe` Right (Var "foo")
parseExpression "foo12" `shouldBe` Right (Var "foo12")
parseExpression "_" `shouldBe` Right (Var "_")
parseExpression "_12" `shouldBe` Right (Var "_12")
it "Parses double literals" $ do
parseExpression "0.5" `shouldBe` Right (DoubleLiteral 0.5)
it "Parses int literals" $ do
parseExpression "5" `shouldBe` Right (IntegerLiteral 5)
spec_ParseStatements :: Spec
spec_ParseStatements = do
it "Parses decls, dicts, and literals" $ do
let source =
[ "test Decl {",
" string: \"Hello Wasp =}\",",
" escapedString: \"Look, a \\\"\",",
" integer: 42,",
" real: 3.14,",
" yes: true,",
" no: false,",
" ident: Wasp,",
" // This is a comment",
" innerDict: { innerDictReal: 2.17 }",
let ast =
[ wctx (1, 1) (11, 1) $
Decl "test" "Decl" $
wctx (1, 11) (11, 1) $
[ ("string", wctx (2, 11) (2, 25) $ StringLiteral "Hello Wasp =}"),
("escapedString", wctx (3, 18) (3, 29) $ StringLiteral "Look, a \""),
("integer", wctx (4, 12) (4, 13) $ IntegerLiteral 42),
("real", wctx (5, 9) (5, 12) $ DoubleLiteral 3.14),
("yes", wctx (6, 8) (6, 11) $ BoolLiteral True),
("no", wctx (7, 7) (7, 11) $ BoolLiteral False),
("ident", wctx (8, 10) (8, 13) $ Var "Wasp"),
( "innerDict",
wctx (10, 14) (10, 36) $
[ ("innerDictReal", wctx (10, 31) (10, 34) $ DoubleLiteral 2.17)
parseStatements source `shouldBe` Right ast
it "Parses comments" $ do
let source =
[ " // This is some // comment",
"/* comment",
" span//ning",
"multi/*ple lines */",
"test /* *hi* */ Decl 42 // One more comment",
"// And here is final comment"
let ast =
[ wctx (5, 1) (5, 23) $
Decl "test" "Decl" $ wctx (5, 22) (5, 23) $ IntegerLiteral 42
parseStatements source `shouldBe` Right ast
it "Parses external imports" $ do
let source =
[ "test Imports {",
" module: import Page from \"page.jsx\",",
" field: import { Page } from \"page.jsx\"",
let ast =
[ wctx (1, 1) (4, 1) $
Decl "test" "Imports" $
wctx (1, 14) (4, 1) $
[ ("module", wctx (2, 11) (2, 37) $ ExtImport (ExtImportModule "Page") "page.jsx"),
("field", wctx (3, 10) (3, 40) $ ExtImport (ExtImportField "Page") "page.jsx")
parseStatements source `shouldBe` Right ast
it "Parses unary lists" $ do
let source = "test Decl [ 1 ]"
let ast =
[ wctx (1, 1) (1, 15) $
Decl "test" "Decl" $ wctx (1, 11) (1, 15) $ List [wctx (1, 13) (1, 13) $ IntegerLiteral 1]
parseStatements source `shouldBe` Right ast
it "Parses lists of multiple elements" $ do
let source = "test Decl [ 1, 2, 3 ]"
let ast =
[ wctx (1, 1) (1, 21) $
Decl "test" "Decl" $
wctx (1, 11) (1, 21) $
[ wctx (1, 13) (1, 13) $ IntegerLiteral 1,
wctx (1, 16) (1, 16) $ IntegerLiteral 2,
wctx (1, 19) (1, 19) $ IntegerLiteral 3
parseStatements source `shouldBe` Right ast
it "Parses empty dictionaries and lists" $ do
let source = "test Decl { dict: {}, list: [] }"
let ast =
[ wctx (1, 1) (1, 32) $
Decl "test" "Decl" $
wctx (1, 11) (1, 32) $
[ ("dict", wctx (1, 19) (1, 20) $ Dict []),
("list", wctx (1, 29) (1, 30) $ List [])
parseStatements source `shouldBe` Right ast
it "Allows trailing commas in lists and dictionaries" $ do
let source =
[ "test Decl {",
" list: [ 1, ],",
let ast =
[ wctx (1, 1) (3, 1) $
Decl "test" "Decl" $
wctx (1, 11) (3, 1) $
[("list", wctx (2, 9) (2, 14) $ List [wctx (2, 11) (2, 11) $ IntegerLiteral 1])]
parseStatements source `shouldBe` Right ast
it "Parses tuples" $ do
let source =
[ "test Pair (1, \"foo\")",
"test Triple (1, \"foo\", 2)",
"test Quadruple (1, \"foo\", 2, true)",
"test TrailingComma (42, 314,)"
let ast =
[ wctx (1, 1) (1, 20) $
Decl "test" "Pair" $
wctx (1, 11) (1, 20) $
( wctx (1, 12) (1, 12) $ IntegerLiteral 1,
wctx (1, 15) (1, 19) $ StringLiteral "foo",
wctx (2, 1) (2, 25) $
Decl "test" "Triple" $
wctx (2, 13) (2, 25) $
( wctx (2, 14) (2, 14) $ IntegerLiteral 1,
wctx (2, 17) (2, 21) $ StringLiteral "foo",
[wctx (2, 24) (2, 24) $ IntegerLiteral 2]
wctx (3, 1) (3, 34) $
Decl "test" "Quadruple" $
wctx (3, 16) (3, 34) $
( wctx (3, 17) (3, 17) $ IntegerLiteral 1,
