2024-07-11 17:06:37 -04:00

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WebUI Library
Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Hassan Draga.
Licensed under MIT License.
All rights reserved.
#ifndef _WEBUI_HPP
#define _WEBUI_HPP
// C++ STD
#include <array>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
// WebUI C Header
extern "C" {
#include "webui.h"
namespace webui {
enum : int {
DISCONNECTED = 0, // 0. Window disconnection event
CONNECTED = 1, // 1. Window connection event
MOUSE_CLICK = 2, // 2. Mouse click event
NAVIGATION = 3, // 3. Window navigation event
CALLBACKS = 4 // 4. Function call event
class window {
size_t webui_window{webui_new_window()};
// Event Struct
class event : public webui_event_t {
// Window object constructor that
// initializes the reference, This
// is to avoid creating copies.
event(webui::window& window_obj, webui_event_t c_e) : webui_event_t(c_e) {
reinterpret_cast<webui_event_t*>(this)->window = window_obj.webui_window;
class handler {
using callback_t = void (*)(event*);
static inline std::array<callback_t, 512> callback_list{};
// List of window objects: webui::window
static inline std::array<webui::window*, 512> window_list{};
handler() = delete;
handler(const handler&) = delete;
handler(handler&&) = delete;
handler& operator=(const handler&) = delete;
handler& operator=(handler&&) = delete;
~handler() = delete;
static void add(size_t id, webui::window* win, callback_t func) {
// Save window object
window_list[id] = win;
// Save callback
callback_list[id] = func;
static void handle(webui_event_t* c_e) {
// Get the binded unique ID
const size_t id = c_e->bind_id;
if (id > 0) {
// Create a new event struct
event e(*window_list[id], *c_e);
// Call the user callback
if (callback_list[id] != nullptr)
static webui::window& get_window(const size_t index) { return *window_list[index]; }
// ------ Event methods `e->xxx()` ------
// Get how many arguments there are in an event.
size_t get_count(size_t index = 0) {
return webui_get_count(this);
// Get an argument as integer at a specific index.
long long int get_int(size_t index = 0) {
return webui_get_int_at(this, index);
// Get an argument as string at a specific index.
double get_float(size_t index = 0) {
return webui_get_float_at(this, index);
// Get the size in bytes of an argument at a specific index.
size_t get_size(size_t index = 0) {
return webui_get_size_at(this, index);
// Get an argument as string at a specific index.
std::string get_string(size_t index = 0) {
return std::string{webui_get_string_at(this, index)};
// Get an argument as string_view at a specific index.
std::string_view get_string_view(size_t index = 0) {
return std::string_view{webui_get_string_at(this, index)};
// Get an argument as boolean at a specific index.
bool get_bool(size_t index = 0) {
return webui_get_bool_at(this, index);
// Run JavaScript without waiting for the response. Single client.
void script_client(const std::string_view script, unsigned int timeout,
char* buffer, size_t buffer_length) {
webui_script_client(this, script.data(), timeout, buffer, buffer_length);
// Run JavaScript without waiting for the response. Single client.
void run_client(const std::string_view script) {
webui_run_client(this, script.data());
// Return the response to JavaScript as integer.
void return_int(long long int n) {
webui_return_int(this, n);
// Return the response to JavaScript as integer.
void return_float(double f) {
webui_return_float(this, f);
// Safely send raw data to the UI. Single client.
void send_raw_client(const std::string_view function, const void* raw, size_t size) {
webui_send_raw_client(this, function.data(), raw, size);
// Return the response to JavaScript as string.
void return_string(const std::string_view s) {
webui_return_string(this, s.data());
// Return the response to JavaScript as boolean.
void return_bool(bool b) {
webui_return_bool(this, b);
// Close a specific client.
void close_client() {
// Navigate to a specific URL. Single client.
