* `wezterm.on("event-name", func)`
* `wezterm.emit("event-name", "arg1", "arg2")`
`on` allows registering multiple functions.
`emit` will call each of the registered functions in turn, passing
a copy of the arguments. If a handler returns false, no additional
handlers are called and `emit` will return false. Otherwise,
once all the handlers have been called, `emit` will return true.
`emit` is capable of being called by async code.
These functions are available to the config layer, but nothing in
wezterm uses them at this time.
refs: #225
kindof a lot going on in this commit, unintentionally:
* Need the lua context set to be moved into the config crate
otherwise configs cannot be parsed by the server and we end
up with the default configs
* Make the server use smol for async io
* Drop the use of the daemonize crate, which I had forked anyway.
Just inline our own tighter daemonize module
* Improve daemon spawning synchronization, however, it still needs
work for windows to avoid blocking forever where we don't do