Both the keyboard and the mouse bindings are configurable. The assignments are based around a triggering event, such as a keypress or mouse button click, which is combined with a set of modifier keys to produce an action. A full list of possible keys, mouse events and actions are included below, after these tables describing the default assignments. ## Alt / Option Key Behavior & Composed Keys The operating system has its own user selectable keymap that is sometimes at odds with old-school terminal emulation that pre-dates internationalization as a concept. WezTerm tries to behave reasonably by default, but also give you control in other situations. ### Layouts with an AltGr key If you have, for example, a European keyboard layout with an AltGr key then wezterm will respect the composition effects of AltGr produced by the system. For example, in a German keymap, `AltGr <` will produce `|`. If your physical keyboard doesn't match the keyboard layout (eg: using a US keyboard with DEU selected in the OS), then the right hand `Alt` key is often re-interpreted as having the `AltGr` function with behavior as described above. The left `Alt` will be treated as a modifier with no composition effects. ### macOS Left and Right Option Key *since: 20200620-160318-e00b076c* The default behavior is to treat the left `Option` key as the `Alt` modifier with no composition effects, while the right `Option` key performs composition (making it approximately equivalent to `AltGr` on other operating systems). You can control this behavior in your configuration: ```lua return { send_composed_key_when_left_alt_is_pressed=false, send_composed_key_when_right_alt_is_pressed=true, } ``` If you're running an earlier release the options were a bit more limited; both left and right `Option` keys behave identically and composition behavior was influenced for both of them via the `send_composed_key_when_alt_is_pressed` configuration option. ### macOS and the Input Method Editor (IME) WezTerm has support for using the operating system Input Method Editor (IME) on macOS. This is useful in cases where you need to type kanji. However, the input method editor can get in the way and has a couple of irritating side effects such as preventing key repeat for a subset of keys. You can control whether the IME is enabled on macOS in your configuration file: ```lua return { use_ime = false, } ``` *since: 20200620-160318-e00b076c* The default for `use_ime` is false. The default in earlier releases was `true`. ### Defining Assignments for key combinations that may be composed When a key combination produces a composed key result, wezterm will look up both the composed and uncomposed versions of the keypress in your key mappings. If either lookup matches your assignment, that will take precedence over the normal key processing. ## Default Shortcut / Key Binding Assignments The default key bindings are: | Modifiers | Key | Action | | --------- | --- | ------ | | `SUPER` | `c` | `Copy` | | `SUPER` | `v` | `Paste` | | `CTRL+SHIFT` | `c` | `Copy` | | `CTRL+SHIFT` | `v` | `Paste` | | `SHIFT` | `Insert` | `Paste` | | `SUPER` | `m` | `Hide` | | `SUPER` | `n` | `SpawnWindow` | | `CTRL+SHIFT` | `n` | `SpawnWindow` | | `ALT` | `Enter` | `ToggleFullScreen` | | `SUPER` | `-` | `DecreaseFontSize` | | `CTRL` | `-` | `DecreaseFontSize` | | `SUPER` | `=` | `IncreaseFontSize` | | `CTRL` | `=` | `IncreaseFontSize` | | `SUPER` | `0` | `ResetFontSize` | | `CTRL` | `0` | `ResetFontSize` | | `SUPER` | `t` | `SpawnTab="CurrentPaneDomain"` | | `CTRL+SHIFT` | `t` | `SpawnTab="CurrentPaneDomain"` | | `SUPER+SHIFT` | `T` | `SpawnTab="DefaultDomain"` | | `SUPER` | `w` | `CloseCurrentTab` | | `SUPER` | `1` | `ActivateTab=0` | | `SUPER` | `2` | `ActivateTab=1` | | `SUPER` | `3` | `ActivateTab=2` | | `SUPER` | `4` | `ActivateTab=3` | | `SUPER` | `5` | `ActivateTab=4` | | `SUPER` | `6` | `ActivateTab=5` | | `SUPER` | `7` | `ActivateTab=6` | | `SUPER` | `8` | `ActivateTab=7` | | `SUPER` | `9` | `ActivateTab=-1` | | `CTRL+SHIFT` | `w` | `CloseCurrentTab` | | `CTRL+SHIFT` | `1` | `ActivateTab=0` | | `CTRL+SHIFT` | `2` | `ActivateTab=1` | | `CTRL+SHIFT` | `3` | `ActivateTab=2` | | `CTRL+SHIFT` | `4` | `ActivateTab=3` | | `CTRL+SHIFT` | `5` | `ActivateTab=4` | | `CTRL+SHIFT` | `6` | `ActivateTab=5` | | `CTRL+SHIFT` | `7` | `ActivateTab=6` | | `CTRL+SHIFT` | `8` | `ActivateTab=7` | | `CTRL+SHIFT` | `9` | `ActivateTab=-1` | | `SUPER+SHIFT` | `[` | `ActivateTabRelative=-1` | | `SUPER+SHIFT` | `]` | `ActivateTabRelative=1` | | `CTRL+SHIFT` | `PAGEUP` | `MoveTabRelative=-1` | | `CTRL+SHIFT` | `PAGEDOWN` | `MoveTabRelative=1` | | `SHIFT` | `PAGEUP` | `ScrollByPage=-1` | | `SHIFT` | `PAGEDOWN` | `ScrollByPage=1` | | `ALT` | `9` | `ShowTabNavigator` | | `SUPER` | `r` | `ReloadConfiguration` | | `CTRL+SHIFT` | `R` | `ReloadConfiguration` | | `SUPER` | `h` | `HideApplication` (macOS only) | | `SUPER` | `k` | `ClearScrollback` | | `CTRL+SHIFT` | `K` | `ClearScrollback` | | `SUPER` | `f` | `Search={CaseSensitiveString=""}` | | `CTRL+SHIFT` | `F` | `Search={CaseSensitiveString=""}` | | `CTRL+SHIFT` | `X` | `ActivateCopyMode` | | `CTRL+SHIFT+ALT` | `"` | `SplitVertical={domain="CurrentPaneDomain"}` | | `CTRL+SHIFT+ALT` | `%` | `SplitHorizontal={domain="CurrentPaneDomain"}` | | `CTRL+SHIFT+ALT` | `LeftArrow` | `AdjustPaneSize={"Left", 1}` | | `CTRL+SHIFT+ALT` | `RightArrow` | `AdjustPaneSize={"Right", 1}` | | `CTRL+SHIFT+ALT` | `UpArrow` | `AdjustPaneSize={"Up", 1}` | | `CTRL+SHIFT+ALT` | `DownArrow` | `AdjustPaneSize={"Down", 1}` | | `CTRL+SHIFT` | `LeftArrow` | `ActivatePaneDirection="Left"` | | `CTRL+SHIFT` | `RightArrow` | `ActivatePaneDirection="Right"` | | `CTRL+SHIFT` | `UpArrow` | `ActivatePaneDirection="Up"` | | `CTRL+SHIFT` | `DownArrow` | `ActivatePaneDirection="Down"` | | `CTRL` | `Z` | `TogglePaneZoomState` | If you don't want the default assignments to be registered, you can disable all of them with this configuration; if you chose to do this, you must explicitly register every binding. ```lua return { disable_default_key_bindings = true, } ``` ## Default Mouse Assignments In the table below, `Triple Left Down` means that the left mouse button is being triple clicked and that the event matches the downstroke of the third quick consecutive press. `Triple Left Up` matches the subsequent release event of that triple click, so for a triple click both `SelectTextAtMouseCursor="Line"` and `CompleteSelection` will be triggered in that order. | Event | Modifiers | Action | | --------- | --- | ------ | | Triple Left Down | `NONE` | `SelectTextAtMouseCursor="Line"` | | Double Left Down | `NONE` | `SelectTextAtMouseCursor="Word"` | | Single Left Down | `NONE` | `SelectTextAtMouseCursor="Cell"` | | Single Left Down | `SHIFT` | `ExtendSelectionToMouseCursor={}` | | Single Left Up | `NONE` | `CompleteSelectionOrOpenLinkAtMouseCursor` | | Double Left Up | `NONE` | `CompleteSelection` | | Triple Left Up | `NONE` | `CompleteSelection` | | Single Left Drag | `NONE` | `ExtendSelectionToMouseCursor="Cell"` | | Double Left Drag | `NONE` | `ExtendSelectionToMouseCursor="Word"` | | Triple Left Drag | `NONE` | `ExtendSelectionToMouseCursor="Line"` | | Single Middle Down | `NONE` | `Paste` | If you don't want the default assignments to be registered, you can disable all of them with this configuration; if you chose to do this, you must explicitly register every binding. ```lua return { disable_default_mouse_bindings = true, } ``` ## Configuring Mouse Assignments *since: 20200607-144723-74889cd4* You can define mouse actions using the `mouse_bindings` configuration section: ```lua local wezterm = require 'wezterm'; return { mouse_bindings = { -- Right click sends "woot" to the terminal { event={Down={streak=1, button="Right"}}, mods="NONE", action=wezterm.action{SendString="woot"} }, -- Change the default click behavior so that it only selects -- text and doesn't open hyperlinks { event={Up={streak=1, button="Left"}}, mods="NONE", action="CompleteSelection", }, -- and make CTRL-Click open hyperlinks { event={Up={streak=1, button="Left"}}, mods="CTRL", action="OpenLinkAtMouseCursor", }, }, } ``` The `action` and `mods` portions are described in more detail in the key assignment information below. The `event` portion has three components; * Whether it is a `Down`, `Up` or `Drag` event * The number of consecutive clicks within the click threshold (the *click streak*) * The mouse button; `Left`, `Right`, or `Middle`. A double click is a `down-up-down` sequence where either the second button down is held for long enough or is released and no subsequent down event occurs within the click threshold. When recognized, it emits a `Down` event with `streak=2`. If the mouse is moved while the button is held, a `Drag` event with `streak=2` is generated. When the mouse button is released an `Up` event with `streak=2` is generated. The mouse event recognizer supports an arbitrary click streak, so if you wanted quadruple-click bindings you can specify `streak=4`. | Event | Lua Representation | | ----------------- | ------------------- | | Triple Left Down | `event={Down={streak=3, button="Left"}}` | | Double Left Up | `event={Up={streak=2, button="Left"}}` | | Single Left Drag | `event={Drag={streak=1, button="Left"}}` | ## Configuring Key Assignments These can be overridden using the `keys` section in your `~/.wezterm.lua` config file. For example, you can disable a default assignment like this: ```lua local wezterm = require 'wezterm'; return { keys = { -- Turn off the default CMD-m Hide action on macOS by making it -- send the empty string instead of hiding the window {key="m", mods="CMD", action="Nop"} } } ``` The `key` value can be one of the following keycode identifiers. Note that not all of these are meaningful on all platforms: `Hyper`, `Super`, `Meta`, `Cancel`, `Backspace`, `Tab`, `Clear`, `Enter`, `Shift`, `Escape`, `LeftShift`, `RightShift`, `Control`, `LeftControl`, `RightControl`, `Alt`, `LeftAlt`, `RightAlt`, `Menu`, `LeftMenu`, `RightMenu`, `Pause`, `CapsLock`, `PageUp`, `PageDown`, `End`, `Home`, `LeftArrow`, `RightArrow`, `UpArrow`, `DownArrow`, `Select`, `Print`, `Execute`, `PrintScreen`, `Insert`, `Delete`, `Help`, `LeftWindows`, `RightWindows`, `Applications`, `Sleep`, `Numpad0`, `Numpad1`, `Numpad2`, `Numpad3`, `Numpad4`, `Numpad5`, `Numpad6`, `Numpad7`, `Numpad8`, `Numpad9`, `Multiply`, `Add`, `Separator`, `Subtract`, `Decimal`, `Divide`, `NumLock`, `ScrollLock`, `BrowserBack`, `BrowserForward`, `BrowserRefresh`, `BrowserStop`, `BrowserSearch`, `BrowserFavorites`, `BrowserHome`, `VolumeMute`, `VolumeDown`, `VolumeUp`, `MediaNextTrack`, `MediaPrevTrack`, `MediaStop`, `MediaPlayPause`, `ApplicationLeftArrow`, `ApplicationRightArrow`, `ApplicationUpArrow`, `ApplicationDownArrow`. Alternatively, a single unicode character can be specified to indicate pressing the corresponding key. Possible Modifier labels are: * `SUPER`, `CMD`, `WIN` - these are all equivalent: on macOS the `Command` key, on Windows the `Windows` key, on Linux this can also be the `Super` or `Hyper` key. Left and right are equivalent. * `SHIFT` - The shift key. Left and right are equivalent. * `ALT`, `OPT`, `META` - these are all equivalent: on macOS the `Option` key, on other systems the `Alt` or `Meta` key. Left and right are equivalent. You can combine modifiers using the `|` symbol (eg: `"CMD|CTRL"`). # Available Actions See the [`KeyAssignment` reference](lua/keyassignment/ for information on available actions.