Add usage instructions

This commit is contained in:
~wicrum-wicrun 2023-02-16 14:15:32 +01:00
parent 24de4c8649
commit 2cd3f731d7

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@ -1,20 +1,98 @@
:: SSS is intended to function as a *state replication system*. Agent A has a
:: piece of mutable state it wants to make available to its subscribers, and
:: the subscribers should be able to keep in sync with minimal work.
:: There exist two obvious solutions to this problem. First, Agent A could send
:: out the entire state every time it changes, but this is obviously wasteful.
:: The more efficient solution is for A to only send out instructions on how to
:: *update* the state, but then any subscribed Agent B has to manually
:: interpret these, update its own state, and risk getting some detail wrong.
:: Even if this is done correctly, reimplementing this common pattern in many
:: agents is obviously both wasting wetware and cluttering codebases.
:: SSS is how we plan to implement the second solution in kernelspece, reducing
:: code overhead, network load and memory usage at the same time. The prototype
:: library that this current agent demonstrates the usage of does not quite
:: achieve all of those things -- specifically there will be lots of
:: boilerplate -- but it does give us a chance to see how ergonomic this
:: programming is in practice.
:: In order to replicate a particular kind of state, we need a `lake`.
:: A `lake` is a polymorphic core of the shape:
:: |$ [rok wav]
:: |%
:: +$ rock rok
:: +$ wave wav
:: ++ wash |= [rok wav] *rok
:: ++ name *term
:: --
:: - `rock` is the type of the state to be replicated.
:: - `wave` is the type of the diff or "update instruction" that the
:: publisher emits every time it wants to update its published state.
:: - `wash` is a gate which takes an old state and a diff to a new state.
:: - `name` is not conceptually part of the `lake` but has to be there for this
:: prototype. It should be the name of the lake file.
:: NOTE: The publisher and all subscribers need to share the exact same `lake`!
:: In this demo, `lake`s are stored in /sur:
/- sum, log
:: We also import the sss library itself from /lib:
/+ verb, dbug, *sss
%- agent:dbug
%+ verb &
=/ sub-log (mk-subs log ,[%log @ ~])
:: In order to subscribe to a state, the agent declares the lake it wants to
:: use and on which paths the states of that shape can be received.
:: Here, the `log` lake will be used to manage states on the path `/log`:
=/ sub-log (mk-subs log ,[%log ~])
:: Note that the path is specified as a mold! This does not mean that you are
:: free to use molds that aren't path-shaped. Your agent will compile, but you
:: will get runtime errors and the library won't work.
:: Similarly, the `sum` lake will be used to manage states on paths starting
:: with `/sum`, e.g. `/sum/foo`, `/sum` or `/sum/foo/bar`.
=/ sub-sum (mk-subs sum ,[%sum *])
=/ pub-log (mk-pubs log ?([%log *] [%other-log ~]))
:: In order to publish a state, the agent makes the exact same declaration,
:: using a `lake` and a `path` expressed as a mold.
=/ pub-log (mk-pubs log ?([%log *] [%other-log ~])) ::NOTE $? can be used!
=/ pub-sum (mk-pubs sum ,[%sum %foo ~])
:: Note that these paths aren't exactly identical to the ones used for
:: subscriptions! There is no requirement that the publisher and the subscriber
:: will share the full set of paths, just that they overlap on at least one.
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
da-sub-log =/ da (da log ,[%log @ ~])
:: The data structures created above are managed using two cores. For
:: subscriptions there's `da` and for publications there's `du`.
:: `da` and `du` need to be initialized in two steps.
:: First, you monomorphize their types, using the same arguments as when
:: the data structures above were created.
