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Both the keyboard and (starting with the most recently *nightly* builds) the
mouse bindings are configurable.
The assignments are based around a triggering event, such as a keypress or
mouse button click, which is combined with a set of modifier keys to produce
an action.
A full list of possible keys, mouse events and actions are included below,
after these tables describing the default assignments.
### Default Shortcut / Key Binding Assignments
The default key bindings are:
| Modifiers | Key | Action |
| --------- | --- | ------ |
| `SUPER` | `c` | `Copy` |
| `SUPER` | `v` | `Paste` |
| `CTRL+SHIFT` | `c` | `Copy` |
| `CTRL+SHIFT` | `v` | `Paste` |
| `SHIFT` | `Insert` | `Paste` |
| `SUPER` | `m` | `Hide` |
| `SUPER` | `n` | `SpawnWindow` |
| `CTRL+SHIFT` | `n` | `SpawnWindow` |
| `ALT` | `Enter` | `ToggleFullScreen` |
| `SUPER` | `-` | `DecreaseFontSize` |
| `CTRL` | `-` | `DecreaseFontSize` |
| `SUPER` | `=` | `IncreaseFontSize` |
| `CTRL` | `=` | `IncreaseFontSize` |
| `SUPER` | `0` | `ResetFontSize` |
| `CTRL` | `0` | `ResetFontSize` |
| `SUPER` | `t` | `SpawnTab="CurrentTabDomain"` |
| `CTRL+SHIFT` | `t` | `SpawnTab="CurrentTabDomain"` |
| `SUPER+SHIFT` | `T` | `SpawnTab="DefaultDomain"` |
| `SUPER` | `w` | `CloseCurrentTab` |
| `SUPER` | `1` | `ActivateTab=0` |
| `SUPER` | `2` | `ActivateTab=1` |
| `SUPER` | `3` | `ActivateTab=2` |
| `SUPER` | `4` | `ActivateTab=3` |
| `SUPER` | `5` | `ActivateTab=4` |
| `SUPER` | `6` | `ActivateTab=5` |
| `SUPER` | `7` | `ActivateTab=6` |
| `SUPER` | `8` | `ActivateTab=7` |
| `SUPER` | `9` | `ActivateTab=8` |
| `CTRL+SHIFT` | `w` | `CloseCurrentTab` |
| `CTRL+SHIFT` | `1` | `ActivateTab=0` |
| `CTRL+SHIFT` | `2` | `ActivateTab=1` |
| `CTRL+SHIFT` | `3` | `ActivateTab=2` |
| `CTRL+SHIFT` | `4` | `ActivateTab=3` |
| `CTRL+SHIFT` | `5` | `ActivateTab=4` |
| `CTRL+SHIFT` | `6` | `ActivateTab=5` |
| `CTRL+SHIFT` | `7` | `ActivateTab=6` |
| `CTRL+SHIFT` | `8` | `ActivateTab=7` |
| `CTRL+SHIFT` | `9` | `ActivateTab=8` |
| `SUPER+SHIFT` | `[` | `ActivateTabRelative=-1` |
| `SUPER+SHIFT` | `]` | `ActivateTabRelative=1` |
| `CTRL+SHIFT` | `PAGEUP` | `MoveTabRelative=-1` |
| `CTRL+SHIFT` | `PAGEDOWN` | `MoveTabRelative=1` |
| `SHIFT` | `PAGEUP` | `ScrollByPage=-1` |
| `SHIFT` | `PAGEDOWN` | `ScrollByPage=1` |
| `ALT` | `9` | `ShowTabNavigator` |
| `SUPER` | `r` | `ReloadConfiguration` |
| `CTRL+SHIFT` | `R` | `ReloadConfiguration` |
| `SUPER` | `h` | `HideApplication` (macOS only) |
| `SUPER` | `k` | `ClearScrollback` |
| `CTRL+SHIFT` | `K` | `ClearScrollback` |
## Default Mouse Assignments
In the table below, `Triple Left Down` means that the left mouse button is
being triple clicked and that the event matches the downstroke of the third
quick consecutive press. `Triple Left Up` matches the subsequent release event
of that triple click, so for a triple click both
`SelectTextAtMouseCursor="Line"` and `CompleteSelection` will be triggered in
that order.
