2024-05-26 19:52:59 -04:00

71 lines
1.9 KiB

# http://webui.me
# https://github.com/webui-dev/webui
# Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Hassan Draga.
# Licensed under MIT License.
# All rights reserved.
# Special Thanks to Turiiya (https://github.com/ttytm)
Set-StrictMode -version latest
$current_location = Get-Location
$project_root = git rev-parse --show-toplevel
Set-Location $project_root/bridge
# Arguments
foreach ($opt in $args) {
switch ($opt) {
"--silent" { $silent = $true }
default {
Write-Host "Invalid option: $opt"
if ($silent) { $log_level = "--log-level=warning" }
# Check which python command is available
$commandResult = python3 --version 2>&1 > $null
if (!$?) {
$commandResult = python --version 2>&1 > $null
if (!$?) {
Write-Host "Error: Please install Python."
Set-Location $current_location
else {
$python_cmd = "python"
} else {
$python_cmd = "python3"
# Check if node_modules\esbuild exists, if not, install using npm
if (-not (Test-Path "$project_root\bridge\node_modules\esbuild")) {
if (Get-Command npm -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
if (!$silent) { Write-Host "Installing esbuild..." }
npm install esbuild
} else {
Write-Host "Error: Please install NPM."
Set-Location $current_location
# Transpile WebUI-Bridge (TS to JS)
if (!$silent) { Write-Host "Transpile and bundle WebUI-Bridge from TypeScript to JavaScript..." }
.\node_modules\.bin\esbuild --bundle --target="chrome90,firefox90,safari15" --format=esm --tree-shaking=false --outdir=. ./webui_bridge.ts $log_level
# Convert WebUI-Bridge (JS to C)
if (!$silent) { Write-Host "Convert WebUI-Bridge JavaScript to C Header..." }
& $python_cmd js2c.py
# Done
if (!$silent) { Write-Host "Done." }
Set-Location $current_location