void navigate_client(const std::string_view url) {
webui_navigate_client(this, url.data());
// Same as `show()` but for a specific single client
bool show_client(const std::string_view s) {
webui_show_client(this, s.data());
// Extras
// Get current window object pointer
webui::window& get_window() {
return event::handler::get_window(window);
// Get event type
size_t get_type() const {
return event_type;
// Get event element name
std::string_view get_element() const {
return std::string_view{element};
// Get event number
size_t get_number() const {
return event_number;
// ------ Window methods `window.xxx()` ------
// Bind a specific html element click event with a function. Empty element means all events.
void bind(const std::string_view element, event::handler::callback_t func) {
// Get unique ID
const size_t id = webui_bind(webui_window, element.data(), event::handler::handle);
event::handler::add(id, this, func);
// Show a window using a embedded HTML, or a file. If the window is already opened
// then it will be refreshed.
bool show(const std::string_view content) const {
return webui_show(webui_window, content.data());
// Same as show(). But with a specific web browser.
bool show_browser(const std::string_view content, unsigned int browser) const {
return webui_show_browser(webui_window, content.data(), browser);
// Set the window in Kiosk mode (Full screen)
void set_kiosk(bool status) const {
webui_set_kiosk(webui_window, status);
// Set the window with high-contrast support. Useful when you want to build a better high-contrast theme with CSS.
void set_high_contrast(bool status) const {
webui_set_high_contrast(webui_window, status);
// Close a specific window only. The window object will still exist.
void close() const {
// Close a specific window and free all memory resources.
void destroy() const {
// Check a specific window if it's still running
bool is_shown() const {
return webui_is_shown(webui_window);
// Set the default embedded HTML favicon
void set_icon(const std::string_view icon, const std::string_view icon_type) const {
webui_set_icon(webui_window, icon.data(), icon_type.data());
// Safely send raw data to the UI
void send_raw(const std::string_view function, const void* raw, size_t size) const {
webui_send_raw(webui_window, function.data(), raw, size);
// Run the window in hidden mode
void set_hide(bool status) const {
webui_set_hide(webui_window, status);
// Set window size
void set_size(unsigned int width, unsigned int height) const {
webui_set_size(webui_window, width, height);
// Get the network port of a running window. This can be useful to determine the HTTP link of `webui.js`
size_t get_port() const {
return webui_get_port(webui_window);
// Set a custom web-server network port to be used by WebUI. This can be useful to determine the HTTP
// link of `webui.js` in case you are trying to use WebUI with an external web-server like NGNIX
void set_port(size_t port) const {
webui_set_port(webui_window, port);
// Set window position
void set_position(unsigned int x, unsigned int y) const {
webui_set_position(webui_window, x, y);
// Delete a specific window web-browser local folder profile.
void delete_profile() const {
// Get the ID of the parent process (The web browser may create another process for the window).
size_t get_parent_process_id() const {
return webui_get_parent_process_id(webui_window);
// Get the ID of the last child process spawned by the browser.
size_t get_child_process_id() const {
return webui_get_child_process_id(webui_window);
size_t get_best_browser() const {
return webui_get_best_browser(webui_window);
// Set the web-server root folder path for this specific window.
bool set_root_folder(const std::string_view path) const {
return webui_set_root_folder(webui_window, path.data());
// Set a custom handler to serve files. This custom handler should return full HTTP header and body.
void set_file_handler(const void* (*handler)(const char* filename, int* length)) const {
webui_set_file_handler(webui_window, handler);
// Set the web browser profile to use. An empty `name` and `path` means the default user profile. Need
// to be called before `webui_show()`.
void set_profile(const std::string_view name = {""}, const std::string_view path = {""}) const {
webui_set_profile(webui_window, name.data(), path.data());
// Set the web browser proxy to use. Need to be called before `webui_show()`.
void set_proxy(const std::string_view proxy_server = {""}) const {
webui_set_proxy(webui_window, proxy_server.data());
// Get the full current URL
std::string_view get_url() const {
return std::string_view{webui_get_url(webui_window)};
// Navigate to a specific URL.