wctx (3, 20) (3, 24) $ StringLiteral "foo",
[ wctx (3, 27) (3, 27) $ IntegerLiteral 2,
wctx (3, 30) (3, 33) $ BoolLiteral True
wctx (4, 1) (4, 29) $
Decl "test" "TrailingComma" $
wctx (4, 20) (4, 29) $
( wctx (4, 21) (4, 22) $ IntegerLiteral 42,
wctx (4, 25) (4, 27) $ IntegerLiteral 314,
parseStatements source `shouldBe` Right ast
it "Parses quoted PSL" $ do
let source =
[ "test PSL {=psl",
" id Int @id",
let ast =
[ wctx (1, 1) (3, 5) $
Decl "test" "PSL" $
wctx (1, 10) (3, 5) $
Quoter "psl" "\n id Int @id\n"
parseStatements source `shouldBe` Right ast
it "Parses quoted JSON" $ do
let source =
[ "test JSON {=json",
" \"key\": \"value\"",
let ast =
[ wctx (1, 1) (3, 6) $
Decl "test" "JSON" $
wctx (1, 11) (3, 6) $ Quoter "json" "\n \"key\": \"value\"\n"
parseStatements source `shouldBe` Right ast
it "Parses multiple quoters" $ do
let source =
[ "test JSON {=json",
" { \"key\": \"value\" }",
"test JSON2 {=json [1, 2, 3] json=}"
let ast =
[ wctx (1, 1) (3, 6) $ Decl "test" "JSON" $ wctx (1, 11) (3, 6) $ Quoter "json" "\n { \"key\": \"value\" }\n",
wctx (4, 1) (4, 34) $ Decl "test" "JSON2" $ wctx (4, 12) (4, 34) $ Quoter "json" " [1, 2, 3] "
parseStatements source `shouldBe` Right ast
it "Fails to parseStatements a quoter with unmatched tags" $ do
let source = "test Failure {=a b=}"
parseStatements source `shouldSatisfy` isLeft
it "Parses nested quoters correctly" $ do
parseStatements "test Case1 {=foo {=foo foo=} foo=}" `shouldSatisfy` isLeft
parseStatements "test Case2 {=foo foo=} foo=}" `shouldSatisfy` isLeft
parseStatements "test Case3 {=foo {=foo foo=}"
`shouldBe` Right (AST [wctx (1, 1) (1, 28) $ Decl "test" "Case3" $ wctx (1, 12) (1, 28) $ Quoter "foo" " {=foo "])
parseStatements "test Case4 {=foo {=bar foo=}"
`shouldBe` Right (AST [wctx (1, 1) (1, 28) $ Decl "test" "Case4" $ wctx (1, 12) (1, 28) $ Quoter "foo" " {=bar "])
parseStatements "test Case5 {=foo bar=} foo=}"
`shouldBe` Right (AST [wctx (1, 1) (1, 28) $ Decl "test" "Case5" $ wctx (1, 12) (1, 28) $ Quoter "foo" " bar=} "])
parseStatements "test Case6 {=foo {=bar bar=} foo=}"
`shouldBe` Right (AST [wctx (1, 1) (1, 34) $ Decl "test" "Case6" $ wctx (1, 12) (1, 34) $ Quoter "foo" " {=bar bar=} "])
it "Requires dictionaries to have an ending bracket" $ do
let source = "test Decl {"
let expected =
Left $
( Token
{ tokenType = TEOF,
tokenStartPosition = SourcePosition 1 12,
tokenLexeme = ""
["}", "<identifier>"]
parseStatements source `shouldBe` expected
it "Parses multiple statements" $ do
let source =
[ "constant Pi 3.14159",
"constant E 2.71828"
let ast =
[ wctx (1, 1) (1, 19) $ Decl "constant" "Pi" $ wctx (1, 13) (1, 19) $ DoubleLiteral 3.14159,
wctx (2, 1) (2, 19) $ Decl "constant" "E" $ wctx (2, 13) (2, 19) $ DoubleLiteral 2.71828
parseStatements source `shouldBe` Right ast
describe "Fails with UnexpectedChar error if unrecognized character is encountered" $ do
it "e.g. when it encounters '^' after declaration name" $ do
let source = "test Decl ^ {}"
let expected = Left $ UnexpectedChar '^' $ SourcePosition 1 11
parseStatements source `shouldBe` expected
it "e.g. when the identifier contains '!'" $ do
let source = "test De!cl {}"
let expected = Left $ UnexpectedChar '!' $ SourcePosition 1 8
parseStatements source `shouldBe` expected
describe "Fails with ParseError error if unexpected token is encountered" $ do
it "When string follows identifier" $ do
let source = "test \"Declaration\" {}"
let expected =
Left $
( Token
{ tokenType = TString "Declaration",
tokenStartPosition = SourcePosition 1 6,
tokenLexeme = "\"Declaration\""
parseStatements source `shouldBe` expected
it "When dictionary is missing a comma between the two fields" $ do
let source =
[ "test Declaration {",
" a: 1",
" b: 2 ",
let expected =
Left $
( Token
{ tokenType = TIdentifier "b",
tokenStartPosition = SourcePosition 3 3,
tokenLexeme = "b"
["}", ","]
parseStatements source `shouldBe` expected