| Event | Modifiers | Action |
| --------- | --- | ------ |
| Triple Left Down | `NONE` | `SelectTextAtMouseCursor="Line"` |
| Double Left Down | `NONE` | `SelectTextAtMouseCursor="Word"` |
| Single Left Down | `NONE` | `SelectTextAtMouseCursor="Cell"` |
| Single Left Down | `SHIFT` | `ExtendSelectionToMouseCursor=nil` |
| Single Left Up | `NONE` | `CompleteSelectionOrOpenLinkAtMouseCursor` |
| Double Left Up | `NONE` | `CompleteSelection` |
| Triple Left Up | `NONE` | `CompleteSelection` |
| Single Left Drag | `NONE` | `ExtendSelectionToMouseCursor="Cell"` |
| Double Left Drag | `NONE` | `ExtendSelectionToMouseCursor="Word"` |
| Triple Left Drag | `NONE` | `ExtendSelectionToMouseCursor="Line"` |
| Single Middle Down | `NONE` | `Paste` |
## Configuring Mouse Assignments
*available in the most recent nightly*
You can define mouse actions using the `mouse_bindings` configuration section:
local wezterm = require 'wezterm';
return {
mouse_bindings = {
-- Right click sends "woot" to the terminal
event={Down={streak=1, button="Right"}},
-- Change the default click behavior so that it only selects
-- text and doesn't open hyperlinks
event={Up={streak=1, button="Left"}},
-- and make CTRL-Click open hyperlinks
event={Up={streak=1, button="Left"}},
The `action` and `mods` portions are described in more detail in the key assignment
information below.
The `event` portion has three components;
* Whether it is a `Down`, `Up` or `Drag` event
* The number of consecutive clicks within the click threshold (the *click streak*)
* The mouse button; `Left`, `Right`, or `Middle`.
A double click is a `down-up-down` sequence where either the second button down
is held for long enough or is released and no subsequent down event occurs
within the click threshold. When recognized, it emits a `Down` event with
`streak=2`. If the mouse is moved while the button is held, a `Drag` event
with `streak=2` is generated. When the mouse button is released an `Up` event
with `streak=2` is generated.
The mouse event recognizer supports an arbitrary click streak, so if
you wanted quadruple-click bindings you can specify `streak=4`.
| Event | Lua Representation |
| ----------------- | ------------------- |
| Triple Left Down | `event={Down={streak=3, button="Left"}}` |
| Double Left Up | `event={Up={streak=2, button="Left"}}` |
| Single Left Drag | `event={Drag={streak=1, button="Left"}}` |
## Configuring Key Assignments
These can be overridden using the `keys` section in your `~/.wezterm.lua` config file.
For example, you can disable a default assignment like this:
local wezterm = require 'wezterm';
return {
keys = {
-- Turn off the default CMD-m Hide action on macOS by making it
-- send the empty string instead of hiding the window
{key="m", mods="CMD", action="Nop"}
The `key` value can be one of the following keycode identifiers. Note that not
all of these are meaningful on all platforms:
`Hyper`, `Super`, `Meta`, `Cancel`, `Backspace`, `Tab`, `Clear`, `Enter`,
`Shift`, `Escape`, `LeftShift`, `RightShift`, `Control`, `LeftControl`,
`RightControl`, `Alt`, `LeftAlt`, `RightAlt`, `Menu`, `LeftMenu`, `RightMenu`,
`Pause`, `CapsLock`, `PageUp`, `PageDown`, `End`, `Home`, `LeftArrow`,
`RightArrow`, `UpArrow`, `DownArrow`, `Select`, `Print`, `Execute`,
`PrintScreen`, `Insert`, `Delete`, `Help`, `LeftWindows`, `RightWindows`,
`Applications`, `Sleep`, `Numpad0`, `Numpad1`, `Numpad2`, `Numpad3`,
`Numpad4`, `Numpad5`, `Numpad6`, `Numpad7`, `Numpad8`, `Numpad9`, `Multiply`,
`Add`, `Separator`, `Subtract`, `Decimal`, `Divide`, `NumLock`, `ScrollLock`,
`BrowserBack`, `BrowserForward`, `BrowserRefresh`, `BrowserStop`,
`BrowserSearch`, `BrowserFavorites`, `BrowserHome`, `VolumeMute`,
`VolumeDown`, `VolumeUp`, `MediaNextTrack`, `MediaPrevTrack`, `MediaStop`,
`MediaPlayPause`, `ApplicationLeftArrow`, `ApplicationRightArrow`,
`ApplicationUpArrow`, `ApplicationDownArrow`.
