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onMount = fetchTasksAction()
render () {
button title="refresh" onClick = fetchTasksAction
button title="onlyDoneTasks" onClick = fetchOnlyDoneTasksAction
return tasks
tasks: () => getTasksSel(state)
onlyDoneTasks = () => ...
fetchTasksAction: fetchTasksAction
render () {
tasks = if nesto then doQuery(GET_TASKS, args) else doQuery(GET_TASKS, other args)
return tasks
// Problem?: We fetch all queries before component even starts, we don't fetch them lazily. Could we solve that with annotations like @default, @required and similar? So those would say: don't load it upfront, or do load it upfront, or use this as default value until something is loaded, ...
// Another problem: While in Redux and Apollo, dev can choose when and under which condition to fetch certain pieces of state,
// while we say: this is what needs to be fetched upfront for this component and that is it.
// Can we solve this by providing user with actions that can run queries? So if they want to manually refresh certain query from the component,
// they could define an action that calls that query in it (with refetch on true) and then call that action from the component, conditionally or whatever.
queries: {
tasks: getTasks(arg) @default([]) @required
render () {
button title="refresh" onClick = this.props.getTasks(otherArg)
button title="onlyDoneTasks" onClick = this.props.getOnlyDoneTasks()
// Komponenta slusa i koristi u zivotu x querya, kondicionalno ili kako god. Takodjer i radi odredjene akcije.
// Sto ako ona zeli neki query na silu pokrenuti / refetchati / refreshati?
// Sto ako zeli neki query "lazy"/"on demand" izvrsiti -> dakle da se on desi tek kad joj treba, da se ne executa odmah cim se komponenta loada ili nesto.
// Sto ako komponenta zeli "na zivo" promijeniti koje querye slusa (na temelju propova ili necega)? ---> TO SE CINI PROBLEM HM.
// Ostali to rade tako da: ako se promjene propovi komponente, onda imas priliku redefinirati selectore/querye.
// Da napravimo da definicija vezanih querya ovisi o propovima, da je funkcija propova? A sto je s lokalnim stateom?
// This could be solution, but it seems too "black boxed" -> if it is JS black box and it is happening in runtime, how are we going to translate this into smth else?
queries: (props, state) => {
return {
tasks: getTasks(props.taskId)