'--class=[Override the default windowing system class. The default is "org.wezfurlong.wezterm". Under X11 and Windows this changes the window class. Under Wayland this changes the app_id. This changes the class for all windows spawned by this instance of wezterm, including error, update and ssh authentication dialogs]:CLASS: ' \
'--workspace=[Override the default workspace with the provided name. The default is "default"]:WORKSPACE: ' \
'--position=[Override the position for the initial window launched by this process.]:POSITION: ' \
'--domain=[Name of the multiplexer domain section from the configuration to which you'\''d like to connect. If omitted, the default domain will be used]:DOMAIN: ' \
'--no-auto-connect[If true, do not connect to domains marked as connect_automatically in your wezterm configuration file]' \
'--always-new-process[If enabled, don'\''t try to ask an existing wezterm GUI instance to start the command. Instead, always start the GUI in this invocation of wezterm so that you can wait for the command to complete by waiting for this wezterm process to finish]' \
'(--always-new-process)--new-tab[When spawning into an existing GUI instance, spawn a new tab into the active window rather than spawn a new window]' \
'-e[Dummy argument that consumes "-e" and does nothing. This is meant as a compatibility layer for supporting the widely adopted standard of passing the command to execute to the terminal via a "-e" option. This works because we then treat the remaining cmdline as trailing options, that will automatically be parsed via the existing "prog" option. This option exists only as a fallback. It is recommended to pass the command as a normal trailing command instead if possible]' \
'--attach[When used with --domain, if the domain already has running panes, wezterm will simply attach and will NOT spawn the specified PROG. If you omit --attach when using --domain, wezterm will attach AND then spawn PROG]' \
'-h[Print help (see more with '\''--help'\'')]' \
'--help[Print help (see more with '\''--help'\'')]' \
'*::prog -- Instead of executing your shell, run PROG. For example\: `wezterm start -- bash -l` will spawn bash as if it were a login shell. \[aliases\: -e\]:_cmdambivalent' \
'--cwd=[Specify the current working directory for the initially spawned program]:CWD:_files -/' \
'--class=[Override the default windowing system class. The default is "org.wezfurlong.wezterm". Under X11 and Windows this changes the window class. Under Wayland this changes the app_id. This changes the class for all windows spawned by this instance of wezterm, including error, update and ssh authentication dialogs]:CLASS: ' \
'--workspace=[Override the default workspace with the provided name. The default is "default"]:WORKSPACE: ' \
'--position=[Override the position for the initial window launched by this process.]:POSITION: ' \
'--domain=[Name of the multiplexer domain section from the configuration to which you'\''d like to connect. If omitted, the default domain will be used]:DOMAIN: ' \
'--no-auto-connect[If true, do not connect to domains marked as connect_automatically in your wezterm configuration file]' \
'--always-new-process[If enabled, don'\''t try to ask an existing wezterm GUI instance to start the command. Instead, always start the GUI in this invocation of wezterm so that you can wait for the command to complete by waiting for this wezterm process to finish]' \
'(--always-new-process)--new-tab[When spawning into an existing GUI instance, spawn a new tab into the active window rather than spawn a new window]' \
'-e[Dummy argument that consumes "-e" and does nothing. This is meant as a compatibility layer for supporting the widely adopted standard of passing the command to execute to the terminal via a "-e" option. This works because we then treat the remaining cmdline as trailing options, that will automatically be parsed via the existing "prog" option. This option exists only as a fallback. It is recommended to pass the command as a normal trailing command instead if possible]' \
'--attach[When used with --domain, if the domain already has running panes, wezterm will simply attach and will NOT spawn the specified PROG. If you omit --attach when using --domain, wezterm will attach AND then spawn PROG]' \
'-h[Print help (see more with '\''--help'\'')]' \
'--help[Print help (see more with '\''--help'\'')]' \
'*::prog -- Instead of executing your shell, run PROG. For example\: `wezterm start -- bash -l` will spawn bash as if it were a login shell. \[aliases\: -e\]:_cmdambivalent' \
'*-o+[Override specific SSH configuration options. \`wezterm ssh\` is able to parse some (but not all!) options from your \`~/.ssh/config\` and \`/etc/ssh/ssh_config\` files. This command line switch allows you to override or otherwise specify ssh_config style options]:name=value: ' \
'*--ssh-option=[Override specific SSH configuration options. \`wezterm ssh\` is able to parse some (but not all!) options from your \`~/.ssh/config\` and \`/etc/ssh/ssh_config\` files. This command line switch allows you to override or otherwise specify ssh_config style options]:name=value: ' \