Alternatively, a single unicode character can be specified to indicate
pressing the corresponding key.
Possible Modifier labels are:
* `SUPER`, `CMD`, `WIN` - these are all equivalent: on macOS the `Command` key,
on Windows the `Windows` key, on Linux this can also be the `Super` or `Hyper`
key. Left and right are equivalent.
* `SHIFT` - The shift key. Left and right are equivalent.
* `ALT`, `OPT`, `META` - these are all equivalent: on macOS the `Option` key,
on other systems the `Alt` or `Meta` key. Left and right are equivalent.
You can combine modifiers using the `|` symbol (eg: `"CMD|CTRL"`).
# Possible Actions
Possible actions are listed below.
## SpawnTab
Create a new tab in the current window. The argument defines to which *domain* the tab belongs:
local wezterm = require 'wezterm';
return {
keys = {
-- Create a new tab in the default domain
{key="t", mods="SHIFT|ALT", action=wezterm.action{SpawnTab="DefaultDomain"}},
-- Create a new tab in the same domain as the current tab
{key="t", mods="SHIFT|ALT", action=wezterm.action{SpawnTab="CurrentTabDomain"}},
-- Create a tab in a named domain
{key="t", mods="SHIFT|ALT", action=wezterm.action{SpawnTab={DomainName="unix"}}},
## SpawnWindow
Create a new window containing a tab from the default tab domain.
local wezterm = require 'wezterm';
return {
keys = {
{key="n", mods="SHIFT|CTRL", action="SpawnWindow"},
## SpawnCommandInNewWindow / SpawnCommandInNewTab
Spawn a new tab either into the current window or into a brand new window.
The argument controls which command is run in the tab; it is a lua table
with the following fields:
* `args` - the argument array specifying the command and its arguments.
If omitted, the default program will be run.
* `cwd` - the current working directory to set for the command.
* `set_environment_variables` - a table specifying key/value pairs to
set in the environment
* `domain` - specifies the domain into which the tab will be spawned.
See `SpawnTab` for examples.
local wezterm = require 'wezterm';
return {
keys = {
-- CMD-y starts `top` in a new window
{key="y", mods="CMD", action=wezterm.action{SpawnCommandInNewWindow={
## ToggleFullScreen
Toggles full screen mode for the current window. (But see:
return {
keys = {
{key="n", mods="SHIFT|CTRL", action="ToggleFullScreen"},
## Copy
Copy the selection to the clipboard. On X11 systems, this populates both the
Clipboard and the Primary Selection.
local wezterm = require 'wezterm';
return {
keys = {
{key="c", mods="SHIFT|CTRL", action="Copy"},
## Paste
Paste the clipboard to the current tab. On X11 systems, this copies from the
Clipboard rather than the Primary Selection. See also `PastePrimarySelection`.
local wezterm = require 'wezterm';
return {
keys = {
{key="v", mods="SHIFT|CTRL", action="Paste"},
## PastePrimarySelection
X11: Paste the Primary Selection to the current tab.
On other systems, this behaves identically to `Paste`.
local wezterm = require 'wezterm';
return {
keys = {
{key="v", mods="SHIFT|CTRL", action="PastePrimarySelection"},
## ActivateTabRelative
Activate a tab relative to the current tab. The argument value specifies an
offset. eg: `-1` activates the tab to the left of the current tab, while `1`
activates the tab to the right.
local wezterm = require 'wezterm';
return {
keys = {
{key="{", mods="SHIFT|ALT", action=wezterm.action{ActivateTabRelative=-1}},
{key="}", mods="SHIFT|ALT", action=wezterm.action{ActivateTabRelative=1}},
## ActivateTab
Activate the tab specified by the argument value. eg: `0` activates the
leftmost tab, while `1` activates the second tab from the left, and so on.
