## Scrollback WezTerm provides a searchable scrollback buffer with a configurable maximum size limit that allows you to review information that doesn't fit in the physical window size. As content is printed to the display the display may be scrolled up to accommodate newly added lines. The scrolled lines are moved into the scrollback buffer and can be reviewed by scrolling the window up or down. This section describes working with the scrollback and discusses some configuration options; be sure to read the [configuration docs](config/files.html) to learn how to change your settings! ### Controlling the scrollback size This value serves as an upper bound on the number of lines. The larger this value, the more memory is required to manage the tab. If you have a lot of long lived tabs then making this value very large may put some pressure on your system depending on the amount of RAM you have available. ```lua return { -- How many lines of scrollback you want to retain per tab scrollback_lines = 3500, } ``` ### Clearing the scrollback buffer By default, `CTRL-SHIFT-K` and `CMD-K` will trigger the `ClearScrollback` action and discard the contents of the scrollback buffer. There is no way to undo discarding the scrollback. See the [ClearScrollback](config/lua/keyassignment/ClearScrollback.md) docs for information on rebinding this key. ### Enable/Disable scrollbar You can control whether WezTerm displays a scrollbar via your configuration file: ```lua return { -- Enable the scrollbar. -- It will occupy the right window padding space. -- If right padding is set to 0 then it will be increased -- to a single cell width enable_scroll_bar = true, } ``` You may [change the color of the scrollbar](config/appearance.html#defining-your-own-colors) if you wish! ### Scrolling without a scrollbar By default, `SHIFT-PageUp` and `SHIFT-PageDown` will adjust the viewport scrollback position by one full screen for each press. See the [ScrollByPage](config/lua/keyassignment/ScrollByPage.md) docs for more information on this key binding assignment. ### Searching the scrollback By default, `CTRL-SHIFT-F` and `CMD-F` (`F` for `Find`) will activate the search overlay in the current tab. When the search overlay is active the behavior of wezterm changes: * Typing (or pasting) text will populate the *search pattern* in the bar at the bottom of the screen. * Text from the scrollback that matches the *search pattern* will be highlighted and the number of matches shown in the search bar. * The bottom-most match will be selected and the viewport scrolled to show the selected text. * `Enter`, `UpArrow` and `CTRL-P` will cause the selection to move to any prior matching text. * `PageUp` will traverse to previous matches one page at a time. * `CTRL-N` and `DownArrow` will cause the selection to move to any next matching text. * `PageDown` will traverse to the next match one page at a time. * `CTRL-R` will cycle through the pattern matching mode; the initial mode is case-sensitive text matching, the next will match ignoring case and the last will match using the [regular expression syntax described here](https://docs.rs/regex/1.3.9/regex/#syntax). The matching mode is indicated in the search bar. * `CTRL-U` will clear the *search pattern* so you can start over. * `CTRL-SHIFT-C` will copy the selected text to the clipboard. * `Escape` will cancel the search overlay, leaving the currently selected text selected with the viewport scrolled to that location. ### Configuring Saved Searches *since: 20200607-144723-74889cd4* If you find that you're often searching for the same things then you may wish to assign a keybinding to trigger that search. For example, if you find that you're frequently running `git log` and then reaching for your mouse to copy and paste a relevant git commit hash then you might like this: ```lua local wezterm = require 'wezterm'; return { keys = { -- search for things that look like git hashes {key="H", mods="SHIFT|CTRL", action=wezterm.action{Search={Regex="[a-f0-9]{6,}"}}}, }, } ``` With that in your config you can now: * `CTRL-SHIFT-H` to highlight all the git hashes and select the closest one to the bottom of the screen. * Use `ENTER`/`CTRL-N`/`CTRL-P` to cycle through the git hashes * `CTRL-SHIFT-C` to copy * `Escape` * `CTRL-SHIFT-V` (or `SHIFT-Insert`) to Paste without needing to reach for your mouse. See [the Search action docs](config/lua/keyassignment/Search.html) for more information on using the `Search` action.