2021-02-05 12:18:12 +01:00

58 lines
2.4 KiB

module Command.Compile
( compileIO
, compile
, compileIOWithOptions
) where
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError, runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Command (Command, CommandError (..))
import Command.Common (findWaspFile,
import Command.Db.Migrate (copyDbMigrationsDir, MigrationDirCopyDirection(..))
import qualified Common
import CompileOptions (CompileOptions (..))
import qualified Lib
import StrongPath (Abs, Dir, Path, (</>))
compile :: Command ()
compile = do
waspProjectDir <- findWaspProjectRootDirFromCwd
let outDir = waspProjectDir </> Common.dotWaspDirInWaspProjectDir
</> Common.generatedCodeDirInDotWaspDir
waspSaysC "Compiling wasp code..."
compilationResult <- liftIO $ compileIO waspProjectDir outDir
case compilationResult of
Left compileError -> throwError $ CommandError $ "Compilation failed: " ++ compileError
Right () -> waspSaysC "Code has been successfully compiled, project has been generated.\n"
-- | Compiles Wasp source code in waspProjectDir directory and generates a project
-- in given outDir directory.
compileIO :: Path Abs (Dir Common.WaspProjectDir)
-> Path Abs (Dir Lib.ProjectRootDir)
-> IO (Either String ())
compileIO waspProjectDir outDir = compileIOWithOptions options waspProjectDir outDir
options = CompileOptions
{ externalCodeDirPath = waspProjectDir </> Common.extCodeDirInWaspProjectDir
, isBuild = False
compileIOWithOptions :: CompileOptions
-> Path Abs (Dir Common.WaspProjectDir)
-> Path Abs (Dir Lib.ProjectRootDir)
-> IO (Either String ())
compileIOWithOptions options waspProjectDir outDir = runExceptT $ do
-- TODO: Use throwIO instead of Either to return exceptions?
waspFile <- liftIO (findWaspFile waspProjectDir)
>>= maybe (throwError "No *.wasp file present in the root of Wasp project.") return
liftIO (Lib.compile waspFile outDir options)
>>= either throwError return
liftIO (copyDbMigrationsDir CopyMigDirDown waspProjectDir outDir)
>>= maybe (return ()) (throwError . ("Copying migration folder failed: " ++))