2020-04-07 03:41:10 +03:00
local wezterm = require 'wezterm';
local mykeys = {}
for i = 1, 8 do
-- CTRL+ALT + number to activate that tab
table.insert(mykeys, {
-- F1 through F8 to activate that tab
table.insert(mykeys, {
key="F" .. tostring(i),
return {
keys = mykeys,
## IncreaseFontSize
Increases the font size of the current window by 10%
local wezterm = require 'wezterm';
return {
keys = {
{key="=", mods="CTRL", action="IncreaseFontSize"},
## DecreaseFontSize
Decreases the font size of the current window by 10%
local wezterm = require 'wezterm';
return {
keys = {
{key="-", mods="CTRL", action="DecreaseFontSize"},
## ResetFontSize
Reset the font size for the current window to the value in your configuration
local wezterm = require 'wezterm';
return {
keys = {
{key="0", mods="CTRL", action="ResetFontSize"},
## SendString
Sends the string specified argument to the terminal in the current tab, as
though that text were literally typed into the terminal.
local wezterm = require 'wezterm';
return {
keys = {
{key="m", mods="CMD", action=wezterm.action{SendString="Hello"}},
## Nop
Does nothing. This is useful to disable a default key assignment.
local wezterm = require 'wezterm';
return {
keys = {
-- Turn off the default CMD-m Hide action
{key="m", mods="CMD", action="Nop"},
## Hide
Hides the current window
return {
keys = {
{key="h", mods="CMD", action="Hide"},
## HideApplication
On macOS, hide the WezTerm application.
return {
keys = {
{key="h", mods="CMD", action="HideApplication"},
## QuitApplication
Terminate the WezTerm application, killing all tabs.
return {
keys = {
{key="q", mods="CMD", action="QuitApplication"},
## Show
Shows the current window.
## CloseCurrentTab
Equivalent to clicking the `x` on the window title bar to close it: Closes the
current tab. If that was the last tab, closes that window. If that was the
last window, wezterm terminates.
return {
keys = {
{key="w", mods="CMD", action="CloseCurrentTab"},
## MoveTabRelative
Move the current tab relative to its peers. The argument specifies an
offset. eg: `-1` moves the tab to the left of the current tab, while `1` moves
the tab to the right.
local wezterm = require 'wezterm';
return {
keys = {
{key="{", mods="SHIFT|ALT", action=wezterm.action{MoveTabRelative=-1}},
{key="}", mods="SHIFT|ALT", action=wezterm.action{MoveTabRelative=1}},
## MoveTab
Move the tab so that it has the index specified by the argument. eg: `0`
moves the tab to be leftmost, while `1` moves the tab so that it is second tab
from the left, and so on.
local wezterm = require 'wezterm';
local mykeys = {}
for i = 1, 8 do
-- CTRL+ALT + number to move to that position
table.insert(mykeys, {
return {
keys = mykeys,
## ScrollByPage
Adjusts the scroll position by the number of pages specified by the argument.
Negative values scroll upwards, while positive values scroll downwards.
local wezterm = require 'wezterm';
return {
keys = {
{key="PageUp", mods="SHIFT", action=wezterm.action{ScrollByPage=-1}},
{key="PageDown", mods="SHIFT", action=wezterm.action{ScrollByPage=1}},
## ClearScrollback
Clears the lines that have scrolled off the top of the viewport, resetting
the scrollbar thumb to the full height of the window.
return {
keys = {
{key="K", mods="CTRL|SHIFT", action="ClearScrollback"}
## ReloadConfiguration
Explicitly reload the configuration.
return {
keys = {
{key="r", mods="CMD|SHIFT", action="ReloadConfiguration"},
## ShowLauncher
Activate the [Launcher Menu](launch.html#the-launcher-menu)
in the current tab.
return {
keys = {
{key="l", mods="ALT", action="ShowLauncher"},
## ShowTabNavigator
Activate the tab navigator UI in the current tab. The tab
navigator displays a list of tabs and allows you to select
and activate a tab from that list.
return {
keys = {
{key="F9", mods="ALT", action="ShowTabNavigator"},
## SelectTextAtMouseCursor
Initiates selection of text at the current mouse cursor position.
The mode argument can be one of `Cell`, `Word` or `Line` to control
the scope of the selection.
## ExtendSelectionToMouseCursor
Extends the current text selection to the current mouse cursor position.
The mode argument can be one of `Cell`, `Word` or `Line` to control
the scope of the selection.
## OpenLinkAtMouseCursor
If the current mouse cursor position is over a cell that contains
a hyperlink, this action causes that link to be opened.
## CompleteSelection
Completes an active text selection process; the selection range is
marked closed and then the selected text is copied as though the
`Copy` action was executed.
## CompleteSelectionOrOpenLinkAtMouseCursor
If a selection is in progress, acts as though `CompleteSelection` was
triggered. Otherwise acts as though `OpenLinkAtMouseCursor` was