:: Second, you call them as a door, with the following sample:
:: - the data structure they should manage (the ones from above),
:: - your agent's bowl
:: - two types (for `da`) or one type (for `du`) that they can't create
:: themselves (due to wetness).
da-sub-log =/ da (da log ,[%log ~])
~(. da sub-log bowl -:!>(*result:da) -:!>(*from:da))
da-sub-sum =/ da (da sum ,[%sum *])
da-sub-sum =/ da (da sum ,[%sum *])
~(. da sub-sum bowl -:!>(*result:da) -:!>(*from:da))
du-pub-log =/ du (du log ?([%log *] [%other-log ~]))
@ -24,57 +102,165 @@
~(. du pub-sum bowl -:!>(*result:du))
++ on-init `this
:: Any subscriptions and publications you want to maintain need to be managed
:: in `+on-save` and `+on-load`:
++ on-save !>([sub-log sub-sum pub-log pub-sum])
++ on-load _`this
:: |= =vase
:: =/ old !<([=_sub-log =_sub-sum =_pub-log =_pub-sum] vase)
:: `this(sub-log sub-log.old, sub-sum.old, pub-log pub-log.old)
++ on-load
|= =vase
=/ old !<([=_sub-log =_sub-sum =_pub-log =_pub-sum] vase)
:- ~
%= this
sub-log sub-log.old
sub-sum sub-sum.old
pub-log pub-log.old
pub-sum pub-sum.old
:: Most of the magic happens in `+on-poke`. The SSS library will give your
:: agent pokes with the following marks:
:: - %sss-on-rock
:: Received whenever a state you're subscribed to has updated.
:: - %sss-to-pub
:: Information to be handled by a du-core (i.e. a publication).
:: - %sss-<lake> (e.g. %sss-log or %sss-sum)
:: Information to be handled by a da-core (i.e. a subscription).
:: We will go through all of these below.
:: In this example agent, there are also several pokes that simply make the
:: agent do things like open a subscription or reclaim memory used by a
:: publication. Normally, these would be used wherever you need them, but here
:: they're gathered in `+on-poke` because it allows triggering them from the
:: dojo. These marks are arbitrary and unimportant, but we'll go through the
:: functions that they trigger.
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card:agent:gall _this)
:: First of all, both `da` and `du` have arms called `+read`. These are used
:: to get the current states you are aware of at different paths.
:: For `+read:da`, the type is `(map [ship dude path] [fail=? rock:lake])`,
:: where:
:: - `ship` is the ship the state is coming from,
:: - `dude` is the agent the state is coming from,
:: - `path` is the path the state is coming on -- specifically, it will be of
:: the path-as-mold that was passed to `da`,
:: - `fail` indicates whether we crashed while processing the latest state
:: update, and
:: - `rock:lake` is the current state.
:: For `+read:du`, the type is `(map path rock:lake)`, where:
:: - `path` is the path the state is published on -- again, it will be of the
:: path-as-mold that was passed to `du`,
:: - `rock:lake` is the current state we have published.
:: Here, for example:
:: - `read:da-sub-sum` is of type `(map [ship dude [%sum *]] [? rock:sum])`
:: - `read:du-pub-log` is of type `(map ?([%log *] [%other-log ~]) rock:log)`
~& >> "sub-log was: {<read:da-sub-log>}"
~& >> "pub-log was: {<read:du-pub-log>}"
~& >> "sub-sum was: {<read:da-sub-sum>}"
~& >> "pub-sum was: {<read:du-pub-sum>}"
?- mark
%noun `this
?+ mark `this
:: Here we use `+give:du` to publish a wave through the `sum`-publication,
:: using the only possible path, `/sum/foo`. Think of this as analogous to
:: current `[%give %fact paths cage]` cards.
=^ cards pub-sum (give:du-pub-sum !<([[%sum %foo ~] @ud] vase))
~& > "pub-sum is: {<read:du-pub-sum>}"
[cards this]
:: Here we also use `+give:du`, but on the `log`-publication.
=^ cards pub-log (give:du-pub-log !<([?([%log *] [%other-log ~]) cord] vase))
=^ cards pub-log
(give:du-pub-log !<([?([%log *] [%other-log ~]) cord] vase))
~& > "pub-log is: {<read:du-pub-log>}"
[cards this]
:: This uses `+surf:da` to open a new `log`-subscription. The head of the
:: sample is the ship to subscribe to, followed by the agent and then finally
:: the path, which must nest under the paths passed to `da`.
:_ this
~[(surf:da-sub-log !<(@p (slot 2 vase)) %simple !<([%log @ ~] (slot 3 vase)))]
~[(surf:da-sub-log !<(@p (slot 2 vase)) %simple !<([%log ~] (slot 3 vase)))]
:: This again uses `+surf:da` but on a `sum`-subscription.
