2024-06-19 08:29:48 -04:00

185 lines
6.1 KiB

// Call C from JavaScript Example
#include "webui.h"
void my_function_string(webui_event_t* e) {
// JavaScript:
// my_function_string('Hello', 'World`);
const char* str_1 = webui_get_string(e); // Or webui_get_string_at(e, 0);
const char* str_2 = webui_get_string_at(e, 1);
printf("my_function_string 1: %s\n", str_1); // Hello
printf("my_function_string 2: %s\n", str_2); // World
void my_function_integer(webui_event_t* e) {
// JavaScript:
// my_function_integer(123, 456, 789, 12345.6789);
size_t count = webui_get_count(e);
printf("my_function_integer: There is %zu arguments in this event\n", count); // 4
long long number_1 = webui_get_int(e); // Or webui_get_int_at(e, 0);
long long number_2 = webui_get_int_at(e, 1);
long long number_3 = webui_get_int_at(e, 2);
printf("my_function_integer 1: %lld\n", number_1); // 123
printf("my_function_integer 2: %lld\n", number_2); // 456
printf("my_function_integer 3: %lld\n", number_3); // 789
double float_1 = webui_get_float_at(e, 3);
printf("my_function_integer 4: %f\n", float_1); // 12345.6789
void my_function_boolean(webui_event_t* e) {
// JavaScript:
// my_function_boolean(true, false);
bool status_1 = webui_get_bool(e); // Or webui_get_bool_at(e, 0);
bool status_2 = webui_get_bool_at(e, 1);
printf("my_function_boolean 1: %s\n", (status_1 ? "True" : "False")); // True
printf("my_function_boolean 2: %s\n", (status_2 ? "True" : "False")); // False
void my_function_raw_binary(webui_event_t* e) {
// JavaScript:
// my_function_raw_binary(new Uint8Array([0x41]), new Uint8Array([0x42, 0x43]));
const unsigned char* raw_1 = (const unsigned char*)webui_get_string(e); // Or webui_get_string_at(e, 0);
const unsigned char* raw_2 = (const unsigned char*)webui_get_string_at(e, 1);
int len_1 = (int)webui_get_size(e); // Or webui_get_size_at(e, 0);
int len_2 = (int)webui_get_size_at(e, 1);
// Print raw_1
printf("my_function_raw_binary 1 (%d bytes): ", len_1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < len_1; i++)
printf("0x%02x ", raw_1[i]);
// Check raw_2 (Big)
// [0xA1, 0x00..., 0xA2]
bool valid = false;
if (raw_2[0] == 0xA1 && raw_2[len_2 - 1] == 0xA2)
valid = true;
// Print raw_2
printf("my_function_raw_binary 2 big (%d bytes): valid data? %s\n", len_2, (valid ? "Yes" : "No"));
void my_function_with_response(webui_event_t* e) {
// JavaScript:
// my_function_with_response(number, 2).then(...)
long long number = webui_get_int(e); // Or webui_get_int_at(e, 0);
long long times = webui_get_int_at(e, 1);
long long res = number * times;
printf("my_function_with_response: %lld * %lld = %lld\n", number, times, res);
// Send back the response to JavaScript
webui_return_int(e, res);
int main() {
const char* my_html =
"<!DOCTYPE html>"
" <head>"
" <meta charset=\"UTF-8\">"
" <script src=\"webui.js\"></script>"
" <title>Call C from JavaScript Example</title>"
" <style>"
" body {"
" font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif;"
" color: white;"
" background: linear-gradient(to right, #507d91, #1c596f, #022737);"
" text-align: center;"
" font-size: 18px;"
" }"
" button, input {"
" padding: 10px;"
" margin: 10px;"
" border-radius: 3px;"
" border: 1px solid #ccc;"
" box-shadow: 0 3px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);"
" transition: 0.2s;"
" }"
" button {"
" background: #3498db;"
" color: #fff; "
" cursor: pointer;"
" font-size: 16px;"
" }"
" h1 { text-shadow: -7px 10px 7px rgb(67 57 57 / 76%); }"
" button:hover { background: #c9913d; }"
" input:focus { outline: none; border-color: #3498db; }"
" </style>"
" </head>"
" <body>"
" <h1>WebUI - Call C from JavaScript</h1>"
" <p>Call C functions with arguments (<em>See the logs in your terminal</em>)</p>"
" <button onclick=\"my_function_string('Hello', 'World');\">Call my_function_string()</button>"
" <br>"
" <button onclick=\"my_function_integer(123, 456, 789, 12345.6789);\">Call my_function_integer()</button>"
" <br>"
" <button onclick=\"my_function_boolean(true, false);\">Call my_function_boolean()</button>"
" <br>"
" <button onclick=\"my_function_raw_binary(new Uint8Array([0x41,0x42,0x43]), big_arr);\"> "
" Call my_function_raw_binary()</button>"
" <br>"
" <p>Call a C function that returns a response</p>"
" <button onclick=\"MyJS();\">Call my_function_with_response()</button>"
" <div>Double: <input type=\"text\" id=\"MyInputID\" value=\"2\"></div>"
" <script>"
" const arr_size = 512 * 1000;"
" const big_arr = new Uint8Array(arr_size);"
" big_arr[0] = 0xA1;"
" big_arr[arr_size - 1] = 0xA2;"
" function MyJS() {"
" const MyInput = document.getElementById('MyInputID');"
" const number = MyInput.value;"
" my_function_with_response(number, 2).then((response) => {"
" MyInput.value = response;"
" });"
" }"
" </script>"
" </body>"
// Create a window
size_t my_window = webui_new_window();
// Bind HTML elements with C functions
webui_bind(my_window, "my_function_string", my_function_string);
webui_bind(my_window, "my_function_integer", my_function_integer);
webui_bind(my_window, "my_function_boolean", my_function_boolean);
webui_bind(my_window, "my_function_with_response", my_function_with_response);
webui_bind(my_window, "my_function_raw_binary", my_function_raw_binary);
// Show the window
webui_show(my_window, my_html); // webui_show_browser(my_window, my_html, Chrome);
// Wait until all windows get closed
// Free all memory resources (Optional)
return 0;
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hInstPrev, PSTR cmdline, int cmdshow) { return main(); }