#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys from copy import deepcopy def yv(v, depth=0): if v is True: return "true" if v is False: return "false" if v is None: return "nil" if isinstance(v, str): if "\n" in v: indent = " " * depth result = "" for l in v.splitlines(): result = result + "\n" + (f"{indent}{l}" if l else "") return "|" + result # This is hideous if '"' in v: return "'" + v + "'" return '"' + v + '"' return v class Step(object): def render(self, f, depth=0): raise NotImplementedError(repr(self)) class RunStep(Step): def __init__(self, name, run, shell="bash", env=None): self.name = name self.run = run self.shell = shell self.env = env def render(self, f, depth=0): indent = " " * depth f.write(f"{indent}- name: {yv(self.name)}\n") if self.env: f.write(f"{indent} env:\n") keys = list(self.env.keys()) keys.sort() for k in keys: v = self.env[k] f.write(f"{indent} {k}: {v}\n") if self.shell: f.write(f"{indent} shell: {self.shell}\n") run = self.run f.write(f"{indent} run: {yv(run, depth + 2)}\n") class ActionStep(Step): def __init__(self, name, action, params=None, env=None, condition=None): self.name = name self.action = action self.params = params self.env = env self.condition = condition def render(self, f, depth=0): indent = " " * depth f.write(f"{indent}- name: {yv(self.name)}\n") f.write(f"{indent} uses: {self.action}\n") if self.condition: f.write(f"{indent} if: {self.condition}\n") if self.params: f.write(f"{indent} with:\n") for k, v in self.params.items(): f.write(f"{indent} {k}: {yv(v, depth + 3)}\n") if self.env: f.write(f"{indent} env:\n") for k, v in self.env.items(): f.write(f"{indent} {k}: {yv(v, depth + 3)}\n") class CacheStep(ActionStep): def __init__(self, name, path, key): super().__init__( name, action="actions/cache@v3", params={"path": path, "key": key} ) class CheckoutStep(ActionStep): def __init__(self, name="checkout repo", submodules=True): params = {} if submodules: params["submodules"] = "recursive" super().__init__(name, action="actions/checkout@v3", params=params) class Job(object): def __init__(self, runs_on, container=None, steps=None, env=None): self.runs_on = runs_on self.container = container self.steps = steps self.env = env def render(self, f, depth=0): f.write("\n steps:\n") for s in self.steps: s.render(f, depth) class Target(object): def __init__( self, name=None, os="ubuntu-latest", container=None, bootstrap_git=False, rust_target=None, continuous_only=False, app_image=False, is_tag=False, ): if not name: if container: name = container else: name = os self.name = name.replace(":", "") self.os = os self.container = container self.bootstrap_git = bootstrap_git self.rust_target = rust_target self.continuous_only = continuous_only self.app_image = app_image self.env = {} self.is_tag = is_tag def render_env(self, f, depth=0): self.global_env() if self.env: indent = " " f.write(f"{indent}env:\n") for k, v in self.env.items(): f.write(f"{indent} {k}: {yv(v, depth + 3)}\n") def uses_yum(self): if "fedora" in self.name: return True if "centos" in self.name: return True return False def uses_apt(self): if "ubuntu" in self.name: return True if "debian" in self.name: return True return False def uses_apk(self): if "alpine" in self.name: return True return False def uses_zypper(self): if "suse" in self.name: return True return False def needs_sudo(self): if not self.container and self.uses_apt(): return True return False def install_system_package(self, name): installer = None if self.uses_yum(): installer = "yum" elif self.uses_apt(): installer = "apt-get" elif self.uses_apk(): installer = "apk" elif self.uses_zypper(): installer = "zypper" else: return [] if self.needs_sudo(): installer = f"sudo -n {installer}" if self.uses_apk(): return [RunStep(f"Install {name}", f"{installer} add {name}")] else: return [RunStep(f"Install {name}", f"{installer} install -y {name}")] def install_curl(self): if ( self.uses_yum() or self.uses_apk() or self.uses_zypper() or (self.uses_apt() and self.container) ): if "centos:stream9" in self.container: return self.install_system_package("curl-minimal") else: return self.install_system_package("curl") return [] def install_openssh_server(self): steps = [] if ( self.uses_yum() or self.uses_zypper() or (self.uses_apt() and self.container) ): steps += [ RunStep("Ensure /run/sshd exists", "mkdir -p /run/sshd") ] + self.install_system_package("openssh-server") if self.uses_apk(): steps += self.install_system_package("openssh") return steps def install_newer_compiler(self): steps = [] if self.name == "centos7": steps.append( RunStep( "Install SCL", "yum install -y centos-release-scl-rh", ) ) steps.append( RunStep( "Update compiler", "yum install -y devtoolset-9-gcc devtoolset-9-gcc-c++", ) ) return steps def install_git(self): steps = [] if self.bootstrap_git: GIT_VERS = "2.26.2" steps.append( CacheStep( "Cache Git installation", path="/usr/local/git", key=f"{self.name}-git-{GIT_VERS}", ) ) pre_reqs = "" if self.uses_yum(): pre_reqs = "yum install -y wget curl-devel expat-devel gettext-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel gcc perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker make" elif self.uses_apt(): pre_reqs = "apt-get install -y wget libcurl4-openssl-dev libexpat-dev gettext libssl-dev libz-dev gcc libextutils-autoinstall-perl make" elif self.uses_zypper(): pre_reqs = "zypper install -y wget libcurl-devel libexpat-devel gettext-tools libopenssl-devel zlib-devel gcc perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker make" steps.append( RunStep( name="Install Git from source", shell="bash", run=f"""{pre_reqs} if test ! -x /usr/local/git/bin/git ; then cd /tmp wget https://github.com/git/git/archive/v{GIT_VERS}.tar.gz tar xzf v{GIT_VERS}.tar.gz cd git-{GIT_VERS} make prefix=/usr/local/git install fi ln -s /usr/local/git/bin/git /usr/local/bin/git""", ) ) else: if "tumbleweed" in self.name: # git-core requires /usr/bin/which and that gets satisfied # by busybox-which by default, which blocks installing # rpmbuild, which depends on the which rpm directly, # but that is blocked by the conflicting busybox-which rpm. # So we explicitly install which here now steps += self.install_system_package("which") steps += self.install_system_package("git") return steps def install_rust(self, cache=True): salt = "2" key_prefix = f"{self.name}-{self.rust_target}-{salt}-${{{{ runner.os }}}}-${{{{ hashFiles('**/Cargo.lock') }}}}" params = { "profile": "minimal", "toolchain": "stable", "override": True, "components": "rustfmt", } if self.rust_target: params["target"] = self.rust_target steps = [ ActionStep( name="Install Rust", action="actions-rs/toolchain@v1", params=params, env={"ACTIONS_ALLOW_UNSECURE_COMMANDS": "true"}, ), ] if "macos" in self.name: steps += [ RunStep( name="Install Rust (ARM)", run="rustup target add aarch64-apple-darwin", ) ] if cache: cache_paths = ["~/.cargo/registry", "~/.cargo/git", "target"] steps += [ CacheStep( name="Cache cargo", path="\n".join(cache_paths), key=f"{key_prefix}-cargo", ), ] return steps def install_system_deps(self): if "win" in self.name: return [] sudo = "sudo -n " if self.needs_sudo() else "" return [ RunStep(name="Install System Deps", run=f"{sudo}env PATH=$PATH ./get-deps") ] def build_all_release(self): if "win" in self.name: return [ RunStep( name="Build (Release mode)", shell="cmd", run=""" PATH C:\\Strawberry\\perl\\bin;%PATH% cargo build --all --release""", ) ] if "macos" in self.name: return [ RunStep( name="Build (Release mode Intel)", run="cargo build --target x86_64-apple-darwin --all --release", ), RunStep( name="Build (Release mode ARM)", run="cargo build --target aarch64-apple-darwin --all --release", ), ] if self.name == "centos7": enable = "source /opt/rh/devtoolset-9/enable && " else: enable = "" return [ RunStep( name="Build (Release mode)", run=enable + "cargo build --all --release" ) ] def test_all_release(self): if "macos" in self.name: return [ RunStep( name="Test (Release mode)", run="cargo test --target x86_64-apple-darwin --all --release", ) ] if self.name == "centos7": enable = "source /opt/rh/devtoolset-9/enable && " else: enable = "" return [ RunStep( name="Test (Release mode)", run=enable + "cargo test --all --release" ) ] def package(self, trusted=False): steps = [] deploy_env = None if trusted and ("mac" in self.name): deploy_env = { "MACOS_CERT": "${{ secrets.MACOS_CERT }}", "MACOS_CERT_PW": "${{ secrets.MACOS_CERT_PW }}", "MACOS_TEAM_ID": "${{ secrets.MACOS_TEAM_ID }}", "MACOS_APPLEID": "${{ secrets.MACOS_APPLEID }}", "MACOS_APP_PW": "${{ secrets.MACOS_APP_PW }}", } steps = [RunStep("Package", "bash ci/deploy.sh", env=deploy_env)] if self.app_image: steps.append(RunStep("Source Tarball", "bash ci/source-archive.sh")) steps.append(RunStep("Build AppImage", "bash ci/appimage.sh")) return steps def upload_artifact(self): steps = [] if self.uses_yum(): steps.append( RunStep( "Move RPM", f"mv ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/*/*.rpm .", ) ) elif self.uses_apk(): steps += [ # Add the distro name/version into the filename RunStep( "Rename APKs", f"mv ~/packages/wezterm/x86_64/*.apk $(echo ~/packages/wezterm/x86_64/*.apk | sed -e 's/wezterm-/wezterm-{self.name}-/')", ), # Move it to the repo dir RunStep( "Move APKs", f"mv ~/packages/wezterm/x86_64/*.apk .", ), # Move and rename the keys RunStep( "Move APK keys", f"mv ~/.abuild/*.pub wezterm-{self.name}.pub", ), ] elif self.uses_zypper(): steps.append( RunStep( "Move RPM", f"mv /usr/src/packages/RPMS/*/*.rpm .", ) ) patterns = self.asset_patterns() glob = " ".join(patterns) paths = "\n".join(patterns) return steps + [ ActionStep( "Upload artifact", action="actions/upload-artifact@v3", params={"name": self.name, "path": paths}, ), ] def asset_patterns(self): patterns = [] if self.uses_yum() or self.uses_zypper(): patterns += ["wezterm-*.rpm"] elif "win" in self.name: patterns += ["WezTerm-*.zip", "WezTerm-*.exe"] elif "mac" in self.name: patterns += ["WezTerm-*.zip"] elif ("ubuntu" in self.name) or ("debian" in self.name): patterns += ["wezterm-*.deb", "wezterm-*.xz"] elif "alpine" in self.name: patterns += ["wezterm-*.apk"] if self.is_tag: patterns.append("*.pub") if self.app_image: patterns.append("*src.tar.gz") patterns.append("*.AppImage") patterns.append("*.zsync") return patterns def upload_artifact_nightly(self): steps = [] if self.uses_yum(): steps.append( RunStep( "Move RPM", f"mv ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/*/*.rpm wezterm-nightly-{self.name}.rpm", ) ) elif self.uses_apk(): steps.append( RunStep( "Move APKs", f"mv ~/packages/wezterm/x86_64/*.apk wezterm-nightly-{self.name}.apk", ) ) elif self.uses_zypper(): steps.append( RunStep( "Move RPM", f"mv /usr/src/packages/RPMS/*/*.rpm wezterm-nightly-{self.name}.rpm", ) ) patterns = self.asset_patterns() glob = " ".join(patterns) paths = "\n".join(patterns) return steps + [ ActionStep( "Upload artifact", action="actions/upload-artifact@v3", params={"name": self.name, "path": paths, "retention-days": 5}, ), ] def upload_asset_nightly(self): steps = [] patterns = self.asset_patterns() checksum = RunStep( "Checksum", f"for f in {' '.join(patterns)} ; do sha256sum $f > $f.sha256 ; done", ) patterns.append("*.sha256") glob = " ".join(patterns) return steps + [ ActionStep( "Download artifact", action="actions/download-artifact@v3", params={"name": self.name}, ), checksum, RunStep( "Upload to Nightly Release", f"bash ci/retry.sh gh release upload --clobber nightly {glob}", env={"GITHUB_TOKEN": "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"}, ), ] def upload_asset_tag(self): steps = [] patterns = self.asset_patterns() checksum = RunStep( "Checksum", f"for f in {' '.join(patterns)} ; do sha256sum $f > $f.sha256 ; done", ) patterns.append("*.sha256") glob = " ".join(patterns) return steps + [ ActionStep( "Download artifact", action="actions/download-artifact@v3", params={"name": self.name}, ), checksum, RunStep( "Create pre-release", "bash ci/retry.sh bash ci/create-release.sh $(ci/tag-name.sh)", env={ "GITHUB_TOKEN": "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}", }, ), RunStep( "Upload to Tagged Release", f"bash ci/retry.sh gh release upload --clobber $(ci/tag-name.sh) {glob}", env={ "GITHUB_TOKEN": "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}", }, ), ] def create_winget_pr(self): steps = [] if "windows" in self.name: steps += [ ActionStep( "Checkout winget-pkgs", action="actions/checkout@v3", params={ "repository": "wez/winget-pkgs", "path": "winget-pkgs", "token": "${{ secrets.GH_PAT }}", }, ), RunStep( "Setup email for winget repo", "cd winget-pkgs && git config user.email wez@wezfurlong.org", ), RunStep( "Setup name for winget repo", "cd winget-pkgs && git config user.name 'Wez Furlong'", ), RunStep( "Create winget manifest and push to fork", "bash ci/make-winget-pr.sh winget-pkgs WezTerm-*.exe", ), RunStep( "Submit