SOURCES=$(shell yq e '.sources.[] | sub("^","sources/")' sources/config.yaml ) FAMILY=$(shell yq e '.familyName' sources/config.yaml ) help: @echo "###" @echo "# Build targets for $(FAMILY)" @echo "###" @echo @echo " make build: Builds the fonts and places them in the fonts/ directory" @echo " make test: Tests the fonts with fontbakery" @echo " make proof: Creates HTML proof documents in the proof/ directory" @echo build: build.stamp sources/config.yaml $(SOURCES) venv: venv/touchfile build.stamp: venv . venv/bin/activate; gftools builder sources/config.yaml && touch build.stamp venv/touchfile: requirements.txt test -d venv || python3 -m venv venv . venv/bin/activate; pip install -Ur requirements.txt touch venv/touchfile test: venv build.stamp . venv/bin/activate; fontbakery check-googlefonts --html fontbakery-report.html --ghmarkdown $(shell find fonts -type f) proof: venv build.stamp . venv/bin/activate; gftools gen-html proof $(shell find fonts/ttf -type f) -o proof clean: rm -rf venv find -iname "*.pyc" -delete