//! This example shows how to use `BufferedTerminal` to queue //! up changes and then flush them. `BufferedTerminal` enables //! optimizing the output sequence to update the screen, which is //! important on links with poor connectivity. use anyhow::Error; use termwiz::caps::Capabilities; use termwiz::cell::AttributeChange; use termwiz::color::AnsiColor; use termwiz::surface::Change; use termwiz::terminal::buffered::BufferedTerminal; use termwiz::terminal::{new_terminal, Terminal}; fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { let caps = Capabilities::new_from_env()?; let mut terminal = new_terminal(caps)?; terminal.set_raw_mode()?; let mut buf = BufferedTerminal::new(terminal)?; buf.add_change(Change::Attribute(AttributeChange::Foreground( AnsiColor::Maroon.into(), ))); buf.add_change("Hello world\r\n"); buf.add_change(Change::Attribute(AttributeChange::Foreground( AnsiColor::Red.into(), ))); buf.add_change("and in red here\r\n"); buf.flush()?; Ok(()) }