'--class=[Override the default windowing system class. The default is "org.wezfurlong.wezterm". Under X11 and Windows this changes the window class. Under Wayland this changes the app_id. This changes the class for all windows spawned by this instance of wezterm, including error, update and ssh authentication dialogs]:CLASS: ' \
'--position=[Override the position for the initial window launched by this process.]:POSITION: ' \
'-v[Enable verbose ssh protocol tracing. The trace information is printed to the stderr stream of the process]' \
':user_at_host_and_port -- Specifies the remote system using the form\: `\[username@\]host\[\:port\]`. If `username@` is omitted, then your local $USER is used instead. If `\:port` is omitted, then the standard ssh port (22) is used instead:' \
'*::prog -- Instead of executing your shell, run PROG. For example\: `wezterm ssh user@host -- bash -l` will spawn bash as if it were a login shell:_cmdambivalent' \
'--baud=[Set the baud rate. The default is 9600 baud]:BAUD: ' \
'--class=[Override the default windowing system class. The default is "org.wezfurlong.wezterm". Under X11 and Windows this changes the window class. Under Wayland this changes the app_id. This changes the class for all windows spawned by this instance of wezterm, including error, update and ssh authentication dialogs]:CLASS: ' \
'--position=[Override the position for the initial window launched by this process.]:POSITION: ' \
':port -- Specifies the serial device name. On Windows systems this can be a name like `COM0`. On posix systems this will be something like `/dev/ttyUSB0`:' \
&& ret=0
_arguments "${_arguments_options[@]}" \
'--class=[Override the default windowing system class. The default is "org.wezfurlong.wezterm". Under X11 and Windows this changes the window class. Under Wayland this changes the app_id. This changes the class for all windows spawned by this instance of wezterm, including error, update and ssh authentication dialogs]:CLASS: ' \
'--workspace=[Override the default workspace with the provided name. The default is "default"]:WORKSPACE: ' \
'--position=[Override the position for the initial window launched by this process.]:POSITION: ' \
'*::prog -- Instead of executing your shell, run PROG. For example\: `wezterm start -- bash -l` will spawn bash as if it were a login shell:_cmdambivalent' \
'(--list-system --codepoints)--text=[Explain which fonts are used to render the supplied text string]:TEXT: ' \
'(--list-system)--codepoints=[Explain which fonts are used to render the specified unicode code point sequence. Code points are comma separated hex values]:CODEPOINTS: ' \
'--class=[When connecting to a gui instance, if you started the gui with \`--class SOMETHING\`, you should also pass that same value here in order for the client to find the correct gui instance]:CLASS: ' \
'--pane-id=[Specify the pane that should be moved. The default is to use the current pane based on the environment variable WEZTERM_PANE]:PANE_ID: ' \
'--window-id=[Specify the window into which the new tab will be created. If omitted, the window associated with the current pane is used]:WINDOW_ID: ' \
'--workspace=[If creating a new window, override the default workspace name with the provided name. The default name is "default"]:WORKSPACE: ' \
'(--window-id)--new-window[Create tab in a new window, rather than the window currently containing the pane]' \
'(--left --right --top --bottom)--horizontal[Equivalent to \`--right\`. If neither this nor any other direction is specified, the default is equivalent to \`--bottom\`]' \
'*::prog -- Instead of executing your shell, run PROG. For example\: `wezterm cli split-pane -- bash -l` will spawn bash as if it were a login shell:_cmdambivalent' \
'--pane-id=[Specify the current pane. The default is to use the current pane based on the environment variable WEZTERM_PANE. The pane is used to determine the current domain and window]:PANE_ID: ' \
'(--workspace --new-window)--window-id=[Specify the window into which to spawn a tab. If omitted, the window associated with the current pane is used. Cannot be used with \`--workspace\` or \`--new-window\`]:WINDOW_ID: ' \
'--workspace=[When creating a new window, override the default workspace name with the provided name. The default name is "default". Requires \`--new-window\`]:WORKSPACE: ' \
'*::prog -- Instead of executing your shell, run PROG. For example\: `wezterm cli spawn -- bash -l` will spawn bash as if it were a login shell:_cmdambivalent' \
'--pane-id=[Specify the target pane. The default is to use the current pane based on the environment variable WEZTERM_PANE]:PANE_ID: ' \
'--start-line=[The starting line number. 0 is the first line of terminal screen. Negative numbers proceed backwards into the scrollback. The default value is unspecified is 0, the first line of the terminal screen]:START_LINE: ' \
'--end-line=[The ending line number. 0 is the first line of terminal screen. Negative numbers proceed backwards into the scrollback. The default value if unspecified is the bottom of the the terminal screen]:END_LINE: ' \
'--escapes[Include escape sequences that color and style the text. If omitted, unattributed text will be returned]' \
'(--tab-index --tab-relative --no-wrap --pane-id)--tab-id=[Specify the target tab by its id]:TAB_ID: ' \