PR", 'cd winget-pkgs && gh pr create --fill --body "PR automatically created by release automation in the wezterm repo"', env={ "GITHUB_TOKEN": "${{ secrets.GH_PAT }}", }, ), ] return steps def update_homebrew_tap(self): steps = [] if "macos" in self.name: steps += [ ActionStep( "Checkout homebrew tap", action="actions/checkout@v3", params={ "repository": "wez/homebrew-wezterm", "path": "homebrew-wezterm", "token": "${{ secrets.GH_PAT }}", }, ), RunStep( "Update homebrew tap formula", "cp wezterm.rb homebrew-wezterm/Casks/wezterm.rb", ), ActionStep( "Commit homebrew tap changes", action="stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4", params={ "commit_message": "Automated update to match latest tag", "repository": "homebrew-wezterm", }, ), ] elif self.app_image: steps += [ ActionStep( "Checkout linuxbrew tap", action="actions/checkout@v3", params={ "repository": "wez/homebrew-wezterm-linuxbrew", "path": "linuxbrew-wezterm", "token": "${{ secrets.GH_PAT }}", }, ), RunStep( "Update linuxbrew tap formula", "cp wezterm-linuxbrew.rb linuxbrew-wezterm/Formula/wezterm.rb", ), ActionStep( "Commit linuxbrew tap changes", action="stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4", params={ "commit_message": "Automated update to match latest tag", "repository": "linuxbrew-wezterm", }, ), ] return steps def global_env(self): if "macos" in self.name: self.env["MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] = "10.9" if "alpine" in self.name: self.env["RUSTFLAGS"] = "-C target-feature=-crt-static" return def prep_environment(self, cache=True): steps = [] sudo = "sudo -n " if self.needs_sudo() else "" if self.uses_apt(): if self.container: steps += [ RunStep( "set APT to non-interactive", "echo 'debconf debconf/frontend select Noninteractive' | debconf-set-selections", ), ] steps += [ RunStep("Update APT", f"{sudo}apt update"), ] if self.uses_zypper(): if self.container: steps += [ RunStep( "Seed GITHUB_PATH to work around possible @action/core bug", f'echo "$PATH:/bin:/usr/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH', ), RunStep( "Install util-linux", "zypper install -y util-linux", ), ] if self.container: if ("fedora" in self.container) or ( ("centos" in self.container) and ("centos7" not in self.container) ): steps += [ RunStep( "Install config manager", "dnf install -y 'dnf-command(config-manager)'", ), ] if "centos:stream8" in self.container: steps += [ RunStep( "Enable PowerTools", "dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools", ), ] if "centos:stream9" in self.container: steps += [ # This holds the xcb bits RunStep( "Enable CRB repo for X bits", "dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb", ), ] if "alpine" in self.container: steps += [ RunStep( "Upgrade system", "apk upgrade --update-cache", shell="sh", ), RunStep( "Install CI dependencies", "apk add nodejs zstd wget bash coreutils tar findutils", shell="sh", ), RunStep( "Allow root login", "sed 's/root:!/root:*/g' -i /etc/shadow", ), ] steps += self.install_newer_compiler() steps += self.install_git() steps += self.install_curl() if self.uses_apt(): if self.container: steps += [ RunStep("Update APT", f"{sudo}apt update"), ] steps += self.install_openssh_server() steps += self.checkout() steps += self.install_rust(cache="mac" not in self.name) steps += self.install_system_deps() return steps def pull_request(self): steps = self.prep_environment() steps += self.build_all_release() steps += self.test_all_release() steps += self.package() steps += self.upload_artifact() return ( Job( runs_on=self.os, container=self.container, steps=steps, env=self.env, ), None, ) def checkout(self, submodules=True): steps = [] if self.container: steps += [ RunStep( "Workaround git permissions issue", "git config --global --add safe.directory /__w/wezterm/wezterm", ) ] steps += [CheckoutStep(submodules=submodules)] return steps def continuous(self): steps = self.prep_environment() steps += self.build_all_release() steps += self.test_all_release() steps += self.package(trusted=True) steps += self.upload_artifact_nightly() self.env["BUILD_REASON"] = "Schedule" uploader = Job( runs_on="ubuntu-latest", steps=self.checkout(submodules=False) + self.upload_asset_nightly(), ) return ( Job( runs_on=self.os, container=self.container, steps=steps, env=self.env, ), uploader, ) def tag(self): steps = self.prep_environment() steps += self.build_all_release() steps += self.test_all_release() steps += self.package(trusted=True) steps += self.upload_artifact() steps += self.update_homebrew_tap() uploader = Job( runs_on="ubuntu-latest", steps=self.checkout(submodules=False) + self.upload_asset_tag() + self.create_winget_pr(), ) return ( Job( runs_on=self.os, container=self.container, steps=steps, env=self.env, ), uploader, ) TARGETS = [ Target(name="ubuntu:18", os="ubuntu-18.04", app_image=True), Target(container="ubuntu:20.04", continuous_only=True), Target(container="ubuntu:22.04", continuous_only=True), # debian 8's wayland libraries are too old for wayland-client # Target(container="debian:8.11", continuous_only=True, bootstrap_git=True), # harfbuzz's C++ is too new for debian 9's toolchain # Target(container="debian:9.12", continuous_only=True, bootstrap_git=True), Target(container="debian:10.3", continuous_only=True), Target(container="debian:11", continuous_only=True), Target( name="centos7", container="quay.io/centos/centos:centos7", bootstrap_git=True ), Target(name="centos8", container="quay.io/centos/centos:stream8"), Target(name="centos9", container="quay.io/centos/centos:stream9"), Target(name="macos", os="macos-11"), # https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/End_of_life?rd=LifeCycle/EOL Target(container="fedora:34"), Target(container="fedora:35"), Target(container="fedora:36"), Target(container="fedora:37"), Target(container="alpine:3.12"), Target(container="alpine:3.13"), Target(container="alpine:3.14"), Target(container="alpine:3.15"), Target(name="opensuse_leap", container="registry.opensuse.org/opensuse/leap:15.3"), Target( name="opensuse_tumbleweed", container="registry.opensuse.org/opensuse/tumbleweed", ), Target(name="windows", os="windows-latest", rust_target="x86_64-pc-windows-msvc"), ] def generate_actions(namer, jobber, trigger, is_continuous, is_tag=False): for t in TARGETS: # Clone the definition, as some Target methods called # in the body below have side effects that we don't # want to bleed across into different schedule types t = deepcopy(t) t.is_tag = is_tag # if t.continuous_only and not is_continuous: # continue name = namer(t).replace(":", "") print(name) job, uploader = jobber(t) file_name = f".github/workflows/gen_{name}.yml" if job.container: container = f"container: {yv(job.container)}" else: container = "" with open(file_name, "w") as f: f.write( f"""name: {name} {trigger} jobs: build: runs-on: {yv(job.runs_on)} {container} """ ) t.render_env(f) job.render(f, 3) # We upload using a native runner as github API access # inside a container is really unreliable and can result # in broken releases that can't automatically be repaired # if uploader: f.write( """ upload: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: build """ ) uploader.render(f, 3) # Sanity check the yaml, if pyyaml is available try: import yaml with open(file_name) as f: yaml.safe_load(f) except ImportError: pass def generate_pr_actions(): generate_actions( lambda t: f"{t.name}", lambda t: t.pull_request(), trigger=""" on: pull_request: branches: - main paths-ignore: - ".cirrus.yml" - "docs/*" - "ci/build-docs.sh" - "ci/generate-docs.py" - "ci/subst-release-info.py" - ".github/workflows/pages.yml" - ".github/workflows/verify-pages.yml" - ".github/workflows/no-response.yml" - ".github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/*" - "**/*.md" - "**/*.markdown" """, is_continuous=False, ) def continuous_actions(): generate_actions( lambda t: f"{t.name}_continuous", lambda t: t.continuous(), trigger=""" on: schedule: - cron: "10 3 * * *" push: branches: - main paths-ignore: - ".cirrus.yml" - "docs/**" - "ci/build-docs.sh" - "ci/generate-docs.py" - "ci/subst-release-info.py" - ".github/workflows/pages.yml" - ".github/workflows/verify-pages.yml" - ".github/workflows/no-response.yml" - ".github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/*" - "**/*.md" - "**/*.markdown" """, is_continuous=True, ) def tag_actions(): generate_actions( lambda t: f"{t.name}_tag", lambda t: t.tag(), trigger=""" on: push: tags: - "20*" """, is_continuous=True, is_tag=True, ) generate_pr_actions() continuous_actions() tag_actions()