mirror of https://github.com/wez/wezterm.git synced 2024-12-28 07:55:03 +03:00
Wez Furlong 3f6ff534d3 windows: fix lingering cmd.exe panes
Since removing the regular periodic background tasks, we're now
prone to not noticing child processes exiting.

This commit explicictly schedules a thread to do that on Windows
so that we can close a tab as soon as it exits.
2021-05-28 15:11:29 -07:00

325 lines
10 KiB

//! This module implements a remote pty via ssh2.
//! While it offers a `PtySystem` implementation on the `SshSession`
//! struct, we don't include ssh in `PtySystemSelection` because
//! there is a non-trivial amount of setup that is required to
//! initiate a connection somewhere and to authenticate that session
//! before we can get to a point where `openpty` will be able to run.
use crate::{Child, CommandBuilder, ExitStatus, MasterPty, PtyPair, PtySize, PtySystem, SlavePty};
use filedescriptor::{AsRawSocketDescriptor, POLLIN};
use ssh2::{Channel, Session};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::io::Result as IoResult;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::sync::{Arc, Condvar, Mutex};
/// Represents a pty channel within a session.
struct SshPty {
channel: Channel,
/// The size that we last set; we need to remember it in order to
/// return it via `get_size`.
size: PtySize,
/// The internal state that tracks the ssh session.
/// It owns the Session and indirectly owns the Channel instances.
/// The ownership is important: both must be protected by the same
/// mutable borrow in order to respect the threading model of libssh2.
/// We do so by ensuring that a Mutex wraps SessionInner.
struct SessionInner {
session: Session,
ptys: HashMap<usize, SshPty>,
next_channel_id: usize,
term: String,
/// an instance of SshReader owns the wait for read and subsequent
/// wakeup broadcast
waiting_for_read: bool,
struct SessionHolder {
locked_inner: Mutex<SessionInner>,
read_waiters: Condvar,
// An anemic impl of Debug to satisfy some indirect trait bounds
impl std::fmt::Debug for SessionInner {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> {
.field("next_channel_id", &self.next_channel_id)
/// The `SshSession` struct wraps an `ssh2::Session` instance.
/// The session is expected to have been pre-connected and pre-authenticated
/// by the calling the application.
/// Once established and wrapped into an `SshSession`, the `SshSession`
/// implements the `PtySystem` trait and exposes the `openpty` function
/// that can be used to return a remote pty via ssh.
pub struct SshSession {
inner: Arc<SessionHolder>,
impl SshSession {
/// Wrap an `ssh2::Session` in such a way that we can safely map it
/// into the `portable-pty` object model.
/// The `ssh2::Session` must be pre-connected (eg: `ssh2::Session::handshake`
/// must have been successfully completed) and pre-authenticated so that
/// internal calls made to `ssh2::Channel::exec` can be made.
/// The `term` parameter specifies the term name for the remote host in
/// the case that a pty needs to be allocated.
pub fn new(session: Session, term: &str) -> Self {
Self {
inner: Arc::new(SessionHolder {
locked_inner: Mutex::new(SessionInner {
ptys: HashMap::new(),
next_channel_id: 1,
term: term.to_string(),
waiting_for_read: false,
read_waiters: Condvar::new(),
impl PtySystem for SshSession {
fn openpty(&self, size: PtySize) -> anyhow::Result<PtyPair> {
let mut inner = self.inner.locked_inner.lock().unwrap();
let mut channel = inner.session.channel_session()?;
let id = {
let id = inner.next_channel_id;
inner.next_channel_id += 1;
inner.ptys.insert(id, SshPty { channel, size });
let pty = PtyHandle {
inner: Arc::clone(&self.inner),
Ok(PtyPair {
slave: Box::new(SshSlave { pty: pty.clone() }),
master: Box::new(SshMaster { pty }),
/// Represents a handle to a Channel
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct PtyHandle {
id: usize,
inner: Arc<SessionHolder>,
