## Installing on Linux via Flathub WezTerm is available in flatpak format and published on [Flathub](https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.wezfurlong.wezterm), which is aggregated into the GNOME Software application and other similar storefront/software catalog applications. Download on Flathub To install using the command line: First, [setup flatpak on your system](https://flatpak.org/setup/), then: ```console $ flatpak install flathub org.wezfurlong.wezterm ``` and then run: ```console $ flatpak run org.wezfurlong.wezterm ``` You may wish to define an alias for convenience: ```console $ alias wezterm='flatpak run org.wezfurlong.wezterm' ``` !!! note flatpaks run in an isolated sandbox so some functionality may behave a little differently when compared to installing the native package format for your system. * starting wezterm using `wezterm cli` subcommands will block on the first run since you logged in if you haven't already launched the gui. * Process inspection functions such as determining the current directory for a pane will not work The flatpak is provided primarily for ease of trying out wezterm with low commitment, and you are encouraged to use native packages for your system once you're ready to get the most out of wezterm. Only stable releases are allowed to be published to Flathub, so if you want/need to try a nightly download you will need to use one of the other options below. ## Installing on Linux using AppImage WezTerm is available in [AppImage](https://appimage.org/) format; a self-contained single file that doesn't require installation or any special privileges to run, and that is compatible with a wide range of Linux distributions. Download and make the file executable and you're ready to run! [AppImage :material-tray-arrow-down:]({{ ubuntu20_AppImage_stable }}){ .md-button } [Nightly AppImage :material-tray-arrow-down:]({{ ubuntu20_AppImage_nightly }}){ .md-button } ```console $ curl -LO {{ ubuntu20_AppImage_stable }} $ chmod +x {{ ubuntu20_AppImage_stable_asset }} ``` You may then execute the appimage directly to launch wezterm, with no specific installation steps required: ```console $ ./{{ ubuntu20_AppImage_stable_asset }} ``` That said, you may wish to make it a bit more convenient: ```console $ mkdir ~/bin $ mv ./{{ ubuntu20_AppImage_stable_asset }} ~/bin/wezterm $ ~/bin/wezterm ``` * Configuration instructions can be [found here](../config/files.md) ## Installing on Ubuntu Nightly builds are now available in a hosted APT repo. You can configure your system to use that APT repo by following these steps: ```console $ curl -fsSL https://apt.fury.io/wez/gpg.key | sudo gpg --yes --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/wezterm-fury.gpg $ echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/wezterm-fury.gpg] https://apt.fury.io/wez/ * *' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wezterm.list ``` Now you can install wezterm: ```console $ sudo apt install wezterm-nightly ``` ## Installing on Ubuntu and Debian-based Systems The CI system builds `.deb` files for a variety of Ubuntu and Debian distributions. These are often compatible with other Debian style systems; if you don't find one that exactly matches your system you can try installing one from an older version of your distribution, or use one of the Debian packages linked below. Failing that, you can try the AppImage download which should work on most Linux systems. |Distro | Stable | Nightly| | |------------|------------------|--------|------------| |Ubuntu20 |[amd64]({{ ubuntu20_deb_stable }}) |[amd64]({{ ubuntu20_deb_nightly }})| | |Ubuntu22 |[amd64]({{ ubuntu22_deb_stable }}) |[amd64]({{ ubuntu22_deb_nightly }})|[arm64]({{ ubuntu22_arm64_deb_nightly}})| |Debian10 |[amd64]({{ debian10_deb_stable }}) |[amd64]({{ debian10_deb_nightly }})| | |Debian11 |[amd64]({{ debian11_deb_stable }}) |[amd64]({{ debian11_deb_nightly }})| | |Debian12 |Nightly builds only|[amd64]({{ debian12_deb_nightly }})|[arm64]({{ debian12_arm64_deb_nightly }}) | To download and install from the CLI, you can use something like this, which shows how to install the Ubuntu 20 package: ```console $ curl -LO {{ ubuntu20_deb_stable }} $ sudo apt install -y ./{{ ubuntu20_deb_stable_asset }} ``` * The package installs `/usr/bin/wezterm` and `/usr/share/applications/org.wezfurlong.wezterm.desktop` * Configuration instructions can be [found here](../config/files.md) ## Installing on Fedora and rpm-based Systems via Copr Nightly builds of wezterm are now available via the [Copr](https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/) build service. You can see the current list of available distributions and architectures [on the wezterm-nightly project page](https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/wezfurlong/wezterm-nightly/). At the time that this page was written, the following distributions are available in Copr for `x86_64` and `aarch64`: * Centos Stream 8 and 9 * Fedora 38, 39, rawhide * OpenSUSE Leap 15.5 * OpenSUSE Tumbleweed * RHEL 8, 9 To perform initial installation: ```console $ sudo dnf copr enable wezfurlong/wezterm-nightly $ sudo dnf install wezterm ``` To update: ```console $ sudo dnf update wezterm ``` ## Installing on Fedora and rpm-based Systems The CI system builds `.rpm` files on CentOS, Fedora and openSUSE systems. These are likely compatible with other rpm-based distributions. Alternatively, you can try the AppImage download with should work on most Linux systems. |Distro | Stable | Nightly | |------------|------------------|---------------------| |CentOS7 |[{{ centos7_rpm_stable_asset }}]({{ centos7_rpm_stable }}) |No longer supported| |CentOS8 |[{{ centos8_rpm_stable_asset }}]({{ centos8_rpm_stable }}) |[{{ centos8_rpm_nightly_asset }}]({{ centos8_rpm_nightly }})| |CentOS9 |[{{ centos9_rpm_stable_asset }}]({{ centos9_rpm_stable }})|[{{ centos9_rpm_nightly_asset }}]({{ centos9_rpm_nightly }})| |Fedora36 |[{{ fedora36_rpm_stable_asset }}]({{ fedora36_rpm_stable }})|No longer supported| |Fedora37 |[{{ fedora37_rpm_stable_asset }}]({{ fedora37_rpm_stable }})|[{{ fedora37_rpm_nightly_asset }}]({{ fedora37_rpm_nightly }})| |Fedora38 |[{{ fedora38_rpm_stable_asset }}]({{ fedora38_rpm_stable }})|[{{ fedora38_rpm_nightly_asset }}]({{ fedora38_rpm_nightly }})| |Fedora39 |Nightly only|[{{ fedora39_rpm_nightly_asset }}]({{ fedora39_rpm_nightly }})| |openSUSE Leap |[{{ opensuse_leap_rpm_stable_asset }}]({{ opensuse_leap_rpm_stable }})|Use COPR instead| |openSUSE Tumbleweed |[{{ opensuse_tumbleweed_rpm_stable_asset }}]({{ opensuse_tumbleweed_rpm_stable }})|Use COPR instead| To download and install from the CLI you can use something like this, which shows how to install the Fedora 37 package: ```console $ sudo dnf install -y {{ fedora37_rpm_stable }} ``` WezTerm is also available in the official Factory repo in openSUSE Tumbleweed. To install from Factory instead from the rpm provided by WezTerm's Github repository, you can use Yast. If you prefer the CLI, you can install it as root user with ```console $ zypper addrepo https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/openSUSE:Factory/standard/openSUSE:Factory.repo $ zypper refresh $ zypper install wezterm ``` * The package installs `/usr/bin/wezterm` and `/usr/share/applications/org.wezfurlong.wezterm.desktop` * Configuration instructions can be [found here](../config/files.md) ## Arch Linux WezTerm is available in the [Extra repository](https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/wezterm/). The version available in the extra repository may lag behind the latest wezterm release, so you may wish to use one of these AUR options: |What |Where| |---------------------|-| |Build from source || ## Alpine Linux APKs are no longer being built/supported by CI. You can still build it for yourself from source! ## Linuxbrew Tap If you are a [Linuxbrew](https://docs.brew.sh/Homebrew-on-Linux) user, you can install wezterm from our tap: ```console $ brew tap wez/wezterm-linuxbrew $ brew install wezterm ``` If you'd like to use a nightly build you can perform a head install: ```console $ brew install --HEAD wezterm ``` to upgrade to a newer nightly, it is simplest to remove then install: ```console $ brew rm wezterm $ brew install --HEAD wezterm ``` ## Raw Linux Binary Another option for linux is a raw binary archive. These are the same binaries that are built for Ubuntu but provided in a tarball. [Raw Linux Binary :material-tray-arrow-down:]({{ linux_raw_bin_stable }}){ .md-button } [Nightly Raw Linux Binary :material-tray-arrow-down:]({{ linux_raw_bin_nightly }}){ .md-button }