# Note: if you are viewing this from the tap repo, this file is automatically # updated from: # https://github.com/wez/wezterm/blob/main/ci/wezterm-homebrew-macos.rb.template # by automation in the wezterm repo. # vim:ft=ruby: cask "wezterm" do version "@TAG@" sha256 "@SHA256@" url "https://github.com/wez/wezterm/releases/download/#{version}/WezTerm-macos-#{version}.zip" name "WezTerm" desc "A GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer written by @wez and implemented in Rust" homepage "https://wezfurlong.org/wezterm/" conflicts_with cask: "wez/wezterm/wezterm-nightly" # Unclear what the minimal OS version is # depends_on macos: ">= :sierra" app "WezTerm.app" [ "wezterm", "wezterm-gui", "wezterm-mux-server", "strip-ansi-escapes" ].each do |tool| binary "#{appdir}/WezTerm.app/Contents/MacOS/#{tool}" end preflight do # Move "WezTerm-macos-#{version}/WezTerm.app" out of the subfolder staged_subfolder = staged_path.glob(["WezTerm-*", "wezterm-*"]).first if staged_subfolder FileUtils.mv(staged_subfolder/"WezTerm.app", staged_path) FileUtils.rm_rf(staged_subfolder) end end zap trash: [ "~/Library/Saved Application State/com.github.wez.wezterm.savedState", ] def caveats; <<~EOS Cask #{token} related executables like 'wezterm', 'wezterm-gui', 'wezterm-mux-server', are linked into /usr/local/bin/ for x86 Mac, /opt/homebrew/bin/ for M1 Mac. Removal of them is ensured by 'brew uninstall --cask #{token}'. EOS end end