impl PtyHandle {
/// Acquire the session mutex and then perform a lambda on the Channel
fn with_channel<R, F: FnMut(&mut Channel) -> R>(&self, mut f: F) -> R {
let mut inner = self.inner.locked_inner.lock().unwrap();
f(&mut inner.ptys.get_mut(&self.id).unwrap().channel)
/// Acquire the session mutex and then perform a lambda on the SshPty
fn with_pty<R, F: FnMut(&mut SshPty) -> R>(&self, mut f: F) -> R {
let mut inner = self.inner.locked_inner.lock().unwrap();
f(&mut inner.ptys.get_mut(&self.id).unwrap())
struct SshMaster {
pty: PtyHandle,
impl Write for SshMaster {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, std::io::Error> {
self.pty.with_channel(|channel| channel.write(buf))
fn flush(&mut self) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
self.pty.with_channel(|channel| channel.flush())
impl MasterPty for SshMaster {
fn resize(&self, size: PtySize) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
self.pty.with_pty(|pty| {
pty.size = size;
fn get_size(&self) -> anyhow::Result<PtySize> {
Ok(self.pty.with_pty(|pty| pty.size))
fn try_clone_reader(&self) -> anyhow::Result<Box<dyn std::io::Read + Send>> {
Ok(Box::new(SshReader {
pty: self.pty.clone(),
fn try_clone_writer(&self) -> anyhow::Result<Box<dyn std::io::Write + Send>> {
Ok(Box::new(SshMaster {
pty: self.pty.clone(),
fn process_group_leader(&self) -> Option<libc::pid_t> {
// N/A: there is no local process
struct SshSlave {
pty: PtyHandle,
impl SlavePty for SshSlave {
fn spawn_command(&self, cmd: CommandBuilder) -> anyhow::Result<Box<dyn Child + Send + Sync>> {
self.pty.with_channel(|channel| {
for (key, val) in cmd.iter_env_as_str() {
if let Err(err) = channel.setenv(key, val) {
// Depending on the server configuration, a given
// setenv request may not succeed, but that doesn't
// prevent the connection from being set up.
log::error!("ssh: setenv {}={} failed: {}", key, val, err);
if cmd.is_default_prog() {
} else {
let command = cmd.as_unix_command_line()?;
let child: Box<dyn Child + Send + Sync> = Box::new(SshChild {
pty: self.pty.clone(),
struct SshChild {
pty: PtyHandle,
impl Child for SshChild {
fn try_wait(&mut self) -> IoResult<Option<ExitStatus>> {
let mut lock = self.pty.inner.locked_inner.try_lock();
if let Ok(ref mut inner) = lock {
let ssh_pty = inner.ptys.get_mut(&self.pty.id).unwrap();
if ssh_pty.channel.eof() {
ssh_pty.channel.exit_status()? as u32,
} else {
} else {
fn kill(&mut self) -> IoResult<()> {
self.pty.with_channel(|channel| channel.send_eof())?;
fn wait(&mut self) -> IoResult<ExitStatus> {
self.pty.with_channel(|channel| {
Ok(ExitStatus::with_exit_code(channel.exit_status()? as u32))
fn process_id(&self) -> Option<u32> {
fn as_raw_handle(&self) -> Option<std::os::windows::io::RawHandle> {
struct SshReader {
pty: PtyHandle,
impl Read for SshReader {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, std::io::Error> {
loop {
let mut inner = self.pty.inner.locked_inner.lock().unwrap();
let res = inner.ptys.get_mut(&self.pty.id).unwrap().channel.read(buf);
match res {
Ok(size) => return Ok(size),
Err(err) => match err.kind() {
std::io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => {}
_ => return Err(err),
// No data available for this channel, so we'll wait.
// If we're the first SshReader to do this, we'll perform the
// OS level poll() call for ourselves, otherwise we'll block
// on the condvar
if inner.waiting_for_read {
} else {
let socket = inner.session.as_socket_descriptor();
// We own waiting for read
inner.waiting_for_read = true;
// Unlock and wait
let mut pfd = [filedescriptor::pollfd {
fd: socket,
events: POLLIN,
revents: 0,
filedescriptor::poll(&mut pfd, None).ok();
// re-acquire the lock to release our ownership of the poll
// and to wake up the others
let mut inner = self.pty.inner.locked_inner.lock().unwrap();
inner.waiting_for_read = false;
// Wake all readers and we'll all race to read our next
// iteration