'--tab-index=[Specify the target tab by its index within the window that holds the current pane. Indices are 0-based, with 0 being the left-most tab. Negative numbers can be used to reference the right-most tab, so -1 is the right-most tab, -2 is the penultimate tab and so on]:TAB_INDEX: ' \
'--tab-relative=[Specify the target tab by its relative offset. -1 selects the tab to the left. -2 two tabs to the left. 1 is one tab to the right and so on]:TAB_RELATIVE: ' \
'--pane-id=[Specify the current pane. The default is to use the current pane based on the environment variable WEZTERM_PANE]:PANE_ID: ' \
'--no-wrap[When used with tab-relative, prevents wrapping around and will instead clamp to the left-most when moving left or right-most when moving right]' \
'-h[Print help (see more with '\''--help'\'')]' \
'--help[Print help (see more with '\''--help'\'')]' \
'--width=[Specify the display width; defaults to "auto" which automatically selects an appropriate size. You may also use an integer value \`N\` to specify the number of cells, or \`Npx\` to specify the number of pixels, or \`N%\` to size relative to the terminal width]:WIDTH: ' \
'--height=[Specify the display height; defaults to "auto" which automatically selects an appropriate size. You may also use an integer value \`N\` to specify the number of cells, or \`Npx\` to specify the number of pixels, or \`N%\` to size relative to the terminal height]:HEIGHT: ' \
'--position=[Set the cursor position prior to displaying the image. The default is to use the current cursor position. Coordinates are expressed in cells with 0,0 being the top left cell position]:POSITION: ' \
'--tmux-passthru=[How to manage passing the escape through to tmux]:TMUX_PASSTHRU:(disable enable detect)' \
'--max-pixels=[Set the maximum number of pixels per image frame. Images will be scaled down so that they do not exceed this size, unless \`--no-resample\` is also used. The default value matches the limit set by wezterm. Note that resampling the image here will reduce any animated images to a single frame]:MAX_PIXELS: ' \
'--resample-format=[Specify the image format to use to encode resampled/resized images. The default is to match the input format, but you can choose an alternative format]:RESAMPLE_FORMAT:(png jpeg input)' \
'--resample-filter=[Specify the filtering technique used when resizing/resampling images. The default is a reasonable middle ground of speed and quality]:RESAMPLE_FILTER:(nearest triangle catmull-rom gaussian lanczos3)' \
'--resize=[Pre-process the image to resize it to the specified dimensions, expressed as eg\: 800x600 (width x height). The resize is independent of other parameters that control the image placement and dimensions in the terminal; this is provided as a convenience preprocessing step]:WIDTHxHEIGHT: ' \
'--no-move-cursor[Do not move the cursor after displaying the image. Note that when used like this from the shell, there is a very high chance that shell prompt will overwrite the image; you may wish to also use \`--hold\` in that case]' \
'--hold[Wait for enter to be pressed after displaying the image]' \
'--no-resample[Do not resample images whose frames are larger than the max-pixels value. Note that this will typically result in the image refusing to display in wezterm]' \
'--show-resample-timing[When resampling or resizing, display some diagnostics around the timing/performance of that operation]' \
'-h[Print help (see more with '\''--help'\'')]' \
'--help[Print help (see more with '\''--help'\'')]' \
'blocking-start:Start the GUI in blocking mode. You shouldn'\''t see this, but you may see it in shell completions because of this open clap issue\: <https\://github.com/clap-rs/clap/issues/1335>' \
'move-pane-to-new-tab:Move a pane into a new tab' \
'split-pane:split the current pane.
Outputs the pane-id for the newly created pane on success' \
'spawn:Spawn a command into a new window or tab
Outputs the pane-id for the newly created pane on success' \
'send-text:Send text to a pane as though it were pasted. If bracketed paste mode is enabled in the pane, then the text will be sent as a bracketed paste' \
'move-pane-to-new-tab:Move a pane into a new tab' \
'split-pane:split the current pane.
Outputs the pane-id for the newly created pane on success' \
'spawn:Spawn a command into a new window or tab
Outputs the pane-id for the newly created pane on success' \
'send-text:Send text to a pane as though it were pasted. If bracketed paste mode is enabled in the pane, then the text will be sent as a bracketed paste' \
'move-pane-to-new-tab:Move a pane into a new tab' \
'split-pane:split the current pane.
Outputs the pane-id for the newly created pane on success' \
'spawn:Spawn a command into a new window or tab
Outputs the pane-id for the newly created pane on success' \
'send-text:Send text to a pane as though it were pasted. If bracketed paste mode is enabled in the pane, then the text will be sent as a bracketed paste' \
'blocking-start:Start the GUI in blocking mode. You shouldn'\''t see this, but you may see it in shell completions because of this open clap issue\: <https\://github.com/clap-rs/clap/issues/1335>' \