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Solid-state subscriptions

This is a prototype of solid-state subscriptions/publications, which is the suggested path to subscription reform. The prototype is implemented in userspace and has fairly limited functionality -- the intention is only to gather feedback from real-world agents on how ergonomic this programming model actually is in practice.

If something seems wrong, dumb, or just overly tedious, it might be an error, but it could also be intentionally stripped down to allow us to focus on the core issues. But please give me feedback on everything anyway! Barring significant negative feedback, the core programming model used inside agents is expected to be refined but not fundamentally changed, so now is your chance.

Below follows a description of how the current prototype is used, as well as a discussion on how SSS is likely to evolve.

The big picture

(Skip this if you already know what and why SSS is.)

SSS is intended to function as a state replication system. Agent A has a piece of mutable state it wants to make available to its subscribers, and the subscribers should be able to keep in sync with minimal work.

There exist two obvious solutions to this problem. First, Agent A could achieve this by sending out the entire state every time it changes, but this is obviously wasteful in most cases.

The more efficient solution is for A to only send out instructions on how to update the state, but then any subscribed Agent B has to manually interpret these, update its own state, and risk getting some detail wrong. Even if this is done correctly, reimplementing this common pattern in many many agents is obviously both wasting wetware and cluttering codebases.

SSS is how we plan to implement the second solution in kernelspece, reducing code overhead, network load and memory usage at the same time.


To use this prototype, define a core of the type $agent:sss and pass it to the gate +mk-agent:sss. An $agent:sss is very similar to a normal $agent:gall, and we will go through the differences below, but for reference the complete definition is available in /lib/sss/hoon.

There exists a very simple $agent:sss called %simple in /app/simple/hoon that we will use as an example throughout this explanation.

Interface declaration: $lake

In order for your agent to be able to publish or subscribe to anything, the SSS system needs two interface declaration cores, one for incoming subscriptions and one for outgoing publications. Ideally these should be referenced kind of like marks, but currently they are simply arguments to +sss:

/+  sss
^-  agent:gall
=/  sss  (sss <outgoing-interface-core> <incoming-interface-core>)
%-  mk-agent:sss
^-  agent:sss
<your agent here>

Both of these cores need to have the type $lake (found in /sur/sss/hoon), and we will walk through their arms below.

Outgoing publications

Here is %simple's outgoing interface, which declares a simple reverse-order append-only text log:

++  out
  +$  rock  (list cord)
  +$  wave  cord
  ++  wash
    |=  [rok=rock wav=wave]
    ^+  rok
    [wav rok]

Let's take it arm by arm:

  • The $rock is the type of the state that the agent makes available on its publications. Note that the agent never publishes this manually, instead it is initially bunted, and later possibly snapshotted, by the SSS system.
  • The $wave is the type of the diff or message that the agent emits every time it wants to update the published $rock.
  • +wash is a transition function, i.e. a gate used by the SSS system to get the next $rock. Note that the agent never calls this manually.

Again, the only part of this that the publishing agent will ever touch directly is the $wave. Its only job is to %give new $waves, like so:

[%give %wave /foo/bar 'hello world!']

The SSS system then takes care of distributing these and any relevant $rock snapshots to all subscribing agents, which are expected to have matching $lake interfaces on their ends to interpret the incoming information.

Incoming subscriptions

To receive $waves such as the one above, the subscribing agent has to %pass a %surf task to its SSS system, like so:

[%pass /start/surf %agent [~sampel-palnet %simple] %surf /foo/bar]

This will cause the subscriber to request new $waves as they are published on the path /foo/bar.

Incoming interface declaration

Merely subscribing isn't enough, however. The agent also needs an interface which knows how to handle the data that it receives. Just as with outgoing publications, this is done using a $lake core:

++  in
  +$  rock
    $%  [[%foo %bar ~] (list cord)]
  +$  wave
    $%  [[%foo %bar ~] cord]
  ++  wash
    |=  [rok=rock wav=wave]
    ^+  rok
    ?>  =(-.rok -.wav)
    [-.rok [+.wav +.rok]]

(You may wonder why the head of the tuples in $% are cells instead of atoms. This is actually something that Hoon already supports, it's just not widely documented. It works as one would expect.)

The cell that we're using as a tag in the $% is [%foo %bar ~], or put differently: /foo/bar. The intention here is to include the $path that we expect data on in the interface declaration. The specific way that we do this here is pretty bad (see e.g. the bureaucracy in +wash) and the syntax could certainly be better, but this general practice is intended to continue and should eventually be used for outgoing publications as well.

But except for the inclusion of paths, both +in and +out represent the same type of state: a reverse-order append-only text log. Using +in, the subscribing agent can accept incoming data in a new arm called +on-rock:

++  on-rock
  |=  [dud=dude:gall rok=rock:in wav=(unit wave:in)]
  ?-    -.rok
      [%foo %bar ~]
    ~&  >  "ship {<src.bowl>}, agent {<dud>}, path {<`path`-.rok>}:"
    ~?  >  ?=(^ wav)  "received wave {<+.u.wav>}"
    ~&  >  "rock is now {<+.rok>}"

Note that since $rock:in and $wave:in are defined using $% where the head tag is the path, once we've confirmed the path using ?-, it isn't necessary to use !< to extract the incoming data from a $vase -- the typed value is available directly!

In the sample, rok was most likely generated automatically by the subscriber's SSS system by running (wash prev-rock wave). If this is the case, wav will be [~ wave]. But in some cases, the subscriber may not be able to get up to date by simply downloading $waves, but instead has to request a snapshot $rock from the publisher, and then use all subsequent waves to catch up. When this happens, the first $rock in that sequence will not be accompanied by any wave, which means that wav will be ~.

Multiple subscriptions

We could also expand +in to handle other types of incoming subscriptions on other paths, by giving the $% multiple children instead of just one. For example:

+$  wave
  $%  [[%foo %bar ~] cord]
      [[%baz ~] @ud]

Of course, $rock:in would have to be modified in an analogous way and +wash:in would have to deal with the different cases separately. Both of these are further reasons for why this particular interface declaration format isn't ideal.

But note that at the moment, there can only be one outgoing publication state type, i.e. even though the agent can publish different states on many different paths, all of these states have to be of the same type. This is obviously not enough for many real-world use cases, but given that the current interface declaration format isn't expected to remain, support for multiple state types hasn't been a priority. Let me know if you really need this to test your agent!

State replication

So far, the subscriber has only had access to the replicated state in the +on-rock arm, and the publisher has never had access to it. State is supposed to be always available, so this is clearly insufficient. We solve this by putting two maps containing all the incoming and outgoing states in the agent's sample:

^-  agent:sss
|_  [=bowl:gall pub=(map path rock:out) sub=(map [ship dude:gall path] rock:in)]
++  on-init

This means that any state that SSS handles, no agents will have to. This decouples code from data and is one important step towards purely functional agents.

Subscribing to subpaths

Let's say we have the following $wave as part of the incoming interface for a chat application:

+$  wave
  $%  [[%chats ~] @p @da cord]

This is quite restrictive. Since the path in the type is declared explicitly and statically, we can only ever subscribe to a single path, /chats. We can make it possible to subscribe to dynamic paths while maintaining a static interface declaration by changing the terminator from ~ to *:

+$  wave
  $%  [[%chats *] @p @da cord]

This would enable the agent to subscribe to /chats, /chats/chat-1, /chats/chat-2, /chats/chat-1/subchat-1 and so on. These would all be handled using the same $lake interface, but would still appear as completely distinct states in +on-rock and the map in the agent's sample.

Evolution of SSS
