# `tab:panes_with_info()` {{since('20220807-113146-c2fee766')}} Returns an array table containing an extended info entry for each of the panes contained by this tab. Each element is a lua table with the following fields: * `index` - the topological pane index * `is_active` - a boolean indicating whether this is the active pane withing the tab * `is_zoomed` - a boolean indicating whether this pane is zoomed * `left` - The offset from the top left corner of the containing tab to the top left corner of this pane, in cells. * `top` - The offset from the top left corner of the containing tab to the top left corner of this pane, in cells. * `width` - The width of this pane in cells * `height` - The height of this pane in cells * `pixel_width` - The width of this pane in pixels * `pixel_height` - The height of this pane in pixels * `pane` - The [Pane](../pane/index.md) object