void navigate(const std::string_view url) const {
webui_navigate(webui_window, url.data());
// Control if UI events coming from this window should be processed one at a time in a
// single blocking thread `True`, or process every event in a new non-blocking thread `False`.
void set_event_blocking(bool status) const {
webui_set_event_blocking(webui_window, status);
// Show a WebView window using embedded HTML, or a file. If the window is already open, it will be refreshed.
bool show_wv(const std::string_view content) const {
return webui_show_wv(webui_window, content.data());
// Allow a specific window address to be accessible from a public network.
void set_public(bool status) const {
webui_set_public(webui_window, status);
// Same as `webui_show()`. But start only the web server and return the URL. No window will be shown.
std::string_view start_server(const std::string_view content) const {
webui_start_server(webui_window, content.data());
// Quickly run a JavaScript (no response waiting).
void run(const std::string_view script) const {
webui_run(webui_window, script.data());
// Run a JavaScript, and get the response back (Make sure your local buffer can hold the response).
bool script(const std::string_view script, unsigned int timeout,
char* buffer, size_t buffer_length) const {
return webui_script(webui_window, script.data(), timeout, buffer, buffer_length);
// Chose between Deno and Nodejs runtime for .js and .ts files.
void set_runtime(unsigned int runtime) const {
webui_set_runtime(webui_window, runtime);
// ------ Namespace members `webui::xxx()` ------
// Wait until all opened windows get closed.
inline void wait() {
// Close all opened windows. wait() will break.
inline void exit() {
// Get an available usable free network port.
inline size_t get_free_port() {
return webui_get_free_port();
// Open an URL in the native default web browser.
inline void open_url(const std::string_view url) {
// Set the web-server root folder path for all windows.
inline bool set_default_root_folder(const std::string_view path) {
return webui_set_default_root_folder(path.data());
// Get OS high contrast preference.
inline bool is_high_contrast() {
return webui_is_high_contrast();
// Check if a web browser is installed.
inline bool browser_exist(unsigned int browser) {
return webui_browser_exist(browser);
// Set the maximum time in seconds to wait for browser to start
inline void set_timeout(unsigned int second) {
// Get the HTTP mime type of a file.
inline std::string get_mime_type(const std::string_view file) {
return std::string{webui_get_mime_type(file.data())};
// Base64 encoding. Use this to safely send text based data to the UI. If it fails it will return NULL.
inline std::string encode(const std::string_view str) {
return std::string{webui_encode(str.data())};
// Base64 decoding. Use this to safely decode received Base64 text from the UI. If it fails it will return NULL.
inline std::string decode(const std::string_view str) {
return std::string{webui_decode(str.data())};
// Set the SSL/TLS certificate and the private key content, both in PEM format.
// This works only with `webui-2-secure` library. If set empty WebUI will generate a self-signed certificate.
inline void set_tls_certificate(const std::string_view certificate_pem,
const std::string_view private_key_pem) {
webui_set_tls_certificate(certificate_pem.data(), private_key_pem.data());
// Safely free a buffer allocated by WebUI, for example when using webui_encode().
inline void free(void* ptr) {
// Safely free a buffer allocated by WebUI, for example when using webui_encode().
inline void* malloc(size_t size) {
return webui_malloc(size);
// Free all memory resources. Should be called only at the end.
inline void clean() {
// Delete all local web-browser profiles folder. It should called at the end.
inline void delete_all_profiles() {
// Get a free window number that can be used with `webui_new_window_id()`.
inline size_t get_new_window_id() {
return webui_get_new_window_id();
// Control the WebUI behaviour. Should be called at the beginning.
inline void set_config(webui_config option, bool status) {
webui_set_config(option, status);
// Check if the app is still running.
inline bool is_app_running() {
return webui_interface_is_app_running();
} // namespace webui
#endif /* _WEBUI_HPP */