--- title: Installation --- {% assign releases = site.github.releases | sort:"created_at" | reverse %} {% for r in releases %} {% if r.prerelease %} {% for asset in r.assets %} {% if asset.name contains 'windows' and windows_pre == nil %} {% assign windows_pre = asset.browser_download_url %} {% endif %} {% if asset.name contains 'macos' and macos_pre == nil %} {% assign macos_pre = asset.browser_download_url %} {% endif %} {% if asset.name contains '.deb' and deb_pre == nil %} {% assign deb_pre = asset.browser_download_url %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% else %} {% for asset in r.assets %} {% if asset.name contains 'windows' and windows_stable == nil %} {% assign windows_stable = asset.browser_download_url %} {% endif %} {% if asset.name contains 'macos' and macos_stable == nil %} {% assign macos_stable = asset.browser_download_url %} {% endif %} {% if asset.name contains '.deb' and deb_stable == nil %} {% assign deb_stable = asset.browser_download_url %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} ## {% octicon cloud-download height:24 %} Installing a pre-built package on Windows Windows 10 or later is required to run WezTerm. {% octicon cloud-download %} Download for Windows {% octicon beaker %} Nightly for Windows 1. Download Release 2. Extract the zipfile and double-click `wezterm.exe` to run the UI 3. Configuration instructions can be [found here](configuration.html) ## {% octicon cloud-download height:24 %} Installing a pre-built package on macOS The CI system builds the package on macOS Mojave (10.14). It may run on earlier versions of macOS, but that has not been tested. {% octicon cloud-download %} Download for macOS {% octicon beaker %} Nightly for macOS 1. Download Release 2. Extract the zipfile and drag the `WezTerm.app` bundle to your `Applications` folder 3. First time around, you may need to right click and select `Open` to allow launching the application that your just downloaded from the internet. 3. Subsequently, a simple double-click will launch the UI 4. Configuration instructions can be [found here](configuration.html) ## {% octicon cloud-download height:24 %} Installing a pre-built package on Ubuntu The CI system builds a `.deb` file on Ubuntu 16.04. It may be compatible with other debian style systems. {% octicon cloud-download %} Download for Ubuntu {% octicon beaker %} Nightly for Ubuntu * curl -LO {{ deb_stable }} * `sudo dpkg -i {{ asset.name }}` * The package installs `/usr/bin/wezterm` * Configuration instructions can be [found here](configuration.html) ## {% octicon git-branch height:24 %} Installing from source * Install `rustup` to get the `rust` compiler installed on your system. [Install rustup](https://www.rust-lang.org/en-US/install.html) * Rust version 1.35 or later is required * Build in release mode: `cargo build --release` * Run it via either `cargo run --release` or `target/release/wezterm` You will need a collection of support libraries; the [`get-deps`](https://github.com/wez/wezterm/blob/master/get-deps) script will attempt to install them for you. If it doesn't know about your system, [please contribute instructions!](https://github.com/wez/wezterm/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) ``` $ curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh -s $ git clone --depth=1 --branch=master --recursive https://github.com/wez/wezterm.git $ cd wezterm $ git submodule update --init $ sudo ./get-deps $ cargo build --release $ cargo run --release -- start ```