:_ this
~[(surf:da-sub-sum !<(@p (slot 2 vase)) %simple !<([%sum *] (slot 3 vase)))]
:: This uses `+rule:du` in order to set a new retention policy for a state
:: published on a particular path. The arguments here are:
:: 1. The path,
:: 2. `rocks=@ud`, the maximum number of extra rocks should be kept,
:: 3. `waves=@ud`, how many waves should pass before a new rock is made.
:: Calling `+rule:du` will *immediately* delete superfluous rocks/waves, and
:: if applicable, make a new snapshot at the current aeon.
:: For example, if we previously had 5 rocks stored and 10 waves had passed
:: since the previous rock and set the new policy to `[1 2]`, we would create
:: a new rock at the current aeon, and then delete all the old rocks except
:: for the most recent one. All the waves prior to that rock would also be
:: deleted. Then, once two new waves have been given on that same path, a new
:: rock will be created, and the the oldest one would be deleted, leaving
:: only the rocks that were created after the new retention policy was
:: enacted.
:: Setting `waves=0` means "don't generate rocks". Note that this does not
:: imply that there won't be any rocks stored! We might have had a different
:: rule earlier, and removed old waves, so that when we switched to this
:: rule, we still needed to keep an old rock in order to allow any new
:: subscribers to get up to date.
:: Similarly, setting `rocks=0` means that there will be zero *extra* rocks.
:: There may always be one rock stored, to allow new subscribers to catch up.
=. pub-log (rule:du-pub-log !<($%([[%log *] @ud @ud] [[%other-log ~] @ud @ud]) vase))
=. pub-log
(rule:du-pub-log !<($%([[%log *] @ud @ud] [[%other-log ~] @ud @ud]) vase))
~& > "pub-log is: {<read:du-pub-log>}"
:: Same as above, but for `sum`.
=. pub-sum (rule:du-pub-sum !<([[%sum %foo ~] @ud @ud] vase))
~& > "pub-sum is: {<read:du-pub-sum>}"
:: Here, we use `+wipe:du` to completely clear out old waves and rocks. Only
:: the most recent rock is kept.
=. pub-log (wipe:du-pub-log !<(?([%log *] [%other-log ~]) vase))
~& > "pub-log is: {<read:du-pub-log>}"
:: Below is one of the marks that the SSS library will poke your agent with.
:: Specifically, an agent will get poked with this mark when a state it's
:: subscribed to changes. It's not strictly necessary to handle this, but
:: if you don't, the `fail` flag in `+read:da` will be `%.y`.
:: To handle these pokes, you need to do two things:
:: 1. Run `+fled` on the incoming vase, and pass it to `!<`,
:: 2. using a mold that's constructed as a tagged union ($%) of all your
:: subscriptions' on-rock molds, accessed using `$from:da`.
:: This will give you a cell whose head will be the path that the state is
:: available on, and whose tail is
:: `[src=ship from=dude =rock:lake wave=(unit wave:lake)]`
:: Most of these should be self-explanatory. The `$wave:lake` is wrapped in
:: a `unit` because if the agent is starting from a snapshot, there won't be
:: a `$wave` available.
?- msg=!<($%(from:da-sub-log from:da-sub-sum) (fled vase))
[[%log * ~] *]
[[%log ~] *]
~? ?=(^ rock.msg)
"last message from {<from.msg>} on {<src.msg>} is {<,.-.rock.msg>}"
?< ?=([%crash *] rock.msg)
@ -85,6 +271,18 @@
~& "sum from {<from.msg>} on {<src.msg>} is 42" ::NOTE src.msg not src.bowl!
:: Below is the `%sss-to-pub` poke, which any agent that uses the SSS library
:: *must* handle *without* crashing in order for the library to function.
:: THIS IS PURE BOILERPLATE. Do not do anything interesting here.
:: The things you need to do are as follows:
:: 1. Run `+fled` on the incoming vase, and pass it to `!<`,
:: 2. using a mold that's constructed as a tagged union ($%) of all your
:: publications' command molds, accessed using `$indo:du`.
:: 3. Branch on the head of the resulting message and pass the result to the
:: appropriate `+apply:du` gate, and use `=^` to update the relevant state
:: as well as gathering resulting cards. Return these cards and your agent.
?- msg=!<($%(into:du-pub-log into:du-pub-sum) (fled vase))
@ -97,20 +295,47 @@
[cards this]
?- msg=!<($%(into:da-sub-log into:da-sub-sum) (fled vase))
[[%log * ~] *]
=^ cards sub-log (apply:da-sub-log msg)
~& > "sub-log is: {<read:da-sub-log>}"
[cards this]
[[%sum *] *]
=^ cards sub-sum (apply:da-sub-sum msg)
~& > "sub-sum is: {<read:da-sub-sum>}"
[cards this]
:: Below are the %sss-<lake> pokes, mentioned above. In our case, these are
:: %sss-log and %sss-sum. Again, these *must* be handled properly for the
:: SSS library to function properly, and are and should be pure boilerplate.
:: %sss-sum is explained below, but %sss-log is completely analogous.
=^ cards sub-log (apply:da-sub-log !<(into:da-sub-log (fled vase)))
~& > "sub-log is: {<read:da-sub-log>}"
[cards this]
:: We handle %sss-sum in the following way:
:: 1. Run `+fled` on the incoming vase, and pass it to `!<`,
:: 2. using the `$into:da` mold of the `da` core that was initialized with
:: the `sum` lake.
:: 3. Pass the result to the appropriate `+apply:da` gate, and use `=^` to
:: update the `sub-sum` state, as well as gathering resulting cards.
:: Return these cards and your agent.
=^ cards sub-sum (apply:da-sub-sum !<(into:da-sub-sum (fled vase)))
~& > "sub-sum is: {<read:da-sub-sum>}"
[cards this]
:: Apart from `+on-poke`, the SSS library also uses `+on-agent` to keep track
:: of when the agent failed to handle an `%sss-on-rock` poke. Essentially,
:: whenever a new state is received, the library causes the agent to poke
:: itself with an `%sss-on-rock` poke, and if that gives back a nack, it will
:: update the failure flag of that rock to `%.y`.
:: The acks from `%sss-on-rock` pokes will come over wires shaped like:
:: //sss/on-rock/[aeon]/[ship]/[dude]/[path] (the leading `//` means that the
:: head of the wire is `~`). As a developer you don't need to care about the
:: elements in the middle, only that there are three of them. The thing you do
:: need to do is the branch on the path if you have several types of
:: subscriptions, to determine which of the `da` cores you should use.
:: Once you've branched on the path, strip the first three elements of the wire
:: using `|3` and pass it to `+chit:da` and update the data structure for the
:: corresponding subscription with the result. Return a quip with no cards.
++ on-agent
|= [=wire =sign:agent:gall]
^- (quip card:agent:gall _this)
@ -118,7 +343,7 @@
?~ p.sign `this
%- (slog u.p.sign)
?+ wire `this
[~ %sss %on-rock @ @ @ %log @ ~]
[~ %sss %on-rock @ @ @ %log ~]
=. sub-log (chit:da-sub-log |3:wire sign)
~& > "sub-log is: {<read:da-sub-log>}"
@ -128,12 +353,20 @@
~& > "sub-sum is: {<read:da-sub-sum>}"
:: Finally, the SSS library also uses `+on-arvo` to keep track of behn timers.
:: The wires here look very similar to the ones in `+on-agent`, but since both
:: subscriptions and publications use timers, there's an extra element in the
:: wire, indicating whether you should dispatch to `+behn:da` or `+behn:du`.
:: Since there's an extra element, you also need to strip four elements instead
:: of three, so use `|4`.
++ on-arvo
|= [=wire sign=sign-arvo]
^- (quip card:agent:gall _this)
?+ wire `this
[~ %sss %sub %behn @ @ @ %sum *] [(behn:da-sub-sum |4:wire) this]
[~ %sss %sub %behn @ @ @ %log @ ~] [(behn:da-sub-log |4:wire) this]
[~ %sss %sub %behn @ @ @ %sum *] [(behn:da-sub-sum |4:wire) this]
[~ %sss %sub %behn @ @ @ %log ~] [(behn:da-sub-log |4:wire) this]
[~ %sss %pub %behn @ @ @ %sum %foo ~]
`this(pub-sum (behn:du-pub